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 Jan 2016 Irene
 Jan 2016 Irene
Our relationship wasn't built to last
I didn't think you were "the one"
I had no dreams of a life in a big house

I just loved you with every ounce of me
For as long as you would let me

But now that you don't want my love
I don't know what to do with it

I hadn't looked for a future in you
But I hadn't planned for an end either

It was abrupt and it hurt
 Jan 2016 Irene
Alyssa Underwood
Thou hast seen my grieving heart
And hast not turned my soul away
But invited me, “Come closer.”
Ever near Thy heart to stay

Thou hast drawn me with Thy goodness
And encircled me with grace
Yea, bestowed such loving-kindness
And revealed to me Thy face
 Jan 2016 Irene
Saylor Kay
 Jan 2016 Irene
Saylor Kay
Soulmates aren't lovers
You dream when you sleep
Soulmates you fight with
While you dream
Soulmates aren't perfect
As some have you believe
Soulmates cause messes
That you have to clean
Soulmates are annoying
And drive you insane
Soulmates are friends
That will dance in the rain
Soulmates make you laugh
When tears fill your eyes
Soulmates don't always understand
Though they try

Soulmates are the ones who stay

They stay when you're down
They stay when you're up
They stay when you rock
And they stay when you ****
They stay when you love them
They stay when you don't
They stay when you're hurt
And need them the most
They stay in the end
After everyone's gone
They stay in the end
So you're never alone

Soulmates are the ones that stay
 Jan 2016 Irene
Thomas P Owens Sr
I am very tired
yet I have much work to do
I have yet to write of the child in me
that kept you close and made you smile
I have yet to write of the terror in me
that held life and death on a precariously short leash
I have yet to write of my love for you
though draining and awkward
was the love meant for this soul

Take me to where the light follows the waves to my feet
as she settles
behind the horizon
and I will write my final words
in the hours that remain
in the moments I have saved
in the grace of the setting Sun
 Jan 2016 Irene
Andrea Cherney
You're in my head, and now it's outta my hands.
And everything I do is for you.
 Jan 2016 Irene
Alyssa Underwood
Lord, let them see me as a fool
If only You’ll undo me
Take pride and self and rights away
But beckon me come to Thee

If failing is what humbles me
If falling is what breaks me
Then let me fall and fail and faint
Just come, possess and take me

You are the One my soul desires
There is none other for me
So bring the storms, the trials, the woes
For in those best I know Thee

You see the pain my heart requires
To mold and make me like Thee
So send the fires which please You most
I will not fear what strikes me

I trust Your goodness and Your grace
They shall not ever fail me
You hide my life safe in Your grasp
Though hell’s worst fiends assail me

You’ve chosen me as Your own child
A treasure ‘cause You found me
You’ve named me Your beloved bride
With glory You’ll soon crown me!
Smiling is not easy
Especially when you're weary
So I pretend to be happy
But my life became messy
Then I regret being ******
And said I am sorry
So now I"ll face reality
Then my life become bumpy
But in the end it became jolly
'Cause I accepted reality
I'm just a newbie here :)
 Jan 2016 Irene
 Jan 2016 Irene
Lips are some of the
fiercest gates to Hell
that I've ever seen.
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