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 Feb 2016 Irene
Star Gazer
My life is The Truman Show
I openly cry the nights away,
I openly admit I miss the one I love,
I openly admit my wrongs,
I openly weep tears of joy,
I openly say I hate myself,
I openly say I love myself,
I openly use tissues to caress my skin,
I openly wipe my tears away,
I openly know I don't sleep when I'm sad,
I openly admit to being sad,
I openly treasure the people i love,
I openly believe that fate is still around,
I openly admit I'm weak,
I openly admit I need others help
I openly admit I've been broken by people,
I openly admit I don't want to live at times,
I openly admit I probably won't be able to get over that one person,


My Life is a True Man Show.
And crying does not make me any less of a man.
 Feb 2016 Irene
before you **** yourself,
just remember
that there are
places you have not been
and things you have not seen.
and poems to awe
art to draw
fields to walk through,
people to talk to,
music to take in,
games to win,
and books to be read.

so why,
oh why
do you wish
to be dead?
it's your life
but the people
around you
get hurt too.
 Feb 2016 Irene
Today's HUMAN
 Feb 2016 Irene
A smile doesn't define,
the happiness in one's life,
some show, while others hide,
their emotions inside.

Evil evokes, humanity dies,
proves the wrong, right.
Rest, shut their eyes,
very few dare to fight.

People come and people go,
but if u wonder who are yours.
Those who love, wont let go,
and will accept you, with all your flaws.

We live a life, built on lies,
sorrows, all disguised.
Got no guilt, in our eyes,
but it's our happiness, that dies.
 Feb 2016 Irene
Why can't you see
The beauty that I do
I swear you're so amazing
In all that you do

But you focus on your flaws
Scratching yourself with your own claws
But I see someone special
But you let insecurities boil like a hot kettle

Where you see weakness I see strength
Where I reach out you pull away with a feint
Where you see ugliness I see beauty
Even though you don't believe me when I say so, that you think it's my duty

It's so frustrating when someone is so special
But they can't see it?
Can you see what I see?  I hope you will, you won't regret it
 Feb 2016 Irene
 Feb 2016 Irene
I'm tired of silently suffering and struggling
 Feb 2016 Irene
Nida Mahmoed
 Feb 2016 Irene
Nida Mahmoed
Time is running like a fast train,
But there is always a time,
To hold a moment,
To feel a love,
To say all; which still are hidden,
There is always a time,
To make things right,
To know your real feelings,
Convincing ourselves; we are right,
Chosen to stick with stubborn behaviour,
Destroying nothing but you,
Change it; before there is no mean to change,
Everything can start again,
Every moment, you can hold and become whoever you have waited to become!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
When did it change
When did we break
What made you leave
What made me stay
My heart is broken
And you're just fine
Im waiting on you
While you're moving on
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