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Another day gone
and you're not coming home
though I've waited for you
to come through that door
so I lay in bed awake
wondering where I made my mistake
thinking 'What did I do wrong?'

Patiently I wait
but you still haven't come
and I'm torn inside out
my heart is torn in two
wondering 'Where will I go now'
as humbly my head I bow
praying ''Is Daddy coming home?"

Day after day I've cried
wanting you back with me
you're forever in my heart
as I wear tear-stained clothes
my life's now rearranged
and it feels so strange
asking  ''Please, will you come home?''

Then one night I heard
an unfamiliar sound
drifting through the house
but I knew no one else
could possibly be there
slowly I walked up the last stair
thinking, 'Dear Lord, be with me''

I stood there at first
on the brink of the steps
a drum beating in my chest
before I stepped forward
the sound closer still
''Oh Lord,'' I prayed, ''what is thy will?"

stepping now into the light
Mom was there crying
but not a sad tone, see
but rejoicing for there
above us was Daddy
nevermore out to roam
for God had taken him home
singing, ''How Great Thou Art.''

There he was at last
an unexpected angel
that had gone through
the Pearly Gates
Hallelujah to Him on High
for we'll meet again by and by
loving with purest of hearts
Listening to a young teen sing about her father who had committed suicide, I thought of one of my granddaughters as well. Her stepfather had done the same thing. This young lady's song, its words & her voice brought this to my heart:
by DJE on 1-3-2015 @ 10:24 p.m.

Revised 1-4-2015 @ 8:59 a.m.
When the time has returned
Hearts can't go out from you
Lost love seems to be a footprint
Decayed stone is a sign of thy

The last laugh
The flute
Putting forward the images of the day
Today it has grown a big miss for the poet

Spots at matches
Someone calls the untimely
I See
You see
Everything becoming change

Quick change
You and me
The Trees
The Hills
The River

Your restless mind
Grew cold
Even fastest cyclone
Became cool

Leaves fallen
Grew again
Spring came
And moved away

She came
She sang
Again she went away
Never hold back
Just left this footprint

The last laugh
The flute
Putting forward the images of the day
Today it has grown a big miss for the poet
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Footprint, Today it has grown big miss for the poet
t'was taken by surprise
what a fool I've been
scarred by infracture
of the heart

I was mistaken
believing in you
my body debilitated
by love untrue

t'was my indepth failure
that I did not see
the beast that you are
shall always be

I have let your spirit
tear me apart
but no more, Miser
so spare my heart

I beseech the beast
that entered therein
and with no regrets
I consumed him

to be misled
A long day of shadows--
Never glisten the meadows---
We have chosen the wrong--
Day by day,
We have almost forgotten
that divine song,
Losing the spiritual light of the god---
Moving ourselves in a darkness broad----

I see the sky has grown red crucified--
The spiritual light is being satisfied---
The Satan is being terrified--  
Mother Mary becomes merriment---
That her holy son again removes the darken---
We are wondering again to be unified-
The earth is growing with magnified---

Flowers aroma blowing amour of love
The children singing the reception's song,
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!

Angels play divine melody--
Truths coming too merrily--
We are waiting for the light of the prophet (Jesus)
in the darkness of the horizon---
Merry Christmas
finding a symphony in the brief hum of daily life
Ten words inspired by PrrtyBrd's 'a bit 'o nothing'
If only I had a grandson like you
I'd have a more perky spirit
I'd go to football games
soccer games
and cheer you on like crazy!

If only I had a granddaughter like you
I'd have a more perky spirit
I'd go to the festivals
cheerleader tryouts
and root for my number one!

If only I had a grandson like you
I'd do things like ne'er before
I'd play some kickball
jump on trampolines
and scream out for pure joy!

You know something?
I do..
have you!!
And I wouldn't have it
any other way!
Dedicated to Jakob,Alex and Kaitlyn
and those are only 3 of my wonderful
grandchildren! I'm not quite as perky
as I used to be, but my heart is always with you!!
11-18-2014 @ 12:03 p.m.
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