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 Dec 2017
Daniel Irwin Tucker
There is nothing I could ever do.
I could never give enough
To even begin to repay.
I sense the weight of debt paid.

My love and dedication falls short of this
Abundant grace as all the efforts of a world
That gives out of selfishness.

I often live in denial of what I must repay
Though I never could repay.
But the inclination must be there.
I carry the weight of debt paid.

I have learned to acknowledge the debt
And accept that I was debtor
To a weight that would surely have crushed me.

I have learned to freely give back
Of what was freely given to me.
I live under the weight of debt paid.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

There is a price to pay for every negative action and reaction. This debt can become insurmountable after a while. There is a love which pays this debt in full. But even though grace is unmerited favour, love is not a one way street--you can never be free of responsibility.
When you learn this, you will find that the weight of being forgiven or forgiving, is worlds lighter than this weight of the personal & universal human debt you once owed.  True freedom does not come cheap, but it is so worth it!
Your eyes
Are a kaleidoscope,
Reflecting sequences
Of our love.

A love
That never ceases -
With each moment
It increases;
A symbol
As pure and peaceful
As that of a white dove.

⚘ By Lady R.F. (C)2015* ⚘
 Dec 2017
Lora Lee
in the icy swirl
          of deep-inhale
            I reach down inside
                      to darkest
       heated flesh-fabric
removing the clothing
of my soul,
feeling the layers
                slowly  undone
                      the flay
                        of my own fleece
                          the peeling
                    of my own pelt
                through tissue,
                     a journey to the
                          deep heart of me,
                         cut in one clean move
                         and yet, like a miracle
                  there is
             no pain
                   just magnet-connect
                     beyond the cusp
                            of words
                              that curl from our
                                      rising up in
                      latticed affirmations
                    a cleansing in frost
a constant, aquamarine renewal
and there is no past
no future
      just this prism
           of crystal liquid jewels
      flowing in
         cellular music
             straight into the strands        
                    of our veins
and I miss you
like you have gone
on the long winter hunt
my longing splayed out
like an animal skin on
                    four poles
its tendons stretched
beyond measure
yet holding fast
with a roof over my head,
                    I acknowledge
             my restlessness
I am my own
         both searching and found,
                     gathering up bits  
               of velocity
stroking the ribbons
of passion
stoking the fires of my
              heart and hearth
protecting what is us
like a lioness
for we are overflowing
with both strength
         and tenderness
              our own bones
ingredients of the wild soup              
of our feral union
of our constant rebirth
our very dna
          weaving itself
like heartstrings
               in the rush      
When she is
over joyed
by love-filled emotions,
her words delicately
dance upon the page,

When she is
and overwhelmed by darkness,
her words fall heavy
and splatter all over the stage.

When her wings
are raised in flight,
it is love,
lifting her up,
ever so gracefully,

When she is
spinning around,
out of control
with two left feet,
it is pain and anxiety
forsaking her--disappointingly.

Her poetic dances
are well known
for being freestyled,
erratic and spontaneous,

Be it a classical ballet,
or an explosive routine,
her artistic expression
is always crafted  
and delivered
with style and finesse.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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