I speak of the boy I used to wait for at the train station
frankly speaking, it's not that I know that he doesn't think of me anymore
it's that I know he only thinks of me when he doesn't know what he's doing
it makes more sense since I've always been one step ahead and pulling his hand
I think he knows I like the pull when I'm moving too fast
like a train coming to an abrupt stop and the passengers inside are jumped
sometimes he's like the train and I'm the passenger inside
the problem is when I leave, he'll just keep going.
I'm chasing after the last coach, leaving for its next destination
yes, I know there will be another one after it
but it's the slight sorrow that the one before left when I've just arrived
I think he was always like that, I think boys are always like that
they're like trains the moment you fall in love for one
while you're waiting and there he comes to pick you up
you spend hours with him until he drops you off somewhere
and he never looks back, it was always you looking.
I don't wait for him at the station anymore, I knew he wouldn't come
I've been having the sinking feeling that I missed my train for 2 years now
I go to the same place back and forth but the ride home is empty
I'm empty
you used to care when I'm travelling by myself
but there are trips that I don't feel as lonely
in these moments when I sit in the train, I couldn't help but wonder
is this you?
Train-related writings will always refer to the same boy