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 May 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Constant conscious loving all the little things
In life,
Can't let these little things like clouded emotions
Spark a light,
Out to be gifted but Santa's shop is closed this night,
Remembered your name in desperate times but
You forgot about mine,
Thats why I don't belong,
I can just say ***** it and end up giving my
Life to a man I've never seen ,
messing up my Vision with the bright light,
I maybe be would be judged with a small smite,
But everything gets cold when frost bites,
And you don't feel so holy when the heart dies.
 May 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Just know that I'll be here for ya,
I'll put my seatbelt on and steer for ya,
I'm rolling in the deep of fears for ya,
I would not dare,
Not to care for ya,
Known to be the one to take the Rep for ya,
Writing song with a guitar for ya,
Look up to the heavens and the stars for ya,
Ill give my life,
Comes with a price for ya,

Why do I feel this way,
In later time we'll be okay,
Why do I feel this way,
And when the skies turn grey,
I roll this feeling away,
Into the depths of whatever I have become,
I know that I can not run,
From you,
Cause I would die for ya.
 May 2016
Unable to breathe
My heart, in a state of panic
My soul, half joy/ half pain
With the darkness a true void
And the light, divine
So twisted in two
That breaking is imminent
Which survives
For to live as two
Is not living
 May 2016
It's a struggle
To exist
With only
A soul
 May 2016
The Dedpoet
If your poor like me,
Your flesh is gonna be burned
And added to the pollution problem,
And our smoke will rise
And be added with said skies,
Should I romanticise
Your body's burning a bit?
You shall join former skies
Like a mist of your essense,
Your embers will burn forever
Until they fall back from the waves
Of winds that have carried those before
You, and those that have yet
To join you.

And if you have enough money
Your get a proper burial
And get seen by many people you
Really weren't close to any more,
Those who already became cadavers
Long ago in your heart,
They walk with other corpses
That never penetrated your true self.
      And $5000 in a plot of dirt,
Your picture on a slab of marble,
     A song sung awkward by some
Niece or nephew,
Tears for the day,
And your body cannot rejoin the
Earth because the coffin
Isnt bio degradable.

Its just your body,
But the soul is finally free
From the riff raff of the flesh.
 May 2016
She prayed silently
to a god that never listened
and keened softly
into a night that didn't care
she faced another day
in darkness
no sunlight would ever dare
grace her world
with its softness
no ray of sunshine
to light her path
just stumbled steps
leaving her bereft
she was graceless
in her Art
The art of stepping
through a minefield
she tiptoed, flat-footedly
just so she could feel
with tiny little toes
where the the explosions lie
so foolhardily
when she stubbed her foot
she expelled a small sigh
and stepped to the left
and looked to the right
where there should have been
all she saw was the darkness
of an endless Night
and therein lies her dilemma
lost on the battlefields
of someone else's mind
She never knows
which way to tread
knowing her every step
could explode another's
 May 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
Maybe the dawn may someday cease to burn
maybe the moon might one day cease to glow
maybe my ulcer will someday cease to churn
Or bamboo might get too stunted to grow
maybe the stars may end up falling from space
maybe mountains will someday crumble and sink
maybe my footprints might fade and be hard to trace
maybe roses might someday lose their scent and rather stink
maybe donkeys and ***** might stop to bray
and chameleons surrender their camouflage
maybe the nuns and monks will cease to pray
maybe death may hesitate to collect my fuselage
But the love that boils in my heart will forever erupt
cause I'm quite certain even fate is too inspired to interrupt
 May 2016
Long ago
in the land
of the happy
and unlonely there
came a wandering band
of men called strangers
bringing sorrow
and welcomed in
because misery
loves company
as we all now know.
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