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eF Mar 2017
I remember being in so much pain.
Like I had been stabbed a million times.
Felt so
Like the pain was meant to be there.
Like all million blades fit perfectly.
eF Mar 2017
Gloom fills the room
Can't be swept under the rug
With the biggest *broom.
Sorry. Blah.
eF Mar 2017
Today I don't care.
Melancholy fills the air.
My lungs need repair.
eF Mar 2017
Happy St Patrick's day,
I wrote in a note..
But you didn't read it,
& That made me feel low.
On the page,
A 4 leaf clover I drew.
Thought about how,
It reminded me of you.

I wrote.
Good friends are like 4 leaf clovers,
Hard to find and lucky to have.

*You might've been hard to find,
But all the luck that you gave, was bad...
Avoid the people who make you feel worthless. Surround yourself with people who make you feel worth it.
If you don't feel like your worth their time.
Then they aren't worth yours.
eF Mar 2017
Tears getting soaked in my beard,
From constant questions and fears.
Do I leave or do I stay?
No pro's and cons to outweigh,
The love I feel for her everyday.

When I try to grab the door,
I can't seem to get a handle.
My emotions run deep,
On my words I trample.
Face feels warm,
As if lit by a candle.
Falling to weak knees,
Feeling dismantled.

Feeling lost,
Feeling hopeless.

Breathing in air,
But, still choking.
On my words,
I'm sorry...
You can feel it,
In my heartbeat.

You can see it in my eyes.

The eyes that would never cry.
Are now the same eyes,
That *
never dry...
I feel like I've cried more the past few months than I have my total existence.
eF Mar 2017
Not feeling myself.
    If depression equaled wealth.
   I'd be one rich man.
2nd haiku... when your feeling unmotivated haiku's can really help get those creative juices flowing. Felt unmotivated today. Felt like today was a waste. These haiku's helped me feel like I didn't waste the entire day atleast.
eF Mar 2017
Words don't flow today.
                   Sadness seems to overlay.
                       Smiles can't escape.
First haiku... today's gloomy.
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