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and in this particular moment
i feel like dying
and living
at the same time
 Apr 2016
The Dedpoet
She went down the pathway
Of the quarter moon,
Its sorrow bleeding with gilded
Protection from a star's hopeful
Glance, she bled darkness
From a deep pain
And her lips like ruby petals
Sang her lamemt:

   As the grey day bloomed
   And my dreams grieved,
   I saw your eyes retracing
   Every desire I conceived.

   I heard the footsteps
   For and ending to my sorrows,
   Such a fool,
   I thought you'd stay past tomorrow.

   I put out the lanterns
   Searching for my heart's grace,
   But now that you have slithered,
   Its gone away.

    Love's virtue dead
    Hung on a thread of tears,
    I bleed out my soul
    And built walls of fear.

    The delicate red of crimson
    Fire burnt me whole,
    There was once a woman,
    But scarlet pain eats the soul.
 Apr 2016
When the dark days come
and a man searches
for high ground

like a lost explorer,
a man going nowhere,

a wanderer with no ballad,

a man who dreams
to the beat of the dark
night's drum

playing light
of the moon, yet
out of tune

like the gloom only a poet
feels alone in a cold room.
For a friend who has the blackfly blues. Tomorrow is a new sun.
 Apr 2016
SE Reimer

(old beach fence)

pickets set,
once in symmetry,
straight and white...
young teeth;
now in weathered state,
discolored by
the salty spray;
rust-formed rivers
trickle down from nails,
barely tethered
to its frail frame.
in places, shifting sand,
overruns its posts,
like a winding score,
it's rhythm lagging,
holding yet its notes;
fulfilling purpose,
like an old musician,
though beaten down
by wind and storm
the music strong,
sometines pouring out
in gentle song,
oftimes belting.
out in haunting tune;
lyrics pointing,
shaking voice
still croons,
the heart still beats,
though the mind
is drifting on;
like an old,
beach fence...
has not lost
it's relevance!


*post script.

in conversation with a beautiful mind, about her photo of an old beach fence.  she says, “I love the loneliness in that picture, though I'm not sure why.”  his answer just a hopeful guess, “i know why... it speaks of purpose and usefulness, despite age and state of repair; it speaks of direction, despite its apparent randomness... too oxymoron-ish to not be drawn in...”  conversation ’tween two friends, conceiving thoughts, in particular her encouraging response with these words... “You should make that into a poem! And yes, that is exactly it!" yes indeed, she is a beautiful mind, this precious, poet friend of mine!!
 Apr 2016
Emily B
i learned how
to diagnose myself
along the way


so many words
to describe
who i may be

words i don't talk about

i worry about
in waters
no one can see
but me
i watched "The Fisher King" last night. It got me thinking.
 Apr 2016
K Balachandran
Show him your knife, oh! lovely killer, he wouldn't mind,

Seeing your weapon of destruction before the bull is felled,

How much should he suffer,not any more swiftly bring to an end

Was your's love?In such ingenious disguises, how clever!

Well polished and sharpened is the weapon, such meticulous care,

For the precision expected, never ever you missed your target.

A gleaming cutting edge, you sure want to make him proud.

Now I  see this clearly, the magnificence darkness processes!

If a sanguinary end of love life is thy pleasure, may thy will prevail,

Yes your love has been expressed tarantula like , from the day one.

The dark angel, with a vengeful gift, you are, the dark bloom too.

Yet another martyr of love, all his pain equals to your one searing kiss.
Time to take a break
Pause the rhyme
Shift the eyes to mountain's height
The mind to inner ravine

Take the eyes off the page
Put a stop to flowing ink
Give the mind the peace of sage
The eyes the soothe of green

Time friends to take a break
Pause play of words
Try to rewind and remake
Fragments of heart

But promise you
If all is well
I'll be back

Refreshed by new
Mountain's tale
Jungle's track
I'll be back by mid April. Stay well friends.
 Mar 2016
Musfiq us shaleheen
Slow Streams, Heavy
Can't drag
Bush, dead rotten roots
Broke out at the end of

Black Clouds violent air
Wants to take the lead at advancing
Dancing up the Stoic waves
In the Songs of end evening

Floating Nyctanthes of morning
In the intangible afternoon want to be lost
Find for whom broken heart
Behind returned to

Songs of time
Untimely rainy day, huff
With it, you have to compose verses
It's worth, words of divine

I just wait for the time of your
Take it to Search within any forms
Remaining is not a romantic anticipation
No, not even in the rainy Song

Come with the dusts of wind
Ah! that grew an immortal Span of Pilgrimage
Drops with Drops made love
Come out of the way during the wild chariot

Oh, Going back to !
Slowly goes with the dreams
In the rhythms of falls, rhymes of poetry
Elusive in the Songs of end evening
 Mar 2016
The most beautiful smiles come sometimes with tears,
The deepest feelings can come with distance.

The distance between me and you
cannot be measured in miles, or kilometres, hours of travelling, nor in any other unit invented by mankind;
it is measured in feelings and thoughts,
in dreams and longings
in "wish you were here" messages sent at 2:32am from a drunk heart who has forgotten the touch of a kind warm hand
it's measured in unsaid words and unshared laughs ,
in skin that has not been touched and tears that have not been wiped
in mental blocks caused by a picture you can't stop staring at
in mad driven souls screaming the same name endlessly
in hearts beating fast at the sound of a ringing phone,
it is measured in empty arms
in lonely walks at night
in the morning coffee poured in only one cup and tables for one at the restaurant
in cold beds
sleepless nights
in eyes that don't meet
lips becoming dry because of the absence of that special kiss.
It is measured in never coming true wishes.

Such a long, painful, distance between me and you
I will always be able to reach you
only with the fingertips
of my mind.  

(thank you, Bill)
 Mar 2016
if every cloud has a silver lining
that's gonna make for some heavy rain
underneath this sky, i am finding
myself being crushed, and drenched in pain
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