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 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
I spoke to you in poetry &
Left real words unsaid
My art was fiction &
Heart was true

What was it worth?

You never read them &
I never sent them to you
I just said I loved you &
Left it at that
//On her//

I so wonder how many times I will write about this girl.
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
i'm just a small boy staring at a dead tree in the rain
looking up
wondering why love won't grow
//on love and her//
 Aug 2019
Christina S
Poetry is a part of my heart
I dare say a part of my being
Without the release of emotion
there is nothing else so freeing

It's not just words arranged
No, its more than that I say
It's emotion and experience together
In a mesmerizing mental display

I've always written so personally
about my life and details, that's true
but I think that for me, poetry is
a culmination of feelings I can't undo

Words are born on a blank page
and my pen dances to the song of my soul
Unleashed and exposed, each word
forming stanzas until I feel whole
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
There is a stick in my throat
Emotions I cannot *****
Slice my chest open
Pull them out
Untangle it all
OCD has its uses
I get stuck
So I leave them out
To air dry
To suffocate slowly
Til I feel nothing
//On anxiety//
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
I'm in love, I'm in lust, I'm in danger, I'm endangered
I want to take your breath away
And I wanna take my own away too
Did you catch that saying?
I live for love and don't want to live anymore
That's insane

It's a contradiction between contrasted conflicts that pulls my emotions to apathy when I want to care

I'd give everything to give everything again, but I gave it once and have nothing left but memories of when you left, so turn left while I turn right and imagine a world where I make things right by writing it all out

Then I'll run out of words to say that I love you still even when my heart is still and I've moved to the great beyond
Beyond hopes and dreams and heartache and pain
Darling this isn't a game but we played it all the same, & the smile of yours that used to greet me now grieves me

You can't hear my voice read this but you still hear the desperation; I'm depressed and don't know what to do when I only knew of you; it doesn't matter, since this matter will one day turn to dust and ash
//On her and life//
 Aug 2019
South by Southwest
(will be red instead of green holding up an AR-15 instead of a torch)

Give me your bloodied
Your poor dead souls
Your huddled masses
Crouching in fear
On the concentration Camp's floor
Become someone's
Wretched refuge teeming
By the score
Send these now to me the Homeless
Bullet riddled  bodies lying on the floor
I lift up my spotlight
To see the young and the Old lying in the door
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
Maybe I miss the late nights of flesh interwoven
sheets cast aside and candlelit silhouettes
Baby I miss the peace found between kisses
placed on the nape of your neck
Crazy that this blue flame misses your
Red fire and riding rhythm
Vainly I miss watching those hips walk away
But it's a sight I'll never trade
//On lust and love//
 Aug 2019
Why would I hate you
A heart's allowed to grieve
I would forgive you
Throughout time
And in-between!
Some of us recover
Even overcome
You were once as close
As Jesus to the sun
I sill love you
And now it's said and done.
Traveler Tim
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
Slow shadows
Growing grey
On the inside
Washed out
Feelings I hold
Write it out
On the walls
Missing piece
Nobody gets this
But me
//On sudden depression//
 Jul 2019
Hadrian Veska
Moss and speckled stone
In a place that I had known
Wrinkled fruit upon the trees
On our elbows and our knees
of the leaves and sticks below
As it does when sun sinks low
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