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 Apr 2017
Valsa George
Rain beats down on the window pane
As the flood gates of Heaven suddenly open
It is pouring out in torrential flow
Like a Reservoir, all at once, broken

It has come down as a welcome respite
To fan away the humid sweltering heat
It falls in drops and flows in rivulets
Washing the dust of summer drought

With a sudden burst from the weight laden clouds
It lashes down in steam and fury
Plummeting to form ripples in puddles
And filling pools and ponds in hurry

In slanting sheets, it almost pounds
Flooding roads and making puddle
Gushing through pipes and rushing down drains
Water floods, causing men to waddle

Rain has its abode in heavens so high
And hides behind clouds of mournful gloom
In silver strings, it spans the Earth
And cleanses the plants in resplendent gleam

Sudden is the wind, coming to shoo away the clouds
And the sky is once more cerulean blue
As the music stops and the humdrum stills
The water seeps, giving no evident clue.

After an angry couple’s furious fight,
As the house goes back to an uncanny calm,
The rain has vanished, leaving little trace
Cooling the Earth and causing no harm
Sorry friends....... there is a problem with my site ! My computer goes so slow when it comes to Hello poetry. So I am not in a position to post comments or respond to comments. I shall do it when my computer becomes better. Thanks for reading and commenting! After a long gap, only today I got the option... 'Add' a poem!
 Apr 2017
If I were a watch man
I'd grab the moon and
put it in my pocket, man
take it out every now and then
and ask him O moon
is it time yet to give up
the ghost of my past loves
whose paths I've long crossed
lost and missed my chance
since the crows have danced
and left tracks with their feet
cut deep into my cheekbones
but I've never owned a watch
it's true (believe it or not)
or cared to know the time
and the moon looks just fine
shining up there in the sky
such a scene to be seen
instead of stuck in a pocket
of my old gray faded jeans.
It's true. I'm not a watch man.  The Sun, the Moon, and my growling stomach tell me all I need to know.
 Feb 2017
for John, it came with
the raucous roar of crowds when he scored
the winning touchdown; for Willie,
when he drove in the final run

for Paul, it came when he charged
a *** bunker on a chunk of rock from hell
he heard no applause--only the rat-tat-tat
of the gun that mowed him down

for Anna, it came with no
sound and fury; only a gentle thank you kiss
from her girl who told her she had been
the best mother in the world

for Rafael, his final hurrah was humble:
a smile from the lady who handed him his last check
after he mopped his last floor, cleaned his final
porcelain bowl, after a patient half century

for me, I don't know when it will be...
perhaps it occurred long ago, in an arena
or on a field I didn't recognize as a place of honor
or perchance tomorrow, when I learn to die
 Feb 2017
Ramin Ara
 Feb 2017
Feast at my death
Lament thee not, at my passing
For I am but a vapor
A winter's breath,
Upon the lips of love
 Feb 2017
Seher Seven
the way in which your image
itself upon the matter that makes stuff up.
the colors I see.
the texture my skin is
made to be touched by.

how your image is seen time again,
how I end up spending my days
watching your images.
all of them.
they all inspire my voyage.
my message.
each light beaming source.

I just want to touch it all.
ultimate desire is to merge.
as the moon approaches her turn,
I begin to feel quite fluid.
 Feb 2017
Most corrupt people
are already rich,
their hunger is much
harder to satisfy.


© 2013

I believed in Karma
But often times I think many powerful people has avoid it
By merely starving the hungry.
Karma is good, yet it takes time, longer or shorter it may seems…
It always starts in small doses.
 Dec 2016
brandon nagley
Amiss am I, awry I be, with thought's not of this sphere, O' how I thinkest of the real me. The real me with none dermis, the reality of none colored blood. I'm katharí psychí;
Of the empyrean love.

Wherein the substance and materials aren't bought, nor sold; I'm sick of the greed, the wantonness, that makes monsters out of men.

I've experienced wantonness, though verily it doesn't please me, I've tasted Lust's, and lust conceives sin;
Sin leadeth to death.

Lord Almighty, protect me from the demon's that never rest, nor do they sleep;

They art witty, unforgiving, they make men's heart's their places to eat and invest.

Renew me Yahweh in this mortal stress, keep mine eye's on thee; O'
Mighty king.

Free me of mine burdens;
And mine restlessness.

Let thine light,
Overshadow me.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
Amiss- not as things should be( in other words"out of place".
awry -crooked, out of proper order (pronounced 'a-wry')
None- means ( no) old form.
Dermis-the skin.
katharí psychí- means ( pure love) Greek dialect.
empyrean-belonging to or deriving from heaven.
Thinkest- second form of (think).
Wherein- in which.
wantonness-always being in want. Wanting everything, yet never wanting to give anything to anyone'.
Verily'- truly.
Leadeth- leads.
Witty- showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor..
Yahweh'+ God's name in Hebrew.
Mine- my.
 Dec 2016
phil roberts
A simple man is what I am
I went to no university
Or college of theology
And no doubt that's why I'm confused

It occurs to me, when we see
Leaders and generals of all countries and creeds
Celebrate their victories with smiling pride
Shouldn't they be weeping with shame
For all the innocents who've died?

They all believe that their god is on their side
And quite often, the same god at that
All down the ages, our venerable sages
Have killed, tortured and oppressed each other
In the name of the wishes of god

Now I'm just an ignorant sinner
So can someone please explain
What kind of god do these people believe in
That needs the destruction of his own creations
And all in his holy name?

                                                          ­­  By Phil Roberts
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