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 Jan 2016 Irene
Mishael Ward
Thank him for the highs
Thank him for the lows
Thank him for the yes
Thank him for the no's
Thank him when I'm happy
Thank him when I'm sad
Thank him in the good
Thank him in the bad
Thank him for his tests
Thank him for his love
Thank him for his truth
Thank him for his patience above
Thank Him for my story
Thank him for my triumph
Thank him for every morning...

Thank you God for blessing me with another day.
By: Mishael Ward ©
 Jan 2016 Irene
 Jan 2016 Irene
If I let you in
What would you think?
Would you see a person?
Would you see a thing?

If I showed to you
What was deep within
Would you shrink in fear?
Would you scorn the sin?

If I showed you my scars
Would you trace them like stars?
Would you laugh in derision-
Mock all my flaws?

If I opened my heart
Would you always be gentle?
Would you cradle it softly
And whisper “It’s beautiful”?

If I showed I was lonely
Would you show you were too?
Would you look past it all?
Would you tell me, “I love you”?
Thinking on characters of mine...
 Jan 2016 Irene
Strong girl
 Jan 2016 Irene
Strong girl,
you're not half as messed up
as you think

Strong girl,
you're a work in progress
but you're working
so that's fine

Strong girl
you'll figure out your problems at some point
but today
all you need
is to smile
 Jan 2016 Irene
Keep and guard your heart
with all vigilance
above all
that you guard
for out of it
flow the springs of Life.

Proverbs 4:23 Amplified
 Jan 2016 Irene
Ash Rose
This World
 Jan 2016 Irene
Ash Rose
It's so strange how you can be so close to someone
but they don't know you at all,
even though they think that they do!
And then you can be just as close to another
and they know your deepest struggles,
the secrets of your past and present.
Two friendships, two people,
but two completely different relationships:
one shallow, just on the surface,
the other deeper than anyone can imagine, penetrating your entire life.
 Jan 2016 Irene
Golden Girl
Given the thousands reason
to break down,
we all do break and crush
at some point of
our life.

Hopeless, useless & worthless
is what our life feels like
when the breakdown

But somehow we sleep
and go into deep sleep.
Next day, we get up
still plan our day ahead.

This is called hope
which is sometimes all
we need to
 Jan 2016 Irene
I've been thinking to much... someone help me.*
My mind is going crazy.
Everytime I stop thinking,
my demons attack me and
the silence kills me.
My thoughts leave scars
on my heart...
I can't prevent it from happening,
i'm a thinker
....I think to much
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