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 May 2015
Danielle Shorr
It is Tuesday again and he loves a girl who isn't me.
In 14 days I will have survived another year.
It has been about a week since he hasn't responded.
I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks this heavily.

In 14 days I will have survived another year.
I pour my heart into an unopened bottle of wine.
I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks this heavily.
Half of my bed is on the floor, sheets included.

I pour my heart into an unopened bottle of wine.
It has been about a week since he hasn't responded.
Half of my bed is on the floor, sheets included.
It is Tuesday again and he loves a girl who isn't me.
 May 2015
Tark Wain
Stop it.

Just stop it.

Stop it with your philosophy.
Your answers
your higher meanings.
Just stop it.

All you talk about is Socrates
you praise his ideology.
Place him on a pedestal of greatness
a shining example of a life lived right.

Where was that ideology
when he hung from the gallows.
What good are one's thoughts
when one's neck fails to connect with itself?

What say you?
Plato is no better.
nonono he is not
the man tasked with carrying on his mentors ideals.
This genius
this beacon of hope.
Spent over 10 pages of his book
explaining why older men should not have *** with younger boys
as if he was trying to convince himself.

Not the reader.

Just stop with it all.

I am not struggling to find myself
I am struggling to find rent money.
My problems are not in my head.
They are in my bank account.

You pine over a greater purpose
like it's some piece of salvation.
You talk of the high pleasures.
You tell me that I have more to gain from sitting and watching an opera
than from ******* a *****.
I don't want to discuss semantics
but I'll talk logistics.
I'll take the latter
not because I love ******
but because I hate the opera.

Pleasure cannot be defined or quantified
My pleasure is solely to see tomorrow.
Something I'm not too confident in right now.
Philosophy is the activity of the man with free time.
But time is not free.
It is expensive and costly.
Those with time don't understand.
Those without it understand it too well.

Love is not my end goal.
A family is not my dream.
A house on a hill would be nice.
But only because of the house.

Not the hill.

So spare me.


When you tell me about the wonders of the world.
Realize all I have seen lately are alleyways.
Don't tell me about different cuisines.
When I can only afford the dollar menu.
Don't tell me I can be anything I want
when I can't seem to be able to be anything I need.

Life is not limitless.
The soul is not infinite.
Everything has an expiration date.

I just hope mine isn't tomorrow.
According to Cecil
I'm such a ****
More than slightly psychotic
Borderline *****

Cause I'm such a liar
Turn your back for a second
And I'll burn you like fire

Yeah cause according to Cecil
I'm just so rude
I'll dampen the mood
With my antisocial attitude

Don't touch me, I bite
Always looking for a fight
So don't get caught in my sight

Yeah cause according to Cecil
I ruin the art of writing
My works just not exciting
So terrible, that its frightening

Just so arrogant
Not a true artist, its apparent
Not to mention I've got no talent

Yeah  cause according to Cecil
I'm just not nice
As annoying as head lice
Cold as ice

I've got no friends,  can't you see
Cause there's so much wrong with me

And if you can see it all after only knowing me for an hour
Then it must all be true
More power to you
My 'friend' Cecil Miller.
Inspired by Cecil Miller and According To You by Orianthi
Ps I have nothing against Cecil, and I don't care how much hate I get for posting this. Anyone who wants to know the full story, need only ask.

Cecil Miller said:
"True enough. What do you do that is fan worthy? How many gigs do you play? Where might one be made a fan of whatever your talent may be? Forget it. You are too arrogant. If I could unfollow you, I would. Humility is with sincerity. You are not a true artist. You actually are pretty shallow. Now your poems, because a few of them were good...would just remind me of how rude you are. I am pleased you will not be writing, so I do not have to be reminded of how inconsiderate you are. You are the first person I am blocking. People like you would ruin the artistry of writing. I want no part of it."

