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 Feb 2015
the black rose
some say "i crave a love so deep that the ocean would be jealous", but i feel like i'm deeper than the ocean so what i crave is a love deeper than me.
i crave to love you so passionately, so beautifully that the demons that live within you will cringe at the thought of my being.
i crave to unravel all the horrific scenes of your soul and make them bow down to me, for i am Queen.
my love for you is numinous, so powerful that every virtuoso that has gotten comfortable inside of you will be begging for freedom.   eleutheromania..
when you are frightened i will be your latibule, although the only duel thing you should be frightened at is the very touch of my lips pressed against yours & the touch of my finger tips running down your back..
let our skinship be the most powerful source, when we make love i want the demons of your past to scream in awe.
i will franch at your soul, until you are no longer of existence in a world so cruel, darling NOBODY can love you better.
 Feb 2015
the black rose
did you hear them?
my cries for help, did you hear them?
of course you did, but you were so caught up in the *** & how beautiful it felt to touch me in ways that most had never gotten to.
you were too caught up in the grips of the walls of my ******, instead you should have been focusing on the way i was gripping onto your arm holding on for dear life, trying not to drown in everything that you seemed to be but weren't.

when i knew that you were only there for the ***, it was too late..
darling, i was already lost in your soul.. fighting your demons that couldn't stand even the scent of me.. they hated me, you hated me..
you claimed to be passionate about me when the only thing you were ever passionate about was the warmth of my body against yours, and the fire that we were so near to starting from the friction of your body rubbing 'gainst mine..
you were caught up in f--king me, when all i wanted was for you to f--k the **** out of my desires dear.
you wanted to 'make love' to me, when i really wanted you to make love to my being.
you were caught up in the depth of my intimacy when you should have been lost in the depth of my soul.
**my brain is a ****** *****, dont forget to stroke that also.
 Feb 2015
Joe Cole
Yes 60 years ago I did believe
About fairies and mermaids
Elven fires burning bright
Well yes I do still choose to believe
Well why do we adults choose the path
I lose myself in the works of Stevenson
In the the works of Kipling
Masters of there art
But hopefully I bring that art
Into a new world
My world
 Feb 2015
The Noose
You traverse this world
In search of the one
Who might be your redeemer
The bringer of light and calm
There is no enduring refuge in others
You have to start your own fires

After all is said and done
And the inspirational excerpts
Have been read and absorbed
The cognitive dissonance seeked
The cheap thrills and the sharp edges
The exploits to distances
Far from home
Nothing can save you from yourself Except you.
 Feb 2015
jeffrey robin
(                                        )
(                            )
(                  )
(           )
(     )
/    \

                              0             We ride !

0                    0                   0


Enjoy being dead if it's all you got left


We ride !                                          



Enjoy bein dead if it's all YE got left

( no need to criticize -- right )

0 0 0

                  Right ?
 Feb 2015
Nat Lipstadt
read a thousand love stories,
pause, rest awhile,
read ten thousand more,
and then deny equality.

If you ask for no more than you can give,
you ask for not enough

love is imbalance not an equation,
with a single solution

love has both constants and variable factors

so you write of tribulations and tributes
so you write of lamentations and liftings

you think you are on the same page
but do we not all read at different paces?

one of you is solid, one is dotted and dashed
one of you is straight, one is bent, forever curving

when you think you are
in balance
in the same place
in syncopation

perhaps you are for a moment
a calculus of one point on a trajectory

and you say I can only ask for what I give
and am given
and no more,
you have miscalculated

this flux
when the old terrain is flayed flat
but thru the windshield you see the
plateau ends, the geography unknown,

when you see unknown
when you seek the unknown
when you give from places you did not know
you had to give from
when you kiss a hand
for  twenty minutes more than than the one minute you intended
when you give more than is asked
when you ask for more than you can you think you can give
the imbalance is the only concert
the imbalance is the the only constant

how do I know this?
what are my credentials?
you are not a teenage girl,
what matters of what you know of these matters?

