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What happens when two lovers meet, twine hand in hand, gaze spellbound into the endless depth of the others eyes, and wishes the moment to last forever? What happens when they kiss, star crossed lovers, bound by love and tragic fate, to part in grief and bitter tears, Their screams echoing up to starry heavens, to fall at last, unheard, unsung, a tragic echo of bitter grief and the scream of tortured hearts, ripped apart, to die in pain and bitter age. White hair streaming, tears falling, he falls at last, succumbs to Time and tragic fate, dies at last, beneath the stars and pale moon, a tragedy for ages gone, A single drop in that endless sea of grief and bitter pain, watered by a constant rain, of broken lives and shattered dreams. For this is life, a bitter gulf, penance for some ancient crime, and though beauty lies in fleeting spaces, rainbows shining, leaves set sighing, by the fragrant breath of an autumn breeze, They are but glimpses, shadows of what we had, for all shall fail and pass away, and the days shall be filled with pain and bitter tears, from now until the end of time. For after all, Autumn is a time of dying.
I hurt. I bleed. The light of ages gone, darkened by a speeding car. I wish.....I wish I had died then, as she did, that I could journey with her out into the vastness of unknown space, two souls set  adrift, to join the throng of wanderers and set ourselves on this last and greatest of journeys together, and to walk for eternity, in our eternal light.
 Nov 2014 Savannah N
love me
time heals nothing
time is for healing what cannot be fixed
time is not for healing
time is for forgetting the bruises and marks that left her in shame
time can attempt to heal her
but she can never be mended
the screams of pain will turn into whimpers
the tears will dry
and for a moment everything is as it was before him
but him will change everything
time cannot make her forget
time does nothing but damper the noise
him cannot be forgotten
and time does not change that
Clouds of Coffee raining down upon us all at five dollars a drop
Making my addictions more enthusiastic to never want to stop

Take a pill, numb the pain, and forget we are all not the same
Concentrate on your brain and forgive those who are to blame

The forecast, predicts a chance of grapefruit sized Hail
Mary, full of grace, recommends covering thy face
Down, take shelter now, the storm has now reached Gale
Force winds to change their mind, time, and place
To be, in the moment, is to graciously wag your own Tail
Spin as fast as you can and enjoy the storm chase

Whether we can or whether we can't, the dust will eventually settle
Whether we plan or whether we chant, rust will inevitably **** metal

Weather we change, and ignorantly turn a collective, cold shoulder
Whether we change, and choose to actually get wiser, not just older

So if life is in fact it's very own amazing book
Let us hope it's a choose your own fate
I'm just worried before we get a real clear look
No time for reading, just a little too late
Global warming, global swarming.....What bees? please we don't need bees
 Nov 2014 Savannah N
Sylvia Plath
The photographic chamber of the eye
records bare painted walls, while an electric light
lays the chromium nerves of plumbing raw;
such poverty assaults the ego; caught
naked in the merely actual room,
the stranger in the lavatory mirror
puts on a public grin, repeats our name
but scrupulously reflects the usual terror.

Just how guilty are we when the ceiling
reveals no cracks that can be decoded? when washbowl
maintains it has no more holy calling
than physical ablution, and the towel
dryly disclaims that fierce troll faces lurk
in its explicit folds? or when the window,
blind with steam, will not admit the dark
which shrouds our prospects in ambiguous shadow?

Twenty years ago, the familiar tub
bred an ample batch of omens; but now
water faucets spawn no danger; each crab
and octopus -- scrabbling just beyond the view,
waiting for some accidental break
in ritual, to strike -- is definitely gone;
the authentic sea denies them and will pluck
fantastic flesh down to the honest bone.

We take the plunge; under water our limbs
waver, faintly green, shuddering away
from the genuine color of skin; can our dreams
ever blur the intransigent lines which draw
the shape that shuts us in? absolute fact
intrudes even when the revolted eye
is closed; the tub exists behind our back;
its glittering surfaces are blank and true.

Yet always the ridiculous **** flanks urge
the fabrication of some cloth to cover
such starkness; accuracy must not stalk at large:
each day demands we create our whole world over,
disguising the constant horror in a coat
of many-colored fictions; we mask our past
in the green of Eden, pretend future's shining fruit
can sprout from the navel of this present waste.
In this particular tub, two knees jut up
like icebergs, while minute brown hairs rise
on arms and legs in a fringe of kelp; green soap
navigates the tidal slosh of seas
breaking on legendary beaches; in faith
we shall board our imagined ship and wildly sail
among sacred islands of the mad till death
shatters the fabulous stars and makes us real.
 Nov 2014 Savannah N
 Nov 2014 Savannah N
her naked body
splayed across her bed
arms wrapped against his lean muscular body
breathing in sync
exhale, inhale
body against body
the glass wall now broken
shattering barriers between them
collecting their uncertain love
fusing them together as one
a love unbroken;
now has formed
every move he makes
like nothing she's ever experienced
left afterwards to rest
against his body
head against his heart
thumping, fast
then slowing down
like a butterfly wing's flutter
when sleep enfolds him in its arms
and comforts him, simultaneously as she,
oh how that night felt
with him
and oh how she misses
his once undying love,
because that night
and that burning love
has now turned to embers
and blown away with the gusts of wind,
never to be seen again
yearning to be with him
she knew that night meant forever
a bond to never be broken
but he didn't seem to realize this
and broke everything they ever had
like a crack in a line
a hole in a heart
and now scattered embers
blow across the earth
never to be ignited again
 Nov 2014 Savannah N
Danny C
I pedaled slowly; a rusty chain circled its track
Quiet winds kissed my cheeks and my fingertips
Before me, a church is home to singing angels
It neighbors a house of cracking Rulers and warnings of damnation
Inside the house are black boards caked in white dust
The dust resides slyly, a subtle reminder of who I was
And from my lips a remedy falls in the form of a sigh
Knowing that the Demons inside are nothing but forgotten ghosts
 Nov 2014 Savannah N
Danny C
In my head everything is collapsing
The irritation from aches and distractions
The worries that ask "Does she miss me, too?"
The memories of words I've tripped over

I am such a fool.

In my mind there is nothing stable
Philosophies I've loved are tearing their stitches
Friends I've held dearly are drying up in the sun
The words I've sung are becoming strangers

I am losing touch.

In my head everything is lost and gone
My father's eyes fall down in shame
Pictures of close friends refuse to look at me
My reflection condemns the man he sees

I am all alone.
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