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20.8k · Mar 2015
My star
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
Your the star I wanna wake up to
You're my star
The star no one can take from me
The bright star that guides me through the dark
The one that lightens my night
The star that shows me what true beauty is
1.7k · Mar 2015
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
I was alone
I had no one
I thought I was alone
Until she huge me told me I am here
She said I know what you go through your not alone
She said I am your friend
She picked me up when I was down
She was the light that guide me through the dark
She stood up for me when I couldn't
She took care of me when I was sick
She stopped me from killing myself
She hugged me until I knew what love meant
She told me "this is what Friendship is
It can be he/she it goes both ways
1.3k · Jun 2015
Dear Babe,
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
All I wanna say I love you your the universe gift to me
Babe I will hold you close never let go I will tell you all I have to give you.  I will give you my heart and share my beautiful thoughts with you. Babe I never wanna let go so you can fall into others arms I want you in mine so I will never let go even if were a hundred miles away.
1.0k · Jun 2015
Hold me Close
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
Hold me close never let me go
Hold me close tell me you love me
hold me close and wipe my tears
hold me close tell me im only yours
Hold me close and respect me
Hold me just hold me
873 · Jul 2015
Debbie Lees Jul 2015
The feelings I wanna feel between us aren't there
The feelings that I thought I was suppose to feel aren't there
Feelings, feelings are ****** they are always negative or positive
But when those feelings are ****** they hurt and they don't let you think for yourself
Feelings, feelings are one thing I wish I never felt
819 · Dec 2016
Locked Up
Debbie Lees Dec 2016
I got stabbed in the back
They weren't there
The ones you call friends will not always be there
Because now look im locked up
Hurt but yet learning
Learning can't call everyone my friend because they anit always gonna stand by your side like they said they would
or you thought they would.
Stay strong beautifuls don't loose your life over any boy girl friend any **** like that cause they anit always gonna stand by you cause at one point they gonna let you down and your heart so wake up from your dumb silly dream of they gonna be there cause not all of them are
639 · Apr 2015
Beauty in my eyes
Debbie Lees Apr 2015
You look in the mirror and sometimes you hate what you see
But when I look at you in the mirror I love what I see
When you put on a shirt that you thinks makes you look fat
But when I see you with that shirt I see perfection
When you see your wrist and arms and start crying
I hold you and see a story that was never meant to be written on you
When I see you your just beauty in my eyes no matter of your imperfection your *beauty in my eyes
This is to people who are insecure I love boys girls no matter what gender I love you cause boys cut too so as girls remember boys go through a lot of **** too neer forget they have feelings too
627 · Dec 2016
Dream, Believe, & Achieve
Debbie Lees Dec 2016
She dreams believes and acheives
But how can someone so broken and hurt like her keep going
She stands tall
But at times falls
The dreams she has had  have become to fade
Her belief has drained into doubts
Her achievements have gone to waste she says
But there stood someone she never thought would.
Her dreams came true.
Her belief has progressed.
Her achievements were coming true .
This person says " this will take time to heal but i will stand by you no matter what.
She grew and now she still going not giving up
But here she's telling you to do the same.
Dreaming is believing and achieving
But seeing is deceiving
610 · Mar 2015
Those words
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
The words that cloud your judgement
Emo Freak
Those words are needed to be ignored
Turned away
Those words will try to break you down
You gotta get back up
To where it will make you Stronger
You can be misunderstood and hurt in many ways but never ever give up
537 · Jun 2015
I'll Never
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
I will not grow old without you growing beside my side
I'll never die young I will let me and you live are life and die old
I'll never let you go and tell you your not worth cause your worth it
I'll never cheat or lie to you
I'll never..
Please comment what you'll never do
475 · Mar 2015
Who you are
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
You look at yourself wondering
"It that me"
"Yes it is"  your heart says
Your Brain says "your hideous do you think thats you..ew"
But your heart tells you thats who you are
Yourself makes Who you are
Your cuteness make who you are
Your smile makes who you are
Your weirdness makes who you are
You make Who you are
Never listen to your brain listen to your heart cause its where everything else lies on
471 · Mar 2015
Never Forget
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
Never forget how much I loved you
Never forget what happen
Never forget that I am there
Never forget people love you
And never forget me
456 · Jul 2015
Speak Up
Debbie Lees Jul 2015
I wake up
I wake up with stress
I wake up thinking about whats gonna happen next
I wake up wanting to speak up
Wanting to tell the world my story
The world tells me its time to speak up
Speak up and tell your story
Sometimes its hard to speck above that voice thats over you pecking over you telling you no telling you things that aren't true the voice of doubt I know how that feels but I spoke up and was listened to
449 · Mar 2015
You love
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
You are perfect
I never thought
that there be
someone perfect
Beautiful and precious
Theres no one like you
Your my perfect charm
Your everyone dream
Never look down always look up left your chin up never hide that beautiful face never walk feeling unloved cause baby I love you
426 · Mar 2015
Slipping Out Are Love
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
We walked hand in hand
We never let go
Until you slipped
You started slipping through the cracks  in are love
You started slipping through my delicate fingers
You started slipping into his hands
You slipped into his love
You slipped outta of ours into his
You slipped under his arms instead of my arms
Are relationship was slipping without making a sound
381 · Mar 2015
What's Happening
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
My vision is getting blurry
idk whats happening
I feel weak but yet excited
Whats wrong with me
Did to much come out
I might Passout
My head pain
my arms weak
My eyes blurry
My arms hurting
Whats happing to me
Am I sleepy "No I took 3hr nap
Then what Idk whats wrong with
me I feel sick I feel weak
But yet happy wanting to jump
even if I cant
Whats happening
376 · Mar 2015
The one
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
You say "No one loves me"
There is someone out there
The one
The one that will make you smile
The one who will love you for you
The one that will understand you and hold you close
The one that will never let you go
Theres someone out there for you
So dont say "No one loves me"
Cause someone does baby
376 · Jun 2015
Dear Stranger,
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
If you read this I might I might not know you
I want you to smile to look up and to speck up
I want you to be you and never change
I know I might be asking for to much but you are wonderful worth it
And your in this world to be happy and to help others who are in corruption and aired to speck help people who need help.
