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 Aug 2017
Phoenix Rising
Was I wrong.
All I ever really needed was

to be loved...
I was heavily addicted to oxycodone for 3 years and I feel that the battle is coming to an end. So many friends and family and love and support.
 Aug 2017
you caught my eye
  you made me like you
    you made me fall in love with you
      you took my love as a simple perk of life
        you used me and beat me down
          you robbed me of love for anyone else or myself
            you killed the happy person inside of me
              you made me numb inside
                you made me feel like i deserved nothing but sadness
                  you may not love me anymore but i certainly still do
                    i still love you
                      i know it's not healthy for me to love you
                        i know i need to stop
                          i know but i can't
                            i can't
                          i can'
                        i can
                       i ca
                      i c
 Aug 2017
Some  poems are not intended to heal old wounds
but to scorch them

for the pain is the only high we have left
that cares enough to hurt  us
 Aug 2017
Rosa Lía Elías
there are words
hidden in trees
and growing in flowers.
there are words
between people's lips
and in songs being carried
by the summer breeze.
there are words
on our fingertips
and lingering in our ears.
there are words
left unspoken
and there are some
that were spoken
all too quickly.
there are words
in our body  
and in everything
that is alive.
because life is
a combination of words
and we're just trying
to make them rhyme.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
 Aug 2017
i used to think that ***
was only for skinny people
because those who can't even
look at their own naked reflection
would not be able to let anyone else do so

it is different now
back when external validation was all i sought and internal validation ceased to exist but times have changed.
 Jul 2017
I'm scared of the tears

that I don't cry

The days like this

that I don't die

I'm scared of the pain

that slips my mind

It comes back harder

than what I left behind


— The End —