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 Jun 2017
Mohd Arshad
Night is golden
If the day is spent for good deeds......
 Jun 2017
Mohd Arshad
Is everything

It is worth
Spending a lot
For its sake
 Jun 2017
Mohd Arshad
fog rolls up it sheet;
                The sounds echo on the roads__
The sun salutes up.
 Jun 2017
Mohd Arshad
Are you at a shop
Of your area?

Wait. Watch around.

Buy anything,
But not something red

Very solid or juicy
Or a comb of a hen.

Be conscious
As you make your choice.

Don't buy watermelon
In pieces and without peel.

You will be lynched
To carry beef.

Smell and taste
Are zero for them.

Colour is their criteria.
 Jun 2017
Mohd Arshad
you have been amazing
In giving biscuits
to the little squirrels
At the fall of evenings
in the Golden park
Doling out grains
to pigeons
On top floor
Of the old house
Wiping tears
Of the weeping children
On the pavements
And in the lanes
Holding the hand
Of the blinds
As they cross the roads
In the warm days
And when fog
Pours down
Sharing smiles
Of the neighbors
At their special feasts
And when it is any day
Inviting the poor
To our dinners
And a great welcome
To them at the door
Providing blankets
To those who sleep
Under the sidewalk
In the cold nights.

I am mesmerized
With your special deeds.

Being a father is common
And law of heaven,
But being an amazing father
Is very rare, very, very rare.

I am blessed
You are mine,
 Jun 2017
Mohd Arshad
The child is a kite
                      And father holds the thread throughout its course of journey
In the unknown space......
 Mar 2017
devante moore
Peer pressures a *****
But I don't care what you think
So you can't pressure me
I don't drink
Or smoke
So you can pass the **** past me
As you choke on the smoke
Until your eyes tear
Oh dear
If getting high is fly
I'll stay grounded
And you can sip on your drink
Until you're on the brink
Of forgetting your name
And in the morning feeling ashamed
Because you text me uncontrollably
Saying you love me
Asking did I still love you
Only to admit
What you said was an accident
And that really wasn't you
You didn't mean it
You're sorry
But that isn't true
Because when you drink
It's something you always do
 Mar 2017
devante moore
Open up your heart
That'll be hard
Because it's something I've never been able to do
My heart is locked inside a vault
And hidden behind a secret passage way
And I don't think anyone deserves to get through
Maybe once upon a time
I tried opening up to you
But that ending was far from happy
And I stopped believing in fairytales
Mostly because of my dad
Let's just say my bladder was weak
And most nights I stained my sheets
So he hit
Until the color of my skin switched
From light brown to dark purple
And now he's not even around
And he wonders why from his kids no love can be found
Sorry pops
If my floor was ***** and covered in goo
And you were I mop
I still wouldn't need you

So you want me to open up huh
You sure?
Inside you'll find something dark
If you go looking for a heart
Maybe that's why I can't write anything  happy
I start and immediately think it's ******
Delete rewrite
Over and over
Up all night trying to get it right
But it's never good
And when I think about why
It's because when you left
You took the better part of me with you
The part the felt
And blushed
Even when I just had a crush
In a rush
It quickly turned to love
And I felt above it all
Because even though things were bad
I still had you
Until you left
Now what am I suppose to do
I wish I knew
I've tried over again
But it still seems like no one can ever replace you
I'm realizing I can't open up
Because it's not you
 Mar 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

On days when you wouldn't speak then
Reply later in the afternoon would be the
Absolute greatest just reviving your presence as
later company than usual,
Telling me all your hardships and me explaining
How to conquer them all in order to keep it
Making things easier for you to allow yourself to
Cope with,
Learning about you all the time
With all the time we put in,
Just two troubled teens in ****** situations thats
Almost impossible to get out of but it takes time,
I'd give up so much of my life here and all my
Family just to be with you in this time to be civilized,
Living life like the people who escaped society to be
Actually free in maintaining themselves and their
In a time where there would always be time for us
Putting our relationship to the test to face this
Weird world while stricken,
I enjoy that were in the same boat.


Me , me , me will always be loving you , you , you,
No matter the cost of anything that we do,
Because what we do...
Resolutes in peace,
Not in pieces,
Your flattered by the overly obsessive compliments,
That's what I do,
To make a queen out of you,
Nothing is long overdue,
For us,
We may fuss,
But most times we act silly,
I'm glad your loving me,
 Mar 2017
Mohd Arshad
The poet chisels the nonexistent....
 Mar 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Take the shot,
please don't blow it,
unless i lose it,
I'll never know it,
feeling like i'm ten feet below,
on the slippery ***** , to what hell has to offer,
i'm glad that you know,
the things that we cherish, we lose,
i know that this life isn't proper,
Take a shot,
i command you,
but i don't wanna,
swear i can't stand you,
lord please just take the wheel tonight,
no more promises to fight , if you promise me we would stay
up all night,
stranger than a twilight,
trash is another mans treasure,
find it on sight,

thinking how long have i been in this condition besting all my other personalities of when i'm drunk infesting way too many signs of intoxication in ways that i would think is not good for the human brain,
if not then i don't act the same,
With life struggles you can erase,
work hard to replace the things that have been impacting all of us,
but the last of us don't need to say a thing,
locked up and get life in jail or don't really better yourself at all,
like dominoes , one day it'll be your turn to fall,
please don't let the serpent win , but you just wanna hang out with the boys,
please don't let the serpent win , but you just wanna get high with the boys,
please don't let serpent win , but you just wanna commit a crime with the boys,
oh look! the serpent at the finish line and its on you,
my boy that was your choice,

Take the shot,
please don't blow it,
unless i lose it,
I'll never know it,
feeling like i'm ten feet below,
on the slippery ***** , to what hell has to offer,
i'm glad that you know,
the things that we cherish, we lose,
i know that this life isn't proper.
©ABPoetry:RisenLP2017 ©ABPoetry2017.
 Mar 2017
Jenny Cerna
We gave it a shot
and as the medicine cooled and chilled the veins
it mended the illness pooled within
and oh what rush
but as the days past there was a need
a need for more
the darkness was seeping back in
and only doses where given
minimal but satisfying
heart-wrenching but heart-mending
what better medicine then love
oh but in truth what worse
It clings to the heart
and intwines itself with all that it surrounds
once those doses are up  
the pain floods back in
the shakes
the pit
the tears
are what take over
they devour whats left
and shrivel you up
and take its place as that constant cycle
reminding what life is like
pain filled and alone
"try again" it’ll tease
but instead you’ll cower and hide
in your defeat
"this my surrender" you’ll say
and hope to God you’ll listen.
 Mar 2017
Jenny Cerna
You became a fantasy
You planted a seed that bloomed into a flower
It grew tall and colorful
Oh it was wonderful
But like the busy man
You had other deeds to tend to
Your first rose grew thorns and pricked you
So now some other tends to it not knowing of the pain it shall bring
While your second rose you neglect
It longs for your tending love
And you believe it to be strong on its own
But in reality it gets weaker as the days pass
You leave it in the care of no one
When the petals fall and it's leaves begin to wilt
You pay no mind
You see the weeds begin to choke its roots but instead of tending to it
You leave it be
The flower holds on for dear life hoping one day, maybe one day, the tender man will tend to its needs...
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