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  Sep 2019 Evangelia
like the cool summer wind you came as the sun fell beneath the horizon
and the moon poked its shiny bald head out, in a vague attempt
to make everything  right you held my hand from dusk until dawn
we named constellations and spoke of imaginary lives
that you promised would come true should i have the patience to wait

but as the sun began to rise, you packed my bags,
you rushed me to the station,
you bought my train ticket
with the words good riddance
underneath your breath
like a smack in the face
with desperation
i begged
to let me stay

you left before the train did and as it pulled out of its tracks
with the sound of speed, the sight of powerlines and blurry trees

and i am (another broken promise, another mistake,
another you, another me, another ex, another us,
another one that bit the dust) gone
Evangelia Sep 2019
I saw him. Again. At the same place
My heart whispered "he's mine, he is my man".
Poor heart, so many breakdowns
Pure heart, can you make it through?

What I love about you is the mystery
Your mystery
I don't know anything about you
But feels like I knew you forever

Evangelia Apr 2018
Frozen silence

So depressed
Why you failed me so much, why?

I just can't
Something is holding my breath

I can't
I'm drowning
So deep

I can't see
There's no light

Just my last
Frozen breath.
  Mar 2018 Evangelia
danielle m
you are my galaxy
you are my sun
you are the stars i use to navigate this night
you are the beautiful planets
you are my zodiac
my orion and my moon
Evangelia Feb 2018
Drowning into

Deep feelings
Deep space
Deep you

Save me

Before I get lost
in the mysterious and chaotic universe
Before I get locked
in the dark depths of the infinite ocean

Your ocean.
He is a mystery.
  Feb 2018 Evangelia
A tired hug early in the morning,
drowsy and uncoordinated,
but starts the day nicely.
Like a cup of tea,
mellow and lovely.

A wet hug,
filled with tears, tears, and more tears.
A comforting embrace
that no one wants to let go of
or experience again.

A happy hug,
one that happens out of joy
for something or another.
Like a lemon drop,
sweet and filled with innocent happiness.

A desperate hug,
the kind when the world is falling apart
and the only thing you have is each other.
Arms wrapped tightly,
a hug in circumstances no one wants.

A hug that isn't desperate, but still needed.
Those that you never want to leave,
that say the words you can't.
The ones you hold on to,
that you bury your head into.

A goodbye hug.
The worst kind.
Filled with regrets, words never said.
As agonizing as they are,
there is no worse thing than
not being able to give one.
Evangelia Feb 2018
When I'm with you

Sky is not the limit
00:00 isn't midnight

When I'm with you

No place exists
No time goes by

We're just lost
To galaxies and beyond

In the right direction.
Time stops with you.
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