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A hammock in the shade
on a warm lazy day,
two glasses of lemonade
with a little *****
(okay, a lot of *****)
swinging silently between
majestic pecan trees
in full summer attire

Sunlight peeks through leaves,
glistening like daytime stars
upon a canopy of green
as we lay together
enjoying the cool breezes
while flowering canna lilies
watch from fence line gardens,
happily sharing the day

A mockingbird builds a nest
overhead, weaving twigs and grass
in a mesmerizing tapestry of life
when you kiss me, whispering,
I love you and suddenly this day
becomes a blur as I fall completely
into the enchanting nature
*that is us
We all go through rough times
And that's good
We need it
It helps us
Helps us learn
What to do
When we're lost
And can't open our eyes to see the light
Too afraid
All we see is night
No light to guide
And sometimes,
All we need
Is somebody
To hold the flashlight
It's only as tough as you make it.
Your words masked with sweetness.
May you hold someone closer?

Your romantic verses may do wonders.
May wheel all the planets in its orbits.

I know you when you are cool and calm.
The sweetness of breeze does no harm.

I know you not,
when your ego hurts.
It will never leave without hitting an earthquake.
Know not how many lives still your ego holds!

I know you, still I know you not! Oh man
As still you always remains a stranger to me

Yet I am stranger to myself
As I too falls under the classification of man
In animal kingdom!

up the hill I go
on and on
up and up
I can't see the top

but that's not important
the journey is everything

by the campfire
alone in the night
with starry blanket
draped around me

looking down upon  the lake
I'm looking into the dreams
and the sadness
and the feelings

in the cold I shiver
in sadness , emptiness
I shake
Hush ! Lay down , go to sleep
I will be,
Or I will not be,
When I die.
The logic goes.
More likely the latter,
But who knows?

The Bard was right:
A simple choice
What is
And what isn’t.

Unless you take the Spiritual View
Or even

What might I come back as?
I have to ask.
A lion or an Ant?

Is everything a dream?
Or just some Godly idea
Of a Joke?

The Truth
We Seek.

Paul Butters
The search goes on...
No One Knew His Name
The dead man lay silent, no one knew his name
but still he lay moaning
life oozing away, falling into nothingness
he was much farther out than they thought
life so easy to loose, so easy to be lost~
Poor man, always was lurking
always trying to have fun
but fun found a way, to take his life
for another day...

But it was cold so cold, and still he lay moaning
and she stood crying, silently fading into the background
into the darkness she must go, she didnt want to know~

Shadow man steals the night
nothing is safe from the disillusion and fright
fallen from grace, takes heart in hand
finally beats to a different band~

Time takes you to a different place
wide spectrum's once known for limitations of grace
if dusk would have it, then bleed some more
final days of New Man of Shadow forevermore~

Darkness takes what is left, tempting rays of broken sun
dawn would flirt of nocturnal things that bleed and burn
grievance with darkness blinds the light
solely spoken from each night~

Does the New Man emerge?
yet then, he
has been wept over before....

But No One Knew his name.....

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