350 · Mar 2015
Lies & Promises
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
Did they tell you that everything was gonna turn out fine?
Now you are all alone. Lies!
Did they say no one can replace you?
The next day they are holding hands with someone else.Lies!
Did they say I will always love you?
Even when they are with the love of there life the are telling I've never and I'll never stop loving you. Promise!
Did they tell you that they will protect you and fix your heart?
They are telling they will be there for you hold your hand through everything. Promise!
346 · Mar 2015
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
L. Love you till death due its part
O. One true love
V. Valley of love is where we fell in love
E. Everyone is jealous of are love
345 · Jun 2015
Just A Dream
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
I see a world of beauty and turn around and see you
I see you smiling running to me and picking me up and telling me you love me
I see you telling me I'm your little girl
I see my father loving his little girl
I see him holding me and treating me with love
But then I woke up
Run to my parents room and
See its *just a dream
I don't have my dad in my life and I sometimes wish I did because I love even though I'm so angry at him
336 · Apr 2015
Debbie Lees Apr 2015
Never leave those who
Truly love you
Who truly care for
Who truly know what your going
Who truly know how you feel but
still truly love you
Never leave those who truly care
333 · May 2015
Debbie Lees May 2015
You yell "help"
Knowing I'm  beside you
Knowing I'm there
Am I just A ghost
Cuz it feels like I'm  not living
"STOP" Yelling help
"i'm not a ghost" * Said a sad voice
Some people don't realize that there's someone right next to that person. If you can relate or if you do this look up and see whats besides instead of what attracts your attention most
327 · Jun 2015
I'm Always there
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
When you lost faith in me I'm always there
When you could careless I'm always there
When you say I'm not real I'm always there
When you say you hate me I'm always there
When you never believed me I'm always there
When you don't believe there's a god when you think that he will never help you when corruption goes down in others country and you say god why don't do something and he says thats why your on this earth the lord is always there for you
If your gay,bi-******, Lesbian and ect doesn't mean god isn't there sometimes god puts you through test puts you through things to see if you are strong enough to handle other battles that comes with life  Don't doubt him believe him believe his words believe in him have faith learn his ways and love
317 · Jun 2015
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
You become unknown to yourself and others and wonder will I ever find myself. You start forgetting your true identity you start Unknowing yourself.You forget where you put your love for others you become unknown to yourself.
314 · Jun 2015
Will You Still Love Me
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
Will you still love me when I get cancer.Will you still love me when I am no longer young and beautiful.Will you still love me when I am no good. Will you still you love me even if I  trade you in. Will you still love me when I have a dieing soul.
299 · Apr 2015
So do boys
Debbie Lees Apr 2015
Girls cut so do boys
Girls cry so do boys
Girls commit suicide so do boys
Girls have feelings so do boys
Girls get broken heart so do boys
Girls get hurt so do boys
Girls are human so are boys
There is no different between Boys and Girls they both have similar traits and they are human boys have feelings they cry they need a friend too so why change for girls and not boys or guys or man
297 · Mar 2015
Debbie Lees Mar 2015
You walk around unnoticed
They forgot that your human
They forgot that you have feelings
They forgot that you never learned what love was
They forgot to take you under there arm
They forgot to tell you they love you
They forgot everything

You've been forgotten
278 · Jun 2015
Me and You
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
Me and You fight die come back to live and do the insane
Me and You make love kiss under the stars and share each others
Me and You fight for each other die for each other **** for each other
Me and You are love and power
277 · Jun 2015
Turn to me
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
When you fall  turn to me
When your scared turn to me
When your in trouble turn to me
When you don't need me turn to me
When your not even giving me attention turn to me
When you realize I exist and that I was always here and I always will be turn to me
272 · Jun 2015
In a world
Debbie Lees Jun 2015
I would love to wake up next to you
In a world with no fears
In a world with good life
In world where I can I have you for ever
In world where nobody take you away from me
In world with nobody so you can only look at me instead what attracts your attention
But I realized in that world it was just a dream

— The End —