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maxine Oct 2015
A poem is a wound, turned to words.
2 am thoughts
  Oct 2015 maxine
Ignatius Hosiana
I am not afraid
Of fighting the big battles,
But healing when wounded
  Oct 2015 maxine
brian mclaughlin
The killing fields
right here at home
are somehow different
from those that we've known
no longer war
on foreign fields
but there's a body count
this new war yields
students and teachers
professors and preachers
murders committed
by horrible creatures
are there no answers
to the question why
these monsters keep killing
causing mothers to cry
life is not ours to take
nor a game that we play
when will this madness end
will there come such a day
a day of beautiful peace
love shared man to man
the tools of killing laid down
would be a wonderful plan
but I know it's a dream
one that can never come true
and that thought and the stress
leaves me ever so blue
maxine Oct 2015
I'm just an empty coffee cup, with nothing left in me and all of the stains from the past.
i can no longer be your pick-me-up.
maxine Oct 2015
I have no one,
so I run back to the ones who don't care the most.
loneliness is a wretched thing,, it makes you want the people that aren't worthy of your love.
your broken and mostly unwanted love.
but you must give it to someone.
even if you have to push it onto them.
because you don't feel your own love.
and the ones you wanted to give it to ran away with someone more important to them and their love.
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