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The endearing term  
"I love you"
just doesn't sum it up -
my love is infinite,
endless in space,

It is impossible to measure
or calculate.

My love is boundless,
out of this world--like stars -
my love's energy
is cosmic.

My love is pure
and beautifully harmonic -
it is ultra supersonic.  

My love is beyond words...
My love cannot be described.

to try to explain it,
I feel obliged.

My love is extensive,
it is inconceivably vast,

It is immeasurable--countless.
it is fathomless--incalculable;
it was built to last.  

It's a love
I will never
willingly give up -
my love is unbreakable.

This love,
my soul carries
is unshakeable.

My love's totality
is still untold,

The depth
of my undying love
is yet to unfold.

It is beyond sublime,
more than magical,
it is purely divine.

My love is a creation
of the universe's
impeccable master design.

My infinite love...
is only yours
and mine.

"I love you "
just doesn't sum it up -
my love will never cease
or quit,

The burning flame
of my heart's torch
will be
Infinitely lit.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
DARKNESS can't fade her LIGHT.

GREY, A perfect shade--blended,
Her aura, an array of VIVID colours;
A permanent rainbow--extended.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Those whom can
read between the lines
have an intriguingly beautiful
and fascinating personality.

It's defining characteristics
and attributes
such as these
that show intelligence
and a rigorous,

~ Gifted.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
I do not make lists,
I make circles.

A list means
there's a 1st place
and a last.

A circle creates equality  -
nobody or nothing
is superior,
nobody or nothing
has priority;
it also means
there's no beginning
or end
to my love.  

If you're in one of my circles,
my love for you
is endless.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
A circle is a simple closed shape. It is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre; equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves so that its distance from a given point is constant.
He is...

The key
To my ultimate universe,
The rhythmic beat
Of my loving heart.

He is...

The pathway
To my soul's
Final destination,
And the masterpiece
In most of my poetic art.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to my love.

Today is my birthday.
I am most grateful for this precious life i live.
I thank all of you for being in my life.
She's too passionate
and oversensitive
for this messy world -
She doesn't fit-in,
so she tries to stay out.

It's a constant
tug-of-war battle
between her fragile heart
and her delicate mind.
She can't help but feel too much -
peace of mind
is all that she ponders about.

She is gentle,
empathetic and intelligent,
but vulnerable -
she was born this way,

She has relived
this same hopeless feeling
every single blessed day.

She is an overthinker -
always reflecting,
always pensive...

Full of genuine love,
whilst drained by such pain;
she is beautifully oversensitive.

She's always lonely
amongst a crowd,

whilst completely lost
deep inside the belly
of the same-old dark cloud.

She's a beautiful, beautiful mess...

She gives her entirety--nothing less!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
To me,
Is not a house
Made of bricks and mortar.
It is found
In certain people -
It is a body,
A mind,
And a soul
With a beating heart.

To me,
Is found
Within the serenity
And tranquility
Of solitude--with nature.
It is an overwhelming feeling
That from such a person or place,
I never want
To be torn apart.

~ Home is where the heart is. ❤

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Nov 2017
King Panda
my hand touches

wild in wind

flesh and

a plume of rapid
so pink and

gorgeous to the

within my timbre

I sing your
praises to the moon

eighth note

cord and

piano blooming
Have you heard the black 'n tans -
howling by the December moonlight
Have you shot mistletoe down -
from high atop an oak tree
Gathered pecans on a frosty -
morning , toted well water -
in the heat of summer , led cattle
to their winter quarters
Have you picked blackberries and wild plums -
all day from the side of a gravel road
Have you ambled long distances through -
piedmont forest to get to a little country store
Did you ever seine minnows an hunt crayfish
in the springtime
Have you tasted concord grapes fresh off the vine* ..
Copyright November 29 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When you feel
like you want to scream,
or run away,
like you want to disappear,
or when you feel completely lost,
all you really want is to be found.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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