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 Feb 2017
Silence Screamz
I'll take my time to dance
around this place I call the world.
A place to the many, the few, the rich,
the poor, the fallen and the cruel.

I'll dance a mini waltz across the fields
of the golden flow of wheat fields and drown into
the seas of the deep, as your little toe
only touches the surface of the cold water.

I'll catch each star that I see in the evening sky
while the other
stars wax the dance floor with
velvet memories of constant
tomorrows and melted dreams.

I'll sweep the musical notes
under the rug that plays
from the piano,
as it's  lyrical raindrops hit my heart
softly with countless bliss and
mindless thought.

I'll sift through the symphonies of time
as they cascade their 8 notes in a 2 second beat
off the balcony and then I'll bury their
melodies in my own backyard.

I'll dance with the strings of the harp
interlaced between my fingers
then kiss the reeds of the woodwinds
as they play their melancholy songs.

So please, I ask of you, give me one
more moment
on the dance floor
in this world and let the many, the few,
the poor, the fallen and the cruel dance with me.
Let us take up one more waltz together
 Feb 2015
The will to live
is a gift none
can give.
 Feb 2015
Your like fire
Everytime I think of you it sends a spark through me
But not enough to restore my pulse
And give me body heat
 Jan 2015
Adam Childs
In the forever winter landscape
Live gentle waddling penguins
While fierce forces conspire
All life brushed away
By unforgiving weather
But with an icy resolve
They all push back
Not with a Roar
But a little pitta patta
Of jolly dancing feet
As they happily bubble along  
With defiant hearts whispering
To the weather
With a nonchalance  
Disarming the Gods
   "we don't care"
With a silky soft defiant Roar
They potter on with their day
In a light hearted way  

Traveling through their life
They feel bound by limitation
Limbs retreating,, wings shrinking
Escaping from the weather
As the world places them
In a straight jacket
But they fluff out their
Love filled chests
A dash of yellow
On their cheek
Proclaiming I love who I am
As they slowly press into snow
Heart blazing with white fires
Busily they chatter
Nodding and bowing
To each other

Life pushes newly weds apart
As her ladyship is forced to abandon
Her man to the long winter's night
Left holding the egg
She looks back with a longing glance
Her heart torn
But in the blistering chill winds
And freezing cold air
A cool clarity is born
Where all passions are left
Under sheets of steely ice
And soft blankets of snow
Her task very clear
She pushes on

A trust between partners feels itself called on
Now fierce winds blow through
And into her face
As they now feel so far apart
She stops to take one last look back
And feels an impenetrable bond
Forged in their hearts
As her beak circles the sky
It is as though an arc
Of light is made
A silver connection
Binding them together
As they feel somewhere
In the eternal they remain holding hands

The aspiring father left
Holding precious egg tenderly
Left standing on cold ice
In blistering winds
Four months there left balancing
Treasure softly on his feet
Through the winter's night
Angry winds betrayed by the sun
Sting with a viper's vengeance
As temperatures plummet
-70 and dropping  
Cooperating together they huddle
For their very survival
Perfectly dressed in Tuxedos
Black like death standing on their back
White in front for the devotion
They show us in life
Reliant on each other
They spiral around together
And say
   "together, together we can do it"
As they silently sit through
The long winter's night
Letting go of their resistance
They release a godlike persistence

Over the horizon mothers appear bobbing
Like bubbles of thought bursting
From the flat transcendence
Fulfilled wishes appearing
New mothers pulled forward
By tickles of joy in their hearts
Leaping forward on their bellies
As they collapse in
Boundless devotion
Their hearts drawn forward
Skating along on their Love
They glide.................................
           and slides..................................
On their own pouring devotion...................
Effortless devotion..................................................
They almost fly on their
Unlimited Love

Effortless embracing tasks
Supporting new life
They are filled with the
Ecstasy of fruitful service
Later adults return to water
Float with a grace
Of a dancing ballerina  
As though fuelled by rocket fuel
They leave bubbles like smoke

As we delve into these
Vast fields of devotion
And see these jolly beings
Successfully spilling through
The dark winter's night
As they spread new life
I feel like the great God above
Totally humbled And can only
Kneel and Bow
To the beautiful penguin
 Jan 2015
Jay Ash
Late is the hour
but still
I am awake

Alone; a tower
Cold - I think
of many a mistake
Made unthinkingly

My own mind
has become
my worst enemy

And it's a battle I cannot win.
 Dec 2014
I was *****
And i can
Still     feel       him      inside     me
 Nov 2014
i’m sorry for the pain i cause
but i swear it’s not my fault
i fear that myself
and all I've taught
might not be worth the mistakes I've bought
maybe if i tear the skin
i can keep myself from caving in
long enough to save the world
that we all dare to live in
 Nov 2014
I've got a bad case of mistreated
i don’t know what they need me to say
i won’t stop bleeding till this war has gone away
this is my cause
this is your loss
i’m wounded
in every palace i pay for with favors
i’m rich
i’m listed as a talent
but is it only me that dies for wounds
that define sanity?
tell me a story
that doesn't start
and end
with a beating
 Sep 2014
Silence Screamz
Why do I follow you?
You lead me away.
I was walking my path.
I was wanting to stay.

You took my hand,
gripping it tight.
I pulled away,
your eyes full of night.

Lost in insanity,
away from the sane.
Where are you taking me?
Blood tempered rain.

Sadness sets in,
motion is gone.
Time is but lost,
singing sanity's song.

Dazed and confused
and I don't know why.
Ripping my heart  out,
Cry, girl, cry.

Screams are but silent,
with no one to hear.
Have I lost my mind?
I am the only one near!!
The path between insanity and sane!! Can I find it?
 Sep 2014
Hope was the burning fire
that kept her alive on the dark lonely nights
on a island named depression

Then a gust of Hate
blew her fire out

and when her fire went out
she saw an escape off the island
called suicide

— The End —