I am who I am
a diversity of man and manner
I am past prime and in decline
but this I know
for having failed ten thousand poem times
you must ask for more than one can give

but that's not fair!

silly one, still wretched confused,
even after one hundred
thousand poem times

you must ask of
more than you can give
and ask no less
demand no less

a body in emotion is not a body in rest
when the imbalance is too great or insufficient
then you write a poem
look in the mirror that cannot lie
and move

and begin to ask
to whom may I give myself
more than is asked
then you have finally asked
the correct solution to the
unsolvable equation
 Feb 2015
The Darkness
Cliche about love.
Cliche about depression.
Cliche about death.

Semi-clever play on words.
Stolen line, weak metaphor.

Trending in T-minus

Mediocrity complete.
 Feb 2015
Ashley Nicole
I didn't say no, but my silence
Didn't say yes.
 Feb 2015
whipped cream over red-ripe strawberries
a dish-full with a spoon the size of Texas
yes this would be summertime in heaven
 Jan 2015
I take from every day
  laying down only
after what I want is done

every day just

  as the last
I walk the worn out

acquaintance with buzzy bees
and colored things

red ground has my footprints
flowers trees green and brown grasses
   nod at me

I will not say their names
   as we are just passing friends
tilting our caps
   in frequency

Subtly we say hello

I go up and down
    to where after what I want is done
only then,
  do I lay down

and rest.
 Jan 2015
False Poets
like yours
if you'll reciprocate

follow you
if you'll follow me

repost mine
repost yours

pump up those
double discount
quantitative adulations

making everything here,
cheapened and discounted

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...
when first we practice to deceive.”

on your merits own
the only way to stand
 Jan 2015
Nat Lipstadt
weary of mothers and friends
losing their children,
before their time,
weary of failing
to achieve reconciliation
with whatever one nominates
the force that regulates,
fate, Name-Your-God,
deity of your choice,
nature, laws of physics,
the "whatever"
that controls, interferes,
that you think to believe
wills these event's occurrence

cessation of formalities,
one sided truce
signed and delivered,
unafraid to call this
what it is,
**** and damning fate,
for no god
could be so cruel...

If only there was a
Dislike button
for life and the poems
wrenched from death

at 5:00 am
this thought is my
sole inhabitant

once again,
nature's bosses distort,
another friend's grief
asks, cajoles me
to betray my/thy belief

banish it or me,
for we both cannot be
under the one roof,
of this limited mind,
where flailing
never good enough,
to express my
sorrowed rage
also see part one, so to speak
meet me
where the broad teary rivers
both empty and fill the oceans,
takers and givers,
swapping sorrowful fluids constant,
these loyal thieves,
from the sky, robbing a soul's moisture
selling what isn't hisn't
back to the soil

for this is the human condition,
the foaming eddys where
life becomes words becomes life,
 Jan 2015
Third Mate Third
for pennies, an app
to do the heavy lifting,
rhymes, pentameter,
all the quatrains ya ever needed

strained fever, emotions rampant,
insufficient and unnecessary conditions
for poverty poetry evocation,
even autocorrects insipid
really bad tiresome love poems,
après endless generation (degeneration?)

who needs you

you think
no such animal

you be write

for the art of life
cannot be mechanized

wrote a poem,
a wistful sad lament
on mothers losing children,
a prayer, a yelling, a condemnation,
the app was,
on this subject
un étranger
of silence
in all languages

you can buy love
but you cannot buy pain

too costly and
3D printers
give you plastic, disingenuous
wholly unsatisfactory

for a lousy $1.99
I'll write you customized,
supply the situation,
a few descriptive phrases,
60 minutes later,
et voila!

am you app,
am your scrivener,
don't do roses or violets
but yes to
rhythm and blues

will take
but no credit cards

you may take my words
as you own,
take my credit,
but I won't take yours...

I am app human,
bring me your lush, winsome,
plain vanilla, tutti frutti,
all acceptable,
for where the real stuff
comes from

I have only mined
the surface,
the veins beneath
richness for the asking
meet where the broad rivers both
empty and fill the oceans,
takers and givers,
swapping fluids constant,
loyal ******, from the sky, robbing,
selling what isn't theirs to the soil,

for this is the human condition,
the foaming eddys where
life becomes words becomes life
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