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 Mar 2017
nothing much happened today
no great calamity, no suprising visitor
the cornflakes dried to a cement like
consistency in the chipped blue bowl
the tuxedo rex vomited on the newly bought
home beautiful magazine..

my heart beat at a lazy 74 beats per minute
when i checked after my nana nap
my bad ankle creaked and twinged
reminding me to get the towels in
before it rained

I made a wonderful chicken cashew curry
for dinner, but fogot to buy naan bread
and yogurt to accompany it..

I kissed the god boy goodnight,
then read two chapters of Harry Potter aloud
as the tuxedo rex, watched me, from the windowsill

marked some essays of dubious quality,
was given a shoulder massage,
by my agong surfer dude,
that led to much greater intimacies

no, nothing much happened today
yet it was fufilling, upon looking back
it had rhythm and purpose
turned the cogs of my world
it was the miles between the milestones
that often go unrecorded

and as I sit in the almost dark of the moon
I do believe it was one of the best days of my life
 Mar 2017
Emily B
My anger is showing.

The capitol is full
Of treason and misogyny.

Pressure is building.
Boiling hot lava
Could erupt.

And I'm just over here
Making lard and yarn.
Not necessarily in that order.

I guess it is a good thing
That i wasn't made
winged and fire-breathing.

Just trying really hard
Not to destroy
In my path.
 Mar 2017
Lina Lotus
O spring...
Don't wake the butterflies
Don't call the hummingbirds to flutter in full grace

O spring retrieve your symphony
don't ring the bells of joy
While  winter lays in shreds

O spring  retrieve, retrieve your melody
Just let me grieve the spinning of my world
I've inhaled too much pain
I've swallowed burning rain
Just let me exhale once
Just let me exhale once
 Mar 2017
Lazhar Bouazzi
A rugged sidewalk cried hard by the way-side;
Its fissures could not hold their tears anymore.
A puny man pushed a red cart in the tide
Down a darkling, narrow street in Salammbô.*
He mumbled to the waves on his way to the market
As he gasped behind his laden chariot.

His merkabah bore many a lost things
Which he had found buried in the quicksand.
Among them a fountain pen and a helmet,
A pair of eyeglasses, and a trumpet.
I wondered, gazing at the old man’s washed face:
"Will this worn-out scene ever reach the marketplace?"
© LazharBouazzi
*Salammbô is a neighborhood in Carthage, TUN.
 Mar 2017
Jonathan Witte
We gathered our water
and packs at daybreak
to hike hand in hand
toward the distant ruin—
a tall stone chimney planted
on otherwise empty acreage,
a kudzu-covered tower,
the ghost of a farmhouse
now a home to field mice,
black beetles and bats,
with bricks the color
of weathered blood,
vertebrae stacked
a century and a half ago
by a stonemason’s craft,
still solid and bonded
despite the slow decay
of arthritic mortar.

How long have we
walked together?

The morning
is all we have
left to ponder.
We walk for hours;
the chimney grows
larger at our approach.
I want to ask you
a question about
the night we met,
what you said
just before I held
you for the first time,
but then I catch sight
of my hand and realize
I am walking alone,
moving inexorably
toward a ruination
of my own making.
How could I have been
so careless? Unable
to stop, every step
strips something away:
my hair thins and falls,
as white and weak
as sickled wiregrass;
another step and my
body atomizes into
the stuff of stars,
pollen scattered
on a rising wind.

So this is what it
feels like to decay.

By the time I reach
the ruin I am mostly
cinder and ash,
a sorry vestige
sown in a quiet field,
a forgotten landmark
that strangers will visit,
if only to contemplate
how the evening fog
spindles like smoke
along the enduring
column of my spine.
 Mar 2017
Lonely Poet
I’ll be sitting just before the shore
Watching the sky fading to blue
And all I can hear is the waves from the ocean
Maybe someday I’ll be there with you
Holding my hand and watch as the waves takes the sorrow away
Capturing smiles in my lips and stars in my eyes
Someday I’ll be there maybe alone
Enjoying my life and realizing it’s beauty
I’ll be calm and all will be
I’ll stay as long as it will
And I’ll hear the birds chirping , wind blowing, trees swaying
Just before I close my eyes
And maybe I’ll be there feeling as the wind carries my emotions
Witnessing the day changing into a magical night sky
I’ll be staring at it pointing my stars, counting them one by one
I’ll be cold and full but nothing’s going to stop me
I’d be happy and sad and no one can hold me back and for that moment
 Mar 2017
if you hoovered the world out
of people and only the good hearts
were left along the baseboards

the sun shined only on good hearted
ones, the rain cleansed the soil,
of all their detritus

the rainbow's end would alight
on you and prove you are golden
days would be parties

then the stars would get in alignment
shooting comets for you
only, as signs

that you are a good heart
and that the world needs more
just like you!
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