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 Oct 2014
The Messiah Complex
You & I,
are a lullaby

We're the deafening *silence

just after the crash
we are moments of happiness
that never last

We're a riddle
that has no answer
we are both the cure
and the cancer

We've read this book
a thousand times, and in our hearts
we both know this fairytale
can never have a happy ending
I wish it did.....
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
Depression ain't no joke ya know
one minute you're fine, the next you're six feet underground
Bet you didn't see that coming
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Then it only gets worse when someone who doesn't even know your pain has the audacity to say,"Get over it"
"Get over it," only if it was the simple
Do you think I enjoy always being sad and confused
Looking at the grounds as if it was the skies above

Then society never lets you grow from it
No, it must continuously pound you through the ground until your force to submit
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Now you're an angel hanging from a ceiling fan
Only instead of glowing with a smile upon your face and wings on you're back,
You have a look of despair, and tears dripping down your face
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Then you realize it was only dream and you're still alive
Causing you to cry yourself back to sleep
Only to be woken up once more by another bad dream
Depression ain't no joke ya know

No one seems to understand you
Then you become the weird quiet kid in the back of the classroom
One who envy the smiles upon everyone's face
So you put up a fake one just for precautions

Just to seem like you're not the sourpuss in the room
You know the one killing everyone's vibe
Then you try and mingle a little to back it up
But that's always where you go wrong

You just began to stare off into space
By space I mean the worms in the ground
Then you close yours eyes attempting to hide the crimson tears
Your goodbyes have been said mentally

You are now dead but alive
Hoping to be one day resurrected from your own ashes
The game is finally over
And the cause is death by depression
 Sep 2014
Nicole Ann Sandoval
The loudest thing I've heard is silence .

And Weakness is the strongest thing I've felt.

the only person to touch my heart had burning finger tips and made it


My best kiss wasn't on the lips but the forehead.

It wasn't seducing but romantic instead.

I know My world's a little backwards.

I know only, what I'm running away from.

And not what I'm running towards.

Maybe we'll meet there in a backwards little place.

then I can finally tell you face to face.

And say what I need to say.

But for now this will have to do.

This is it.


I'm still In love with you

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
 Sep 2014
Hayley Cusick
empty hands with nothing to hold.
waves crashing against my broken bones.
I gave it a shot,
trying to swim to you.
but you let me drown
in the thought of you.
it still hurts how much you hurt me
 Sep 2014
Lystra Barraquias
Don't you dare fall in love with me
I'll hurt you.
For selfish reasons
I'm a wolf clothed in sheepskin

Don't let me get underneath yours

I come not from a broken past
But something's happened within
A heart that avoids everything

I'll lure you in

You'll be my taste test
Chewed on and spat out
Discarded cud on the mud

Don't you dare fall in love with me
Cause I'm not broken
And can never be fixed
I'm a rose with thorned stems
Hold me and you'll bleed
Let me go...

Let me go
It's better for us.
If that's so
 Sep 2014
Never knew how to lift it.
Only knew that I felt it.
Black skies hung constantly,
clouds formed viciously over me.

Never knew how to walk right.
Only knew I didn't talk right.
Black moods ever present
and false thoughts never relented.

It's different now, though.
I feel a certain energy.
In me, I know I can go
anywhere, despite the lethargy.
Anything, despite the misery.
And all I did was
let go.
 Sep 2014
Silence Screamz
When did it visit me?
I really don't know when.
It came out of nowhere,
I feel that it's a sin.

Naked in the shower,
washing up clean.
I felt this little lump,
scared and unforeseen.

Feeling all alone,
I looked up to the sky.
Fingers locked together,
I asked the Lord, "Why?"

Now, I lay in silence,
while the tumor grows inside.
Putting up these walls,
all I do is cry.

Months have gone by,
with the chemo and the draws.
The sickness took my *******,
now that's the final straw.

It's been six months now,
I struggled for my life.
I beat the **** cancer.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor. But I also wrote this for all the survivors and to the ones to whom that lost their battle with this disease!  PLEASE SHARE AND LET THIS TREND!!
 Sep 2014
Layla Thurman
Id stay awake all night
Just to wait for your response
 Sep 2014
I told you to leave
I miss you so very much
What cruel irony
 Sep 2014
When you kiss me
Do you taste
The words left dead on my lips
A mouthful of ghosts?

When you breathe me in
Do you fill your lungs
Then choke me down
Like a shot of whiskey?

When you touch me
Do you trace your fingers
Along the signature
Depression left on my arms?

When you hold me
Do you feel all the pieces
That won’t ever be put back together
Can you tell
That’s the way I was made?

I’m not broken
Because I was never whole
In the first place.
 Sep 2014
Forgotten Heart
of thanks
won't be
for the
i have inside
which were
by you...

you mean
so much
to me
i can't
have you
as my own

i will
be happy
as long as you
live in
my little life,

if you are gone
my whole life
will be gone
my happiness,
my smile,
my pain,
my thoughts,
and everything
will fade away
for now
i don't want
to worry about
my future
without you

i just want
to cherish
every moment
being able to
love you
-----i love you-----
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