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 Mar 2019
The one truth in this life
Is that matter of fact
One of these days
You're gonna die
So just
Copyright Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald 3/6/2019
 Mar 2019
Francie Lynch
Why did the vet
Disregard the elephant
In the House?
vet: noun form of vetting
 Feb 2019
David Noonan
another door closed
another community mourns
a macabre picture on a frame
for a tear stained love to find
once crafted by his own hand
not twelve months since
now a final resting place
marked by a note in steady pen
and why should it take
an angel of the epihany
to deliver a man in a plastic bag
to teach us of cbt
of an emotional intelligence
to be mindful of ourselves
while church, state, school fails
this country's young men
for generations and on
the silence does creep
so many futures in the past
too many paths closing so fast
there are so many questions
that sustain this male disease
silence never speaks in answers
or hears society's griefful pleas
today in another village
tommorow yet another town
a young man fits an attic joist
with silent eyes so cold
for jesus he was a carpenter
or so at least we're told
death by suicide continues to a nightmare visited on so many towns and villages of rural Ireland for generations and on with next to no supports of state ever prioritised to tackle this disease of predominately young men
 Feb 2019
Keep your secrets
As long as you can
Keep your secrets
From your best friends...

Keep your *****
In the dark
Out of sight
That's if your smart!

No reason to lie
No reason to tell
Keep your secrets
It's your own Hell!
Traveler Tim
 Feb 2019
Spider webs
These weren't the walls
Before the fly
Sticking to my wings
Playing those strings
Of hungry
Sinking into fangs
I tried not to shriek
As you kept wrapping me
With your arms
Not in your arms
Battling your army
Caught me by wing
Sticking to your web
Spinning me
**** my ******* blood
Take everything
I knew I was your meal
To eat
You spun your web
And caught my wing
Before the fly
Charlotte loved the pig
 Feb 2019
I lit a fire
In the nights iris

And upon a star
I cast a thought


It burned in the flames
Of the atomspheric change
While the temperature rained
My sweat

Into the ashes
My dust to dust went

For my oxygen lost the wind
As I melted in flesh

I lit the fire
But it was my desire
That conspired
With my lust

Witch tempted me
To jump in
And burn what I was
 Feb 2019
that you saw every part of me
fall apart like the house we live in.
i watched you freeze over
like a lake in winter,
when i asked
why my stuff was left packed
by the door.

sometimes i feel like a kid
running towards the cars,
without looking twice,
because you forgot to tell me i need
to look both ways.

i wish i knew then i shouldn't have to beg
to be treated like i'm wanted.
i need not reach for a hand
that slaps mine away,
or pulls apart like the sea from a shore
which begs to kissed.

i think you forgot love isn't all beautiful,
it's waking up to your stinking breath in the morning
and kissing you,
it's being in an multiple choice exam
but the answer i always circle is you.
it's being in the ring and
choosing not to throw the punches
despite the raw screaming,
and the crowd cheering.

i still catch a breath,
when i think how ****** up it was that
you drove me to see an old friend
you hadn't seen in years
and joked about our future like there was one,
when you were planning
on ending it the same weekend.

i still remember your stares,
the pebbles on the beach,
the kids ride you made me sit on with you
because you thought it would be scary
but the only scary thing was
you telling me you loved me,
when you hated me.

nowadays i get so angry when i hear
other people debate what love is,
when i've known and i've lost.
but i'm so ******* glad you never read
any of my poetry.
because that will be just another thing
you don't understand,
alongside what love is.
© copyright
 Feb 2019
Francie Lynch
He promised happiness, but we got strife.
Eternal paradise, but we got life.
He promised the chosen, but they got fire.
He promised redemption, but he's a liar.
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