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 Mar 2017
Jenny Cerna
All we had intertwined
But that was our crime
So deny, deny, deny
Don't worry I'll be fine
 Mar 2017
Jenny Cerna
“I Hope Your Happy Now Your Free”
Free from the eternal feelings
From the bleeding heart 
the one I played before you 
Those words are now cut 
short of what was to be said 
But be happy this was all a game
like its always been
This all was foolish
I became the fool
believing that I was all you see
I was blind to my mistake 
your heart was not mine to take
so go on 
I’ll get out of your way 
“I Hope Your Happy Now Your Free”
 Mar 2017
devante moore
The USA is sick
And there's not an array of shots to fixed this
Plague by discrimination
And racism  
And we just gave a crown to a man
Who beliefs are these
We breathed hatred like it's a disease
No marching or protesting is going to help
Home of the free
Land of the brave
But we're still slaves
If you're not white
You're foreign
There's just no way to shake it
Can't walk or drive down the street
Without getting stopped by police
They taunt us
Want us to fight back
So they can scream ****** ******
And shoot
"Defending" themselves from our attacks
I wouldn't feel safe with a handgun or grenade
Or even a machete strapped to my back
United States of America
Forever divided
 Feb 2017
Mohd Arshad
When love to God  grows
Peace  blooms in full
 Feb 2017
devante moore
If you think I won't leave
Because you have a hold on me
Girl please
I wouldn't say bless you if you sneezed
You females
Are like the entrails
Of a snails tail
Meaning you're disgusting
Lol just kidding
Not really
If I was between your fingers
You still wouldn't have a grip on me
Maybe you thought
If you said sweet things
And buttered me up
You'd get bling bling
And shiny things
And hoped my emotions
Would pour out
Like a **** that burst open
I mean to disappoint
Even though I'm here
I've already walked away
 Dec 2016
devante moore
Did you think I'd fall apart
Thought you'd break my heart
Baby please
You'd never be as cold as me
This is a game you definitely won't win
Especially if your opponent is me
I'll break you
All the way down to your foundations
Set fire to your plantations
What you to good to say sorry
Well it wouldn't be enough
You started a war
And these bullet holes are going to fill you up
You could never hurt me
Cause I'm stronger then you'll ever be
 Dec 2016
devante moore
Every time I saw a daisy
I'd smile
They reminded me of you
And every time I was with you
Smiling is all I'd ever do
I wondered if you knew
Daisies are more then one flower
They're actually two
And whenever I came across one
I'd always bring it to you
Not red or yellow, orange or blue
Neither the purple or crimson and the rose color wouldn't do
I brought you the white one
Because it's the most famous and iconic
Just like you
You were more then a grandma
You were my best friend
We could talk about anything
When it was needed
Your were ready to give me advice
I bet you didn't know
The meaning of daisy
Is Day's Eye
Because they close there petals
In the evening sky
Today you passed
As evening passed by
And I bet as you took your final breath
Every daisy closed there petals
And wept
But tomorrow
The memory of you will rage on
Because daisies open they're petals
At the start of dawn
Yesterday my girlfriend grandma died.. This for her

R.I.P Daisy
 Dec 2016
devante moore
You're going to appreciate me when I'm gone
Who else is going to drive to your house
In the middle of the night
For a midnight talk
Who else is going to blow up your phone
When you disappear
Hoping nothing went wrong
Who's going to send you long *** texts
Every night
Hoping they start your day off right
As the sun rises
Out shining the moon light
Who's going to take you back
After you snuck off
And spent time with your ex
Bet you don't remember me wanting to take you "niece" to chuck e cheese
Before I knew she was more then just a niece
Who else would happily step up
And take care of the baby
Who else is going to stay awake
All night long
Trying to figure out what went wrong
I give and you just take
But you've made a mistake
If you don't think I notice how you treat me
I'm still here
But for how long
You're going to appreciate me when I'm gone
 Dec 2016
devante moore
I feel low
Very low
What can I do
There's no one I can ever go too
Sometimes these poems aren't enough
And I can never really think of the right words to say
So I hide behind metaphors
Hoping to get your attention
But when I show them to you
They're hardly mentioned
But poetry is all I have
I feel abandoned again
First by a dead beat dad
Now you
I feel angry
Very angry
But there's no one I can ever vent too
So I write
Mostly at night
When I'm truly alone
And the messages stop
All I have is my thoughts
Spinning in my head
They get tangled
And tied in loops
I'm confused
Very confused
But who can I ask for advice
No ones ever here
I've always been on my own
I guess it's true
I should be alone
 Dec 2016
devante moore
Her kisses where so passionate
That she use to bite my lips
And wherever her hands would lay
She would tighten her grip
The love she felt
Burned in her eyes
And I could see it on her face
There was no mistake
I was the one she loved
Past tense
Now when we kiss
It's like I'm kissing a ghost
One peck
And that's it
The word passionate wouldn't even come close
When we hugged
The way she held me
And how she buried her head in my arms
Made me never want to let go
I miss them
And in a way I'm still holding on
Hugging her
Even though she's not really there
Somewhere along the way
Something went wrong
And it affected the way
We hug and kiss
 Dec 2016
devante moore
This is Devante's mom
He's laid up in a hospital bed
He's on life support
Doctors say he's not doing to good
And by this time tomorrow he might be dead
He can't say much
He just blinks and nods his head
He told me to call
And to let you know he loves you

What would you do
If you got that call
From my mom
That I'm dying
As she tries to explain what happened
But she can't stop crying
Lying in a hospital bed
Head bruised
Arms crushed
Barley able to move my legs
Would you rush to be by my side
Even if you were instructed not to
Would you come to my aid
Stand outside my room door
If I didn't want you to come in
Would I be in your thoughts
Would you pray
And keep your fingers crossed
Hoping I'd pull through
If I died
How would you feel

I'm sorry
His heart has stopped beating
We were able to bring him back once
But the second time we lost him
 Nov 2016
devante moore
I admit it
I cheated
Now we're even
I didn't mean to
It just happened
And I couldn't stop it
She was always here for me
When I needed it to be you
I tell her everything
And she alway listens
And she gets what I've been through
Wish it didn't happen this way
I wanted to stop
But she begged me to stay
So I did
And when I'm with her
All my problems seems to fade
She always comforts me
And her hugs are so warm
Sometimes we don't do anything
Just lay in each other's arms
I always get lost in her body
I go to her
When you are away
Wishing you would stay but I know you won't
So I'm up with her all night
She stares at me while I write
Sometimes guiding my hands
I never want to let her go
But if you asked me too
I'd give up her for you
 Nov 2016
devante moore
Say it out loud
Yell it to the heavens
And let the wind
Carry it past the clouds
Say it like your proud
To be dating me
Say my name
If your not ashamed
To call me yours
And brag about me to your friends
Say my name
If I'm truly yours
And when I'm not around your left feeling sore
And your heart aches
Say my name
If It's me your dreaming about at night
If I'm really the best
Say my name
So these uneasy feelings that you might be creeping can be put to rest
Say my name if this isn't a game
Say my name
Because I've never stop saying yours
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