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Eroding brick wall
all that remains
refracted, fading
fishermen shadow
red dawn’s early light

brackish still water
shocked violent green
seeps from the desert
to be subsumed
by an unrelenting sea

restless dreamers rise
muscle sturdy pangas
into the churning tide
seeking quicksilver
at the continental edges

returning boats ride low
the shrinking horizon
race to safe harbor
cold beer on ice
under palm palapas

in the restaurant
a young man
shows off tuna
half as tall as he is
to admiring tourists

like me, seeking
the deep, slow burn
salt, jalapeno, lime
a fitting end to this
unraveling dream

Pueblo Mágico
of “no bad days”
walls of contention
in a fractured land
will never separate us

one margarita, two
another raised in defiance
of those who would try
to confine and define
free-range spirits

the Pacific touches
this contiguous shore
from equator to pole
we could catch
a clockwise current

follow Polaris up North
arrive transformed
magnetically charged
disparate souls fused
together bound
Hello and thank you. my HP friends!  I couldn't wish for a kinder, more talented group of people to spend time with.  Thank you for being a part of my life.  Apologies for sporadic reading...been drinking too many margaritas!
: )
Usually, she’s a rock,
but sometimes she crumbles
like sand.

By Lady R.F. (c) 2015
I've kept this pain away.
Held it at bay,
since the day
of Your

Now You are old.
I take care,
as this is My loving
duty. Reversal of

Time has stilled
the tremors
of angst.
Turmoil and

Yet, when bothered,
Your harsh tones
enter My body
and heart,

with words,
accusations that
I was the
troubled one...

Grown Woman
that I am,
I find myself
11 years old
once again

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
I look at the sun
and it's rays
make me shiver
Still I remain numb
in the rain

The pen and the paper
My Lord and my maker
before my eyes

Like a song
pleads for it's words
A poet must be heard
Before the light
within is lost

It comes with a cost
One must be lost
Still the lines must
go on and on

Some day might
there be peace
Let happiness
Still the words they
must fall like the rain

Each letter feeds
my heart
Let the words
never stop
I will be here
on the page
By Arcassin Burnham

Please tell me what you think,
from the boat we sink, We don't even gotta
float love,

We could get drunk on a mountain if we
want too,

Praying to the lord that has too much on his
theres no reason to look above,

contemplating , he just wants me to worry
about you,

your touch,
our bed,
Like what we gon' do?

The things,
we drank,
make us,
Where we gon' fly to?

Please tell me what you think,
from the boat we sink, *We don't even gotta
float love,

We could get drunk on a mountain if we
want too.
Yeah you get me, oh yes you get like no one else could
A work-in-progress doesn't sound as good

As a silly mess of unspoken words twisted on the tip of my tongue
They you say things make it sound so fun

I don't need much to keep me happy a guitar and my favorite song
To fill the times when you're here and when you're gone

The way you're fascinated with my obsessions  and just understand
Nothing else will replace them but give me your hand

I'll take you to where my craziness and flaws are hiding because with you my walls fall and I'm done fighting

The things I do that I regret and you pretend to see
It's the way you, I don't know just get me

I guess that's why I love you like I do
The way you get me, like you're supposed too
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