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 Jun 2018 cleann98
 Jun 2018 cleann98
The greatest suffering
Isn't the suffering itself
But the pain that comes
When it ends
And we know not
Who we are without it
 Jun 2018 cleann98
In Memory
 Jun 2018 cleann98
As the sun sinks under the horizon 
My mind still remains hidden in
Scattered pieces of my thoughts 
Lay in disarray
so far away
And I stand, I stand here in memory 
In memory of you 

From the first day 
That I saw your eyes
To the last day where 
I found you dying 
Underneath perpetual 
I still wonder to this day
If I could have it any other way 

Saturdays sin is washed away
By Sundays grace
Yet I can still feel your skin
I can still see your face 
No matter how hard I try
My heart burdens me with 
The memories of you 
The memories of you
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Leia R
stranger's bedroom
stranger's house
familiar kisses
from a stranger's mouth

 Jun 2018 cleann98
Leia R
and every year it seems that i lose my heart to different people with the same intentions

 Jun 2018 cleann98
Leia R
if i had a second heart i'd fall for you twice
because having just one broken heart
doesn't feel quite as nice

 Jun 2018 cleann98
Leia R
i've had a few too many and
i miss you all too much

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