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 Nov 2024 n
Leora Llewyn
 Nov 2024 n
Leora Llewyn
I’ve been reading about you
The protagonist in all my novels
The booming laugh
The mischievous smirk
The heartthrob that sometimes plays a ****
The desire of every woman on earth
I pretend for awhile that I’m your heroine
Knowing it will stop at the book’s end
So I read another book
Or two
Or three
If I just keep on reading I won’t have to set you free
I’ll just keep reading…
It’s you and me…
 Nov 2024 n
Leora Llewyn
Coffee brings the morning and
ashtrays hold the night before
I’ve thought about this for so long
I think I won’t think anymore

I brought you here to talk about it
But you’re still leaning on the door
I’ll smoke another cigarette
And leave the ashes on the floor
 Oct 2024 n
Random Guy
i just wanted you to know
that I've been reading your poems
your stories
your heart
and I too
bleed for these words
like you
and I hope
you read mine too
when your heart
seek for words
 Oct 2024 n
 Oct 2024 n
I pick up
he screams, I don’t know what
he threatens, he spins thread
I plead. I say sorry, I don’t know why

“have you taken your medication?”
wrong question, wrong time

I receive a list of tasks to perform before sundown
1. remove these friends
2. admit to these things
3. give up my dreams
3. …give up me

swallowed by the waves, never to be seen
smiling when he chose me
 Oct 2024 n
Peter Gerstenmaier
I wish things could be
As simple as they were
Back then when I would
Pick you up at school
And we'd drive
All day long
I miss being young and carefree by your side
 Oct 2024 n
James Cushman
Cut my tongue
And Slip me poison
Strike a match
And watch me burn

I yearn for nothing
Its abysmal
So scorch my flesh
And warp my broken mind

Intimate darkness
Before your existence
intimate darkness
Take comfort in death and live a good live while you still can
 Oct 2024 n
Anna Wakefield
The Fire
 Oct 2024 n
Anna Wakefield
I had some news today.
The kind of news that sits on the surface
Skimming like oil on water.
Then, when least expected,
A match is dropped
And the oil burns.

I watched the fire
Knowing all I could do
Was to let it burn out.

There is nothing but ashes now.
The oil is gone.
The water is gone.
All that is left is a black, toxic sludge.
I stare
Knowing I need to face it.
Knowing I need to sift through
The ashes
And sludge
And fear
And horror
To find what's underneath.

Will anything be left?
Or will I be scorched
I went through a very personal trauma in the past couple of weeks.
This was my catharsis.
 Oct 2024 n
Sonja Kettunen
I would be this gentle mist that lingers
On autumn’s flowered field—
Yet I wish I could be a golden sunbeam,
Painting my lover's lashes in a gilded haze.
But that is not me. With gentle kisses,
I **** the summer’s flowers;
I am the coldness they fear.
I wrap the earth within my arms, but blind its sight—
My love summons winter’s night to arrive,
Stilling the pulse of all that once breathed life.
I swear my love brings death to every chamber,
But maybe that is the price we’re meant to pay.
For love and pain have always been entwined,
And when we bleed, as everyone must one day,
We will bleed as one.

-Sonja Kettunen (ig: @sojafoxpoetry)
Got inspired? :)
 Oct 2024 n
Theresa Hartley-Mace
I haven’t done much poetry lately
Too much going on
A sick husband and a very poorly friend
I need to care for whilst they are there for
Because life is fickle life is frail
We’re not immortal we can fail
Nothing lasts forever
It’s like a feather
It floats, it’s fragile,
But for a while
We can live
And we can smile!
Make the most
And run that mile!
 Oct 2024 n
Peter Wyatt
Relaying a message,
receiving failure, once more
in its futile attempt.

I've been waking up
to hear your call,
screaming in the silence,
pacing after the expression
of unmatched violence.

What can I wield,
if not a torch to illuminate
all walls in this heart?
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