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 Apr 2019 cleann98
 Apr 2019 cleann98
Some days I find myself looking at the world with such wonder...
I admire the beauty of nature and the peaceful silence that welcomes me, the birds chirping, stream trickling, natures music...
The simplest kind...
Other days I find myself seeing the world through fogged eyes...
My mind blurred by the negative...
Yet I still keep a smile on my face and it seems like I'm never bothered by the bad...
But it creeps its way into my life sending my brain spiraling down, deep into the dark abyss...
Those days are where I'm at my lowest..
I don't hear natures music or feel the comfort of its silence...
 Apr 2019 cleann98
Anne Scintilla
Beauty in strength
flourish through catastrophes:
divide, conquer, bloom .
here's for persistently trying, for persistently moving forward, for persistently growing in places where we're not supposed to be.

 Apr 2019 cleann98
Shi Em
 Apr 2019 cleann98
Shi Em
it's hard knowing that
i'll wake up tomorrow
wanting the day to end
 Apr 2019 cleann98
Seazy Inkwell
Melodious, luminous

a small plumage of sounds

Found you, fond of you

The first string laid across the back of Spring, you sing

till my eyes grow rusted and my limbs frost with moss, 

you perch still upon the branches of my broken fingers,

missing not a beat, a note, a loss.


Sing for this sunken world continuously,

my one and only
Max Richter - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, 1. Spring
Today I learned I alone I'm responsible for my emotions, the only one who cannot let go.

Hope is a strange invention—
A Patent of the Heart—
In unremitting action
Yet never wearing out—

Of this electric Adjunct
Not anything is known
But its unique momentum
Embellish all we own—

Oh Sumptuous moment
Slower go
That I may gloat on thee—
’Twill never be the same to starve
Now I abundance see—

Which was to famish, then or now—
The difference of Day
Ask him unto the Gallows led—
With morning in the sky—

Death is the supple Suitor
That wins at last—
It is a stealthy Wooing
Conducted first
By pallid innuendoes
And dim approach
But brave at last with Bugles
And a bisected Coach
It bears away in triumph
To Troth unknown
And Kindred as responsive
As Porcelain.

The Dying need but little, Dear,
A Glass of Water’s all,
A Flower’s unobtrusive Face
To punctuate the Wall,

A Fan, perhaps, a Friend’s Regret
And Certainty that one
No color in the Rainbow
Perceive, when you are gone.

If I should die,
And you should live—
And time should gurgle on—
And morn should beam—
And noon should burn—
As it has usual done—
If Birds should build as early
And Bees as bustling go—
One might depart at option
From enterprise below!
’Tis sweet to know that stocks will stand
When we with Daisies lie—
That Commerce will continue—
And Trades as briskly fly—
It makes the parting tranquil
And keeps the soul serene—
That gentlemen so sprightly
Conduct the pleasing scene!

Sometimes with the Heart
Seldom with the Soul
Scarcer once with the Might
Few—love at all.
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