Ps He actually didn't block me, I blocked him. Also **** it I'm meant to be taking a break.
 Apr 2015
And so here we are
Page after page
Hearts on fire
Exposing parts unseen
Beneath harden surfaces
Wounds unclean
Broken still we dream
On and on we pen
And so we breathe again
 Apr 2015
I sit in a cold lake.
"Why are you sitting in a cold lake?" They ask.
"That's the only way my heart will continue to beat."
I don't get sick. I never get sick.
I bathe in cold lakes.
"You might get sick! I tell you, you might get sick!"
I tell them I don't care.
I tell you the truth, I'm perfectly fine.
My teeth my clatter, and my skin might fade into a cool blue,
But my heart still beats.
"You're insane, you might die!" They tell me.
"No, no I won't. Of all the pain I've been, my heart can tolerate such cold and bitterness. This lake doesn't phase me."
They yell get out.
I stay in.
Reasons behind my meanness, reasons behind my smiles, reasons behind my trust issues,
I sit in a cold lake where my heart stays cold and I don't feel for anyone. Anymore.
 Apr 2015
Do you know that feeling...when you fall in love?
When you start falling and you know you'll never get up.
When you give your happiness to someone,because you care for him more than you care for yourself.
Because you love him,more than you love yourself.
Do you know that feeling...when you fall in love?
When the touch of someones hands takes you to another dimension.
When you see another world in someones eyes,a world you always dreamed of.
Do you know that person...that makes you fall in love?
The same person who erases all your fears,making you feel safer than ever.
The same person who is the reason you cope with everything.
The reason to get up,live,and fight.
Do you know that feeling...when your heart breaks?
When that same person becomes stranger.
When the love dissapears like it never excisted.
When you become one big nothing to him.
But he is one everything to you.
He is and he will always be.
I look up and see the wall
I see no way out
If I climb it, I fall
I can't do it, there's no doubt

I can't move forward
With this obstacle in my way
My chance of escaping this problem
Is so far away

When all hope is lost
I sat and I cried
I didn't know what to do
I couldn't because I didn't try

Little did I know
Waiting at the side was a door
Open and unlocked
I couldn't see it before

I took a step through
I entered and found the light
Who knew there are many ways
To move forward and fight
Being frustrated at what you can't do will not benefit you. Instead, find other ways to move forward and overcome the obstacle.
 Apr 2015
Cyrille Octaviano
Too tired to do the tasks
Too worried to fall asleep
Dangling from a cliff
for the sake of my hopes and dreams.
© Cyrille Octaviano, 2015
 Apr 2015
I love him...
Do you think he knows?
I've told him many times before.
I've tried to show him.
I've tried to help.
I've done everything I can to keep him safe.
I'm having trouble.
He's always been there for me.
I said "Hey
What are you doing today"
She replied "Don't know
Gotta go"
And that's all she said
To me

Cause it just seems like
You don't want to talk to me no more.....
So you just say goodbye

Hey please, just give me the time of day
I don't give a **** what the hell you say
Just talk to me
Ask me how I'm doing
And tell me how your days been
Juet talk to meeeeeee
Just talk to me

I see you walking around
Your hand's in his
But I say I don't mind
Cause I don't want to see this..

Cause while you're talkin to him
You could be talking to me
But you don't care...
You're hanging off every word that he says

Hey please, lets just sit and chat
Yeah yeah, lets talk about your cat...
But you say no
I've found someone better to talk to
So lets just leave it at that

You can't tell
But my heart is breakin
Yeah yeah, my hands are shaking
I really wish that I was faking
But I'm not...
Cause you don't wanna talk to me
For all the people that I've been left behind for...

Inspired by Elizabeth and Shannon
 Apr 2015
The trees clapped their hands on our backs
Raised their delicate roots into our homes
Shivering the leaves above our hearts
Carved SOS into their trunks

An attempt to get our attention
The forest is screaming
We are tuned out
Ignoring the fallen trees sound
 Apr 2015
In response to: Please Don't Put Down Your Pen

You may live by drinking the words,
But I thrive on writing the words.
Perhaps "Please Don't Put Down Your Pen" was written in response to my works, but more than likely, it wasn't.
I live off of the written word.
It is my bread and my wine, my world away from the world.
But I have put down my pen.
Returned it to its rightful place,
The navy blue, leather coated, velvet sleeping place of my works.

I have put down my pen.
My pen has been put down.
Euthanized it.
Comatose in its leather casket.
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