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Evanescence Oct 2015
White wall stretching wide
A blue spot fascinating;
One good surround sins.
Evanescence Oct 2015
Beaches of golden sand
An empty space of five feet
Abandoned free spirit

Injecting salt water into my bones
Already rusty with an alien inside
This lunatic wants a guide

Star-dust or is it a comet?
Eyes tinted red to keep out the escape
Listen to the victimized hushes of ****

May be heart’s started beating
To the music it loves the most
Sure once, it’d ruled the world almost

Now scars have filled the ground below
Like a butterfly screams to the sky
A piece of cloth tied to thousand cries

Forced, tied, gagged and spanked
Punishment through ****** ******* and torments
Is this what you always have wanted?
Evanescence Oct 2015
We started together
You and I
Like best friends
Best buddy forever
One day,
When the night fell
I tried to be brave
And that was my biggest mistake
I wanted to escape sanity
And you didn’t stop me
I flew away…
To the dark sky
To never return back
And you were there still
But never hold me back
Now it’s too late
I’ve become *****
To explore the dark more
And each time…
My feet been buried
Deep into the ground
Where, even tree roots can’t reach
You’re trying now
To bring me back
But it’s too late
You’ve missed the fate
Apologies are meaningless
You’ve lost all chances
Like magnetic poles
Distance between us…
Been increasing day by day
And you’re still silent
‘Cause you can’t do anything
You’d done nothing in past
You’ve failed at last
Blazing prohibited dark desires of mine
It was your straight defeat
That you couldn’t refrain
Coarsely chopped dignity
Fought a war…
With laws of privacy
And you let me win
Because you were alone
And you were not afraid to admit that
That’s why I loved you
But now it’s too late
To even break the line between us
‘Cause I am too doomed
And you still respect us
My monster will defeat you
Again and again
It’s too powerful to win over
And your mind is too fragile
I cast a hoax every time
And you lose your mind
The hollowness of your manipulating power
Will never let you win
Because the terror I hold is far horrifying
And ***** at the same time
Nagging your limit of patience
But you can’t do anything
You’re tied to that pole
Your mouth is gagged
With that small red ball
So that your words will not leave your mouth
All you can do is
Just watching me
Over and over
Again and again
While I do every illegal details with myself
My core burns
And aches for the touch
And when I’m done
I look at you
I see you crying
And praying that I’d stop humiliating myself
But you’re in vain, you know that?
I just throw a smirk at you
And start humiliating myself
All over again
Powerless you are
You were a silent viewer from the beginning
Could you deny that you weren’t as excited as me?
You were…
But you knew it all along,
It’s wrong
But you never stopped me
You never raised your voice
You never succeed to overpower me
Your silent crusade wasn’t worth it
Now it’s too late to be back
Too late to smile bright
Too late to find a sky
That is full of hope and light, stars and stories
It’s too late for you…
Of course for me…
Evanescence Oct 2015
The room seems like a palace
Made of glass and gel
You’ll never learn the truth
Until a tour of nine circles of hell

Mommy you have no idea
You trust so much on my utopia
They say the fault is in our stars
And now I’ve become a monster
Yes a monster….yes….yes a monster….

May be a blood bad wolf
Hunting an angel rabbit
Love’s death in a midnight run
Oh no, you can’t endure my heat

Daddy you have no idea
The hollow moon have become a trader
My name, I’ve given to gangsters
And now I’ve become a monster
Oh yes I’ve become a monster…..

People can’t get into the iron heart
Cause it’s locked now part by part
People talk behind ‘cause they
Can’t even understand….oh noooo….
They can’t even understand…..
That this monster had also a heart once
Made of emotions and Ooooo… so much pain
Now it breaks free the chain of marks
And yes, now it’s become a monster….
A monster….a monster…..
Evanescence Oct 2015
I can't let you come with me
without knowing my reality,
Come and see my world
The dark & dangerous city.
This blood stained roads are my pathway
the stars are twinkling in the sky,
look at them, they witnessed
so many murders, this monster has made.
Look at the empty street
you know why is it empty?
Cause they all are afraid of me.
So tell, for me are you still ready?
Evanescence Oct 2015
You still wait for me online after midnight
what you used to do six months ago
and it breaks my heart into pieces
as you left me alone when you died so
Evanescence Oct 2015
I am indigent
couldn't you come to me?
I am dream
couldn't you fly back to me?

I want to grow up
leaving behind every past game
only you can write
my destiny despite any fame
Evanescence Oct 2015
A search for the eternity,
torn between hell and divinity.
Evanescence Oct 2015
I can hear this silence,
talk with my shadow
and when I fall asleep,
I can breath peacefully
I don't want to wake up
I don't want people hear my cries
hidden for the tragedy
I still wait for the moment
when things will be changed forever
and the sky will be colored with red paint
Evanescence Oct 2015
I waited for you day and night
I thought you could be my light
now a damsel in distress has changed
burning her bridges which were caged
would you like to have a cup of **** ma'am?
cause I don't anymore ******* give a ****
Evanescence Oct 2015
Sooner or later you have to rise
with or without someone nice
hold your ground strong for you
you might find your life as new

— The End —