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 Oct 2015
Jake muler
What ***** is being at work seeing other people **** up to the boss just to get more hours when you work your slaving behind off and get less hours then the person who takes four breaks in three hours, just ranting
And it feels so good to let this all out poetry style.!
As others say Im learning!
Life's unfair.
 Oct 2015
Jake muler
Built my little cousin a treehouse today with the help of his dad. Man how I wish I was young again. What adult doesn't wanna be young again? When we could do anything illegal in the world at the age five and not end up in a ****** bin or jail. Man, I miss the day's!
 Oct 2015
L T Winter
There's summer-sand
Between her teeth
When siphoning
Passion from stones.

And she tastes each
One gradually
As they bring remorse
In mem-ori-o-so,

While catkins fall
Artificially behind
Her soul.
If only your arms
Held me true again
Our lips and
bodies entwined~
If we could remember
language once shared.
Find our rhythm divine

Yet we have climbed
these ravaged cliffs
Heartbreak Chasm
A fragile bridge
of diminished connect
Crossed only in my dreams

Older now
in this state of suspense
To watch our love fall away~
A tender time for both of us
This loss of each
Precious day

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
ThankYou all so much for reading
The Daily. I appreciate your
stopping by to say Hello!!!

This is about the loss of a long term,
once intimate, emotionally
committed and "forever"  relationship.
 Oct 2015
Hashim ZK
I watch her shrivel
In her shell,
Everytime the sun shines:
Perhaps the darkness hides her wounds,
And the battle she fights with time.

I watch her shed
Her wings,
Quite often, while looking upon the sky:
Perhaps she wonders what lies above,
Where even the stars happen to die.

I watch her tie
Her dreams,
Like they are supposed to be,
Perhaps she enjoys the absence of joy,
.... Or the pleasure of making it last.
 Oct 2015
it lies in wait
in the sighs after a statement
in the pause between words
hanging in the air
it looms overhead
thickening with each passing second
coating the lungs with heavy silence
yea, the silence
'tis wear dreams go to die
for when exposed to another
it's the silence
that is coagulated disillusionment
and it is in that place
that the silver in the clouds
begins to tarnish
 Oct 2015
DaSH the Hopeful
I* remember the feeling of waking up for nothing
                   The empty, gray taste everything had
        How I'd stare off
Out windows
Or across streets

                              I remember walking to the river
           And the grass not bending beneath my feet
              The current wouldn't change nor stop for me
   And I imagined it would always be this.
               Having everything I had always wanted right in front of me and it not matter

            I remember being stuck in the rain and not getting wet

             Quietly accepting what was, and simultaneously not acknowledging what it meant.
        It was comfortable, but now *I
want control.
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