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Michael Humbert
Michael Humbert   Member
I write poetry to purge thoughts so that the dogs in my head won't bark quite so loudly. "It's only falling in love because you …
Cloey Olson
Cloey Olson   Member
Colorado    Keep looking up.
Roger Turner - Poet
Roger Turner - Poet   Member
Writer in Actually, just someone who started writing for fun and enjoyment. I now have one book in three languages, and colouring book form. …
JR Potts
JR Potts   Member
NY    "If you do nothing, how do you know when you are done?"
Shalene   Member
Wichita    I'd write about myself but my poems give you enough description.
Autumn   Member
24/F    "And so being young and dipped in folly, I fell in love with melancholy." -Poe Sometimes you've just gotta lay back and watch the trees
CapsLock   Member
JLPfoxy   Member
27/F/Cherokee, NC    My name is Jamie I'm 27 and have been writing off and on since I was a child. Poetry was always an escape for me, …
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic …
memineI   Member
here    born, breathe, till I do not!
M Tamura
M Tamura   Member
Freddy S Zalta
Freddy S Zalta   Member
New York City    Born in Brooklyn, New York in the hot summer of 1966 - been writing since I could write. Check out my blog All writings …
Ever Punk Goddess
Ever Punk Goddess   Member
massachuttses    I'd rather give A broken heart to fix Than a whole heart To break...
Jinxx   Member
16/Neither/Under the bed    When things don't ever go your way you start to think that you're jinxed
NeeshaNeesha   Member
VA    Poetry is my life and there's nothing else that needs to be said
Ren   Member
And I'll get bored and feel trapped, cause that's what happens with me.
Davin Jane Andrews
Davin Jane Andrews   Member
Seattle, Washington    i'm the girl that the one guy raped and told all his friends about. i'm here to destroy that one guy and all of his …
Sjr1000   Member
Humboldt County Ca.    Life on the Mad River. Through lines: poetry. I went into psychology with two questions: how do people work and what is the source of …
czarina   Member
Philippines    hoping to be fixed ;
Adam Kobosky
Adam Kobosky   Member
Somewhere lost in Ohio    I've been a poet for over 6 years now and not once did anyone tell me about this wonderful site! I really hope I receive …
sunxset   Member
home    even when we're alive, we're not always living
Jade Anne
Jade Anne   Member
Australia    im useless
Samantha Ellis
Samantha Ellis   Member
not important enough to have a bio
Ata   Member
Mara W Kayh
Mara W Kayh   Member
F/British Columbia via Iran    I'm here to express what I otherwise can't ~ I Am Here.
Irate Watcher
Irate Watcher   Member
30/F/Denver    Maw, I wanna make pictures with words.
Mike Essig
Mike Essig   Member
Mechanicsburg, PA    I am a monk, minimalist and anarchist. I now live in Mechanicsburg, PA in a shotgun apartment (without a shotgun) with only a neurotic cat …
niamh   Member
Ireland    "My friend you would not tell with such high zest,to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old lie; dulce et decorum est pro patria …
Ignatius Hosiana
Ignatius Hosiana   Member
30/M/Kampala-Uganda    A fallen Leaf in Autumn, a golden Tulip in Spring. ALL POEMS ©
Razbliuto   Member
Now. Now is the time.
Inked Papers
Inked Papers   Member
void    ad astra per aspera Pure discretion
Zhen   Member
Earth    No Secret Just Admire
Azaria   Member
26/F    "Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it to reach you."
DM   Member
America    We are two souls entwined into one mind to write and collaborate. We are us, we are two people in love writing together, poems from …
Sin   Member
Well have been writing poetry for about a year and a bit now, Like reading all types of writing. All poems are my own work …
Karen Hamilton
Karen Hamilton   Member
England    I love to laugh, I think smiles are the most precious things in the world, Patience is a virtue and Loyalty is so so important. …
lluvia de abril
lluvia de abril   Member
Writing life as I go...words are scarce. So much we will not control. Live, live, live. The story writes itself and life, well life becomes …
Tanisha Jackland
Tanisha Jackland   Member
111/F/is still getting old.    Here

— The End —