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Our love is subject to change,
Just as Daisies wilt,
Love grows not to old age,
It has the undying ability to stand,
Though relationships are brought to an end,
Love is great and builds,
Even greater shewn with deeds,
Hello! Poetry is love of the soul.

Why not give love as seed?,
And not shout racism against a bizarre brother,
Love yields peace,and that's a need.
Why let racism **** one after another?,
Day by day peace like a flower is wilting,
Love for another soul is withering.
Racism is now eating our brothers into the grave, If you are reading this LOVE YOUR FELLOW FOR WE ARE OF THE SAME GOD THOUGH DIFFERENT RELIGIONS
 Apr 2015 david mungoshi
Dear World,
You say everyone's beautiful.
Everyone, meaning
The authentic photoshopped models on TV.
 Apr 2015 david mungoshi
Broken hearts fixating on
each other's fractures
I. The Minor Poet

His little trills and chirpings were his best.
  No music like the nightingale's was born
Within his throat;  but he, too, laid his breast
  Upon a thorn.

          II. The Pretty Lady

She hated bleak and wintry things alone.
  All that was warm and quick, she loved too well-
A light, a flame, a heart against her own;
  It is forever bitter cold, in Hell.

          III. The Very Rich Man

He'd have the best, and that was none too good;
  No barrier could hold, before his terms.
He lies below, correct in cypress wood,
  And entertains the most exclusive worms.

          IV. The Fisherwoman

The man she had was kind and clean
  And well enough for every day,
But, oh, dear friends, you should have seen
  The one that got away!

           V. The Crusader

Arrived in Heaven, when his sands were run,
  He seized a quill, and sat him down to tell
The local press that something should be done
  About that noisy nuisance, Gabriel.

          Vl. The Actress

Her name, cut clear upon this marble cross,
  Shines, as it shone when she was still on earth;
While tenderly the mild, agreeable moss
  Obscures the figures of her date of birth.
"My memory loves you; it asks about you all the time."


You're a haunt.
With soft cold fingers,
you touch so tender
the inner-workings
of my thoughts.
Sending shivers through
all my memories;
like my heart,
I love you with my mind.
Put me in a closet
A tiny room
Toss the keys
Ask if they still love you

Pick a rapid beat
Buy a guitar with restless feat
Allow your toes to fall asleep
Kiss the clouds as you gently weep

Cool and collected you sit by the door
Phone on the carpet
Head on the floor

Nothing on the radio
Bounty on the vanity
Dollars strewn throughout
Wait, what was I even talking about?
 Apr 2015 david mungoshi

Softly flows the evening breeze
cool upon your sunset eyes
Whistling through weary trees,
born of velvet springtime skies

Sprinkled starlight glistens through
windswept dreams in endless flight
Whispering my love for you
*on this quiet April night
Sweet dreams
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