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 Feb 2015
Each time I catch you glancing at me from across the halls
i smile and run to you
you embrace me in a hug
gentle but firm
and i don't ever want to let go.
I just want this moment to freeze
and there is no one else but the two of us
and may it forever remain this way
Those words I've been dreading to hear,
Not boldly uttered--
But clearly, I could feel...

Unspoken words, indeed they sear...
     Seemingly rendering you unfettered.
     Our flags mismatched in mauve and teal.

I marched my fingers, slowly,
To your cheeks down to your lips.
Touched the traces of stained tears.
From deep slumber,
You've awaken.
Eyes fluttered open.
Those eyes.
They spoke.
Those eyes.
They told me to stay---
To stay.

I cupped your face while time froze in
     Locked in tender gaze as my heart dips.
     Reflected in yours were the wasted
     Felt the weight of commitment's anchor...
     Dragged over a land forsaken...
     With dastardly lies...
     Tinting future skies so grey,
     But my mouth would welcome the urge to
     Of the courage long held at bay...
     This minute... This day...

Sweetly tortured by your kiss.
The pain came.
It pierced me to where i am.
My heart shattered before it dies.

These subtle hints you conveniently miss,
     Only hastened the end of this game...
     Time had seen our hearts set adrift...
     We are only playing,
     A broken, detuned harp...
     Withholding our conflicting wants, much
     like a dam.
     Protecting us from defeated cries...

     So let us dispense with sweet
     Let us bid farewell to the dream of our
     unified fates in one painful sigh...

Along with all our
And your words of goodbye.

My first collaboration piece with THE ONE and only, Mr. Ryn. :)
Thank you sir for your patience while working on this.
I'm in awe. Domo-arigatou.
 Feb 2015
SG Holter
Today I crave something
Soft. Her warm skin against
My face. Softly whispered
Commands, such as

Come. Rest. Dream. Feel
Her warm hands; fingers
Whispering kisses on my back as I
Drift away,

But remain inside.
These concrete floors, brick walls,
Ice cold steel of tools, all
Unfriendly; unwelcoming.

I am a child unwilling to be
Born into it all.
Let me stay

Where everything is soft.
Soft as strands of silken fog on  
Water. Soft as a grandmother's
Love, monastery choir song,

An infant's evening prayers,
Teddybears and doll's hair.
Zen poetry; fields of flowers.
Mountain dreaming itself unstone.
 Feb 2015
I think you were deep,
That's why you were so captivating.
I think you said the same about me,
but after a while you realized that my depth was a mere illusion,
and after some time I found out you were hiding behind a mask and a keyboard. Sometimes I said hurtful things but you acted quietly, gently. You never said a harsh word and that was the thing.
You gently tapped into my weakest corners and watched me get tortured. You said nothing and I didn't know I was breaking until you weren't there anymore. And I'll always believe that even as you were breaking me,
you held me as one whole.
-(Ka.Me)//(aka herbrokenpoetri on IG)
I miss you
 Feb 2015
I think my heart is crying but I'm refusing to hear the screams.
I think my skin is turning blue without you,
because you were my life support and when you took off,
I no longer had air to fill these broken lungs with.
You said I wasn't all that great but I swear when
you first met me you couldn't look away. I blame
time because it changes people and now I can't help
but notice the chipped paint on my bedroom walls.
See, with you I looked at the world with hope-filled
eyes and everything was magic.  Now I can't help but
find dead people my late night entertainment.  I write
your name on damaged buildings hoping that maybe
one day you'll see that I put you before me and the sun
was our audience. You never liked how I compared your
eyes with the sea, now I keep choking on water but I'm
on land with a photograph of you smiling.
-Ka.Me// (herbrokenpoetri on IG)
The sun rises in your smile
I see the moon in your eyes
Awakens my thoughts for awhile
Shining through your saddening cries

The wind blows over the subtle contours of your face
Absconding with the salt from your dried up tears
Leaving no evidence of the fevered chase
That never had ceased after all these years

The feel of summer heats up my lonely heart
With the touch of your lovely innocence
The expanse of the ocean couldn't keep us apart
Seeing your glowing eyes is worth a million presents

But that would be all the season could bear to offer
Tides would elope to the flute tune played by the moon
I'd waylay this day to stave off the coming of another
I'd freeze this day eternal knowing tomorrow would come too soon
As always, I'm in awe of the talent this man possesses, truly astounds and honors me with every word.
I truly appreciate you as a dear friend and confidant.
Thank you for the pleasure of writing with you. ♥
 Feb 2015
I wish I could remember how to have a conversation.
One where I could say what I actually felt.
But until I do I'll stick to my corny jokes, and sarcastic comments.
Because if I can't make myself admit how much you mean to me.
At least I can make you laugh.
 Feb 2015
I can choose to be happy
I can choose to be sad
I can choose to be angry
I can choose to be glad

It’s all up to me
How I choose to feel
I’m in the driver’s seat holding the wheel
I have the choice to turn left or turn right
I can make this day black
Or make it shine bright

It’s all up to me
It has always been
It’s time to start living with gratitude again
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