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 Mar 2015 Levi Franco
 Mar 2015 Levi Franco
The milk hits the water
with an explosion of hues
and i can't help but notice that
that is how I feel around you
The milk and the tea battled for dominance
and of course the tea won
but the milk still existed within the tea
no matter how much it tried to run
This was inspired by watching a lady pour milk into her tea when I went to get tea with a friend a while ago.
 Mar 2015 Levi Franco
I started smoking thinking I could burn you out of my throat, but now I watch the smoke coil and float. I'd never understood the phrase "gone up in smoke", but now it makes total sense. Here one moment gone the next, without a trace. We caught like a flame and went out just a quickly. Our romance was a slow burning candle, that one swift blow burned out. It's been a year and the smell of your cologne makes me look around the room for you. Even though I know you are no where to be found. A candle with a burnt out wick, wont relight no matter how hard you try, you just get burned.
 Mar 2015 Levi Franco
I now know dreams
are made out of glass
when you dropped me,
I watched all of mine
Your lips are like poison,
But I crave every,
Deadly, killing, tortuous,
to my darling who feels she's not:
our separation is mere illusion.
truly, your pain strikes me as i write this;
your sensations of abandonment,
and the decisiveness they have caused,
bleed from my skin into the fibers of my clothes.
i am no longer clean.
i do not feel pure.

to my severed arm and shortened tendons:
destruction is merely another side of life.
out of disappearance comes all things-
without space, there would be nothing to contain us,
nothing to allow and enfold our beings' spirits,
and they would sputter and cease like my love's flame.
i am no longer yours.
i do not feel full.

to the farthest star that my eyes can see:
your light reaches me- i glimpse you!
in the perceived emptiness between us
there is no distance to be found;
around us exists the infinite potential for
further connection and deeper growth in closeness.
i am no longer alone.
i do not feel sorrow.
 Mar 2015 Levi Franco
I'm the *****,
the quiet girl in the front of the class,
according to the handicap stall in the upstairs boys bathroom, a ****.
I love, and when I do I love to no ends.
But you'd never know how much this ***** loves, because there is no love shown.

— The End —