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2.8k · Sep 2022
Melancholic Mind
Darsshan Nair Sep 2022
Sometimes I hear a whisper,
The slightest hum of her voice,
Eyes scavenge the plains before me,
For a glimmer of her,
For a glimmer of hope,
Alas! There is none,
Nothing but the thoughts of a melancholic mind.

Sometimes the wind carries a fragrance,
Redolence of our past embrace,
Lips spread to call out her name,
For a sight of her,
For a sight of love,
Alas! There is none,
Nothing but the thoughts of a melancholic mind.
1.9k · Feb 2021
Insatiable Hunger
Darsshan Nair Feb 2021
Let us fall,
Fall into a satin-sheeted bed,
As our passions push us into an intertwine,

As each touch waivers away our ornaments,
That are nothing but a bother,
So that our skins may kiss,

Let my lips caress upon you,
And caress I shall,
Till the roses of desire that blossom on your cheeks,
Grows and spread to all points intimate,
As the garnered juices of intimacy between your thighs,
Waterfalls down your legs,

Shall our hearts pound as hard as the bed rattles,
As we feast upon our lusts, as if there were no more morrows.
722 · Jun 2023
Enduring Love
Darsshan Nair Jun 2023
Whatever trial and tribulation would breathe upon my neck,
However difficult the path ahead may be,
Whichever hurdles attempt to arrest me,
Howsoever the riddles of life befuddle me,

All these challenges,
All the laws of men,
Will never cease away the moments of happiness you have given me,
Will never dull the figments of blissful memories you have created with me,

Forever within me shall they remain,
Till the tides, and the winds, favour me no longer.
500 · Sep 2019
Alone, Lonely
Darsshan Nair Sep 2019
I was never afraid of sleeping alone in the cold night,
I was never afraid of having meals by myself,
I was never afraid of walking alone on a summer evening,
I was never afraid of not having someone to share my popcorn,

I was always alone,
But I never felt lonely,

Till the day my eyes met yours under the moon-lit sky.
353 · Sep 2022
Heart's Keeper
Darsshan Nair Sep 2022
As she walks,
Her feet ever so softly kisses the ground,
The sounds of her anklets rustling with the blades of grass below,
Reverberates a soft chime,
And in their chimes, they carry my heart away with her.

As she turns,
Acknowledging my unwavering gaze upon her,
Her lips manifest a tender smile,
And in the cusp of her shy simper,
She hooks my heart away with her.

And there it goes, my heart,
Paying no heed to it's masters beckoning,
For why would it?
As its master is already her slave.

Need not have I for another sunrise,
For she is my dawn and dusk henceforth.

Fret not do I of the harshest of winters,
For she is my ever-present spring henceforth.

She is, and forever shall be, my heart's keeper.
313 · May 2020
Darsshan Nair May 2020
As the thought of her lingers,
Like the scent of the ground after a heavy rain,
Engulfed am I by the longing to set sight on her,
Even for the briefest of moments,

The things that the times are crippling me from doing,
Oh, what I would give for a moment to caress that hair.
To kiss those lips that ooze nectar,

To embrace her body that has a feeling of home,
To transfer the warmth in the corner of my heart to her,
Like a salmon that comes away from winter to join the summer rivers,
I am melting, day by day.

Oh, when will this suffering end?
Darsshan Nair May 2020
அவளுடைய வார்த்தைகள் நான் படித்த ஒவ்வொரு செய்தி அல்லது கவிதையிலும் என் இதயத்தைப் பிடிக்கும்போது,
தொலைவில் இருப்பதை நினைத்து, நான் வருத்தப்படுகிறேன்,

அவளுக்குத் தேவையானதை என்னால் கொடுக்க முடியவில்லை.
அவளை அணைத்துக்கொள்ள முடியவில்லை.
அவளுக்கு முத்தங்களை கொடுக்க முடியவில்லை.
அவளுக்கு அரவணைப்பைக் கொடுக்க முடியவில்லை

கோடை காலம் வரும்போது ஆற்றில் மீன் போல உருகிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்.
இது எப்போது முடிவடையும்?
245 · Jul 2018
Yet Again
Darsshan Nair Jul 2018
There it happens again,
Another chapter,
Another heartbreak,
Another sorrow;

Yet again a stint of loneliness,
And that of despair,
Of which I am more than accustomed to,
Of which I am growing numb;

Yet again orphaned by love,
Yet again...
245 · May 2020
Darsshan Nair May 2020
Those in sorrow say,
A broken heart cannot love anymore,
Yet here I am,
With a broken heart,
That still loves you everyday.
232 · Jul 2018
She Waits...
Darsshan Nair Jul 2018
A beauty which even nature wants to caress,
The wind blows to caress her hair,
The light shines to embrace her body whole,
The clouds, green with envy, block the light with their greyed hands,
The mountains try to take a peek by heightening their peaks,

While she looks onto the horizon,
Waiting for another touch,
That is of with love...

Oh how I wish it were to be me!
231 · Jul 2018
A Yearning...
Darsshan Nair Jul 2018
I give my heart unto you,
And with you it shall always be,
For the time will come that you will see,
My heart will only belong to thee;

Your absence is a bad dream,
From which I yearn to awake,
To awake at the sight of your eyes looking at mine,
To awake on your lap;

Only to sleep a deep sleep to forget my sorrows,
Without the forethought of morrows!
214 · Jul 2018
A Thousand...
Darsshan Nair Jul 2018
A thousand poems I could pen,
But it does not compare to the beauty of thy eyes,

A thousand sonnets I could sing,
But it does not compare to the harmony of thy voice,

A thousand words I could say,
But it does not compare to you saying those three words,
It does not compare to you saying "I Love You..."

— The End —