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 Apr 2015 shelly
Shylah S
Every time I think of your face
I smile
like an idiot
a big silly grin
and it happens in the awkwardest of places
people look at me
"Is she okay?"

I don't care
make me smile everyday
 Apr 2015 shelly
 Apr 2015 shelly
What if you think life isn't worth it?
You're just standing there.
Nailed to the ground.
Looking at your past, with your back to the future.
Trying to find a purpose in life.

Is life actually worth it?
Walking around with a smile on your face.
Trying to hide your pain.
People who think you're fine, that you're happy.
Till you collapse.

Life isn't worth it.
You just wait for the moment where you snap.
Where you get pushed over the edge.
One more step, one more thought and one more breath.
And then you're death.
 Apr 2015 shelly
So much emphasis is placed
On finding the face in the crowd
That makes a permanent home in your brain
On the way a small forest fire can sprout from the fingertip touch
Of the one
Who may or may not stay
Just like the feelings that seem too good to be true.
But what about waking up early just to be filled with the solace of a gentle sunrise
Or dancing to the radio while cooking tomato soup in your sunlit kitchen
Or rolling down your car windows despite the falling rain
Or pulling on your favorite socks after eating peanut butter toast
I want you to wake up in the morning and smile because you have a whole life to live          
I want you to learn to appreciate the way the light streams over the moutains at 7:36 in the morning
through the air laying heavy with people's thoughts        
and through your window screen
Where the light lands in speckles on your bed and seeps into your heart.
I want you to cook your favorite breakfast and ride your bike the long way to work.
The beautiful things in life
Are the ones that are rarely noticed by others.
Love seeps from the earth and from your skin. Don't wait for someone to hand it to you.
Feed it to yourself.
These feelings of darkness come creeping in
Is longing for you truly my deadly sin
I don't need a lecture, i understand this is fact
But the pain i feel, leaves me numb to my tract
I know their reasons and i know their fuss
Yet for you i feel, i threw you under a bus
With all you had, you placed your faith in me
All that pain i caused i begin to see
You were always alone, and alone you are
Seeing you like this leaves a nasty scar
For the day i can hold you, ill truly be free
Perhaps even, finally save myself from me
Perhaps it is true i complain too much
When in reality, my life isn't as bad as it appears and such
To truly smile, i have forgotten how
A miracle or two, is all i wish for *now
Long distance relaitonships can be tough, but one learns to push through
 Apr 2015 shelly
In the eye of your midday dreams
I swear you will remember
The moments that went unsaid.
Was it something in the water, but no
it was the air, and I remember now the way the light
as it touched your skin.
And does she remember those things that I said?
"But don't tell him I said that," I whispered,
"he gets so offended."
The wind was jealous of our great camaraderie
He hates how we waltz through the grime like we're home,
As if we've ever known the meaning of that word.
The sun had to excuse himself from the ring;
we outshone him to the degree
he was too embarrassed to show his radiance for a day,
or do you not remember?
But of course you do.
I love you, I hope you know.
My brother, my sister, and my love.
Blessed be we to bask in the light of one another,
and remember the laughter?
The dances?
The rain, the sun, the dust, the warmth of our cheeks
when we smiled.
And I beg of you,
Don't you forget.
Don't you forget your horseshow hands.
Don't you forget the way your soul shifts like the arena sands,
the way it changes you to be as one like we are.
Don't you forget the way it changes you.
Don't you forget.
Forever and ever, Amen.
And I swear,
I'll hold you
in my horseshow hands
Will you hold me in yours?
For you, and of course you know who you are.
 Apr 2015 shelly
jeffrey robin
( mountain man )

Winds blow                                                 ( rain come down )

all the kids be hidin in their high school scene

Just ****** around


Making with the grunt - pig sounds


Mountain rage

Soon the war be a comin down


Ya want Joey's arms around you babe

But they just got blown off by an IED

and you ain't lookin  so sweet

Draggin your intestines thru the streets

And Lady GAGA ain't nowhere around !

And neither is the United States !


Mountain high

( symbol of Sacred Retreat )

Mountain man

Last of the human  

Human beings

Amid the grunt - pig ****** sounds

Disguised as poetry

 Apr 2015 shelly
 Apr 2015 shelly
~ Triggers ~

The smell of nail polish
High heels on a hardwood floor
Movie kisses and love scenes
The smell of perfume
Hair spray and flowered soap
Orange blossoms and chocolate
Ocean waves and a crackling fire
Gasps, giggles and high pitched laughs
Silk sheets and brass beds
A breath, a touch, a kiss in the dark
Waking up naked, camomile tea
Roses, roses and more roses

All of these things bring joy to my heart
Make me feel like my body and mind aren't apart
Make me long to be someone that I've never been
And give me a reason to wake, and imagine I can

by Lj Mark 2015
Being non binary and gender fluid, some things Trigger me to feel my feminine side, where I am much happier and complete feeling. This is the meaning of my words.
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