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  Jan 2018 Evangelia
We often wonder why our hearts
get broken, and I think I am
beginning to understand why.

A tiny thing, so precious yet so
fragile, had to be undone before
it can be made whole again.

My guess is, in putting the pieces
back together;
we find strength in weakness.
We find courage in vulnerability.
We understand ourselves better.

And with what we lose,
we also gain more of ourselves.
Trust the process. Self-talk.
Evangelia Jan 2018
You are unique
A precious sunbeam
A special kind of dream
too magical to be real

I'm losing my sleep
Being afraid
That when I'll wake up
You'll not be mine anymore

And I'll wake up with a dream
And salty silent tears
Following a way back
To my burning heart
Dreamers fears.
Evangelia Jan 2018
With tears in my eyes
staring at the blue moon
that lights up my dark soul

I want your hug
I want your kiss
I want you

I want you to be with me
I want us

Promise me this is forever
Blood moon
Evangelia Jan 2018
Your eyes.
A mirror of a sky
A light of a thousand stars
A galaxy made of stardust
A home. Our home
For my man

— The End —