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  Aug 31 sha
Carlo C Gomez
Precious Padma
You dearest aquatic flower
You grew in murky waters
Unblemished by its impurity
But come they did
To ****** your petals
And leave you a burning stem
Never can they take from you
The spirit of your plainsong
It continues to grow in your sisters
And in a time and season so near
They will sing your hymn
As one substantial voice
The changing winds will then
Lift it higher

On Thursday, December 5, 2019, a 23-year-old **** victim from Unnao, India was seized by five men, including the two people she had named in her previous complaint to the police, and beaten, stabbed and set on fire. Still ablaze, she walked nearly a mile, seeking help before finally calling the police herself. She later died in a New Delhi hospital, prompting protests of violence against women.
  Aug 29 sha
Ayla Grey
Break me down - I dare you
Take out my knees
Feed me lies
Break your promises
I won't cry

I won't cry when the shots are fired
I won't sob at the blood in my hair
I'll stand up as my world catches fire
I won't cry
Watch me rise
  Aug 28 sha
Ciel Noir
the cage that I am in
is made of fear

you turn your head away
I am still here

and in the night
I bet you hear me scream

I bet you feel my terror
when you dream

I am your shadow
I am here to stay

I am you
I will never go away


let me fly
let me be free

I will not rest
until I find the key
  Aug 27 sha
Tom Lefort
All those yesterday's are my tomorrow,
A dawn of memories run astray;
Nostalgia's spell from which I borrow,
The dusk and embers of our ways.

Tom Lefort
  Aug 27 sha
She is a mosaic
Of beautiful, broken things
Melded together by hands
Far more careless than my own
I wish for nothing more
Than to take the fragments
Of her fragile existence
And turn them into something
That lets the light shine through
  Aug 26 sha
My longing for normality existed before I knew it
To be accepted is to be normal
To be wanted is to be normal

When I was accepted and wanted I still was not normal
To be loved is to be normal
To be needed is to be normal

One day I may be loved
And one day I may be needed
But I will never be normal
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