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 Dec 2017
CI Thomas

That's the key
A smile can save a life
If you're lucky
two or three

You might see
A person on the street
Head down
Shoulders slouched
Earphones in
Music loud

They're frowning
You smile
It's addictive
They smile

It gives us hope,
A smile from a stranger,
To know
some people still care
Because deep down
we all know

No one cares anymore.
 Dec 2017
Amanda Shelton
We philosophers find solitude
in the forums.

I march alongside the shadows
of ancient philosophers,
walking in their shoes,
sharing the same passion
of poetry and writing.

Like all the other writer's before me,
I too share the same love for
the forums.

The great Halls of knowledge,
are held within the wall's
of the forums.

The internet reflects that deep
need for entertainment,
and our passion has grown,
through the connection
of servers.

I believe it's in our nature
as writer's to want to share
and teach others what we know,
that's why we created the forum.

The Greeks understood philosophy,
their need for entertainment was great, so great they created some of the largest forums.

It's the circle of life,
our minds have a great want
to connect, we reflect our
passionate feelings through poetry,
art, and technology.

Here they become one.*

*© 2017 By Amanda Shelton
 Dec 2017
Mahlon Muringa
Life, like a mist
One minute you're born,
Next minute you're worn.

One minute you're there,
Next minute you're dead.

One minute you're laughing,
Next minute they're crying.

You have a time of your life,
Next minute its the last of your life.

You praise God for the day,
Next minute they are praying u don't get dead.

It feels good to be alive,
Next they are wishing you were alive.

You touch hearts of the living,
Next u leave a wound to the living.

 Dec 2017
Star BG
The journey of our lives
start in middle of heart.
It begins with breath
to carry footsteps of dance,
and voice to resinate like birds song.
It begins by uncovering
road blocks constructed
by minds
from doubts and fears.

The journey of our lives
start in middle of heart.
It begins by awakening
as we decloak the old view of self
replacing it with self love.
It begins as we connect to God within
carrying footsteps of serenity,
and songs of gratitude.

It begins by manifesting
with an inner power
to construct our own reality
for peace and joy and abundance.
Just playing with thought of starting in middle of heart
 Dec 2017
Chelsea Rae
At least I know
That even though
Humans disappoint me,
That this soil and earth
can heal and feel this soul.

At least I can be grateful for the fact that
A storm can relate to my broken mind.

At the very minimum,
at least I know that I can connect with something
in a way that I wish another could.

But souls are a world all their own
and it takes a stroke of luck
to experience something that strong.
 Dec 2017
I thought I was dreaming.

Everything was here.
Present as the sun.
Nothing torn apart.
Nothing come undone.

The world seemed right.
But somehow wrong.
I thought I knew truth.
Thought I knew where I belong.

Peace covered me.
Like a cotton quilt.
The world appeared frozen.
No harm had been built.

For once I felt good.
My mind at peace.
Nothing could hurt me.
No evil beast.

The beast of greed.
Of hatred and hurt.
Was far away.
Buried under the dirt.

My mind was resting.
For once in my life.
A moment of safety.
A dull edged knife.

The knife of survival.
The knife of the flesh.
Would strike once again.
And the wound would be fresh.
 Dec 2017
Shining stars
And beautiful scars
That’s all we are
 Dec 2017
a mcvicar
if you really cared
about me
about anyone
at all

if you really care
about my well being
about anything that isn't yours

all you have to do
is read my poetry.
because i have shared it with you
but it flew right past.
as if it didn't matter at all
26.12.17  /  23.54  /  make me shut up
 Dec 2017
She's a beauty on stage,
A light at sea,
Forever she'll shine,
And I am me.

He's a greek god,
The perfect dream,
He'll defy all the odds,
And I am me.

She's the song of Dawn,
A gentle breeze,
A sweet summer love,
And I am me.

He's the flame behind the eyes,
His heart blissful and serene,
He's a gorgeous lie,
And I am me.

I'm the call of the wild,
Destruction and defeat,
Endlessly I'll wander
And this is me.
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