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 Mar 2016
Tafuta Atarashī
They fell in odd love.
But inexperienced man that he was,
She was simply too much
woman for him to handle.
She was well seasoned enough
And so she taught him how, and when
to be tough, sweet, rough,
when and how to be
 Mar 2016
Cocoa. My mom's whole world. Her pride and joy. She's in real trouble folks. Last night she consumed over an ounce of dark chocolate. She also got into chicken bones. She needs divine intervention. We can't afford to take her to the veterinarian again. All prayers and good thoughts are appreciated. I am weeping. She's an important member of our family. She may only be a dog. The she is as important to God has anyone else. And my mother would be devastated by her loss.

I may not be able to read this morning. I'm going to be in My Sanctuary on the front porch praying. I'm not going to church because my job now is to watch after the dog. She is a beautiful little animal. A deer head chihuahua. The original breed of that dog. She was the companion animal to the Toltec. Very rare because she is also a brindle brown. I saved her from an abusive puppy mill ******* and raised her all on my own. I love her. I have no children. She's my baby. Please help. Thank you.

PLEASE REPOST THIS SO OTHERS SEE IT! I don't care about stats. But Cocoa needs all the good thoughts and prayers she can get! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Catherine :')
Update: Coco has recovered! She is actually doing very well now. She is no longer in the woods!

Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers... They worked wonders!
 Mar 2016
SG Holter
For Helene.

Ashes on the water, now.
Love's bones like dust downstream.  
At least it got to see itself in our eyes,
Feel itself between hand holding hand

And whispered caresses.
From pillow talk to fists raised at
Concerts, glasses of Portuguese wine
On her balcony to the sound of magpies

We named our neighbours.
We were beautiful.
Began beautifully.
Ended gracefully.

I open hands that held hers and see
Nothing but skin worn by labour,
And air.
Ashes on the water, now.

Embers without a chance against rivers  
Cold with melted mountain snow and
Unyielding differences.
Some loves drown with lungs too full

To cry; others float like a funeral-pyre-
Longboat into the night, ablaze.
King and queen, hand upon hand.
Crowns tied from fresh flowers,

We were beautiful.
Began beautifully.
Slid apart the way a glacier parts from
The hills; slowly, but with the force

Of its thousands of tons.
Ashes on the water,
Where the ghost of our union rests
Underneath the surface of our memories.

I will remember you.
Until the stars burn out, raining the
Dust of themselves like snow upon
These waters that always are moving.
 Mar 2016
strawberry fields
letting loose old chains
you and your wry laughter
defeated by the day old machines
of life and their constant clogging

time's hands tear into spring
nail first, peeling off the light constricting canopy
twisting barbwire off delicate skin
strangling you on a couch from hell

wake up to the smell of bourbon
and dead roses - so pretty
your lashes creating the shadows
on your gaunt cheekbones,
and your name is Soul
i struggle a ton with full length poems but thank you all for reading

edit: thank you, sexywiggle, for lighting this poem up
 Feb 2016
James Ellis
Breakfast, coffee, cigarettes
"Hello, how are you doing today?"
Scan errors, frustration, metric conversions
"I need 4 loads of steel"
Create order, print bills, distribute
"I'm ready to eat"
Big Mac, large fries, Coca-Cola
"Half way done..."
Measurements, storage, handling
"Two more loads of steel"
Create orders, print bills, distribute
"**** I need a drink"
 Feb 2016
phil roberts
My friends abroad think I'm peculiarly English
My English friends think I'm peculiarly northern
My northern friends just think I'm peculiar
But at least I've got friends

                                                     By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2016
I dug a hole
Inch by inch
Foot by foot
Becoming miles
I dug a hole
Aching back
And ***** hands
From how I got here

I look up
From the bottom of a pit
And know that I'm to blame
I dug a hole

I never really had control
 Feb 2016
Julie Langlais
A bubble appears
Small and smooth
Hued in pink and blue
Our instinct is to pop
Amused by its bursting
It will explode as it lands softly to the ground.
Why not let it be?
Admire it's beauty
Floating in purity.
Clear and delicate
A free spirit
Until it hits the ground
It vanishes

© Jl 2016
I was taking a shower one morning, and saw this bubble floating. My initial instinct was to pop it, then realized... Why?
I pondered about cruelty, wars, destroying nature,  and how our human instinct to destroy still exist. But why?  Haven't we evolved from our hunter and gatherer days... Or have we?
 Feb 2016
Timothy Ward
lustful bow tenses  
war of lust or lust of war
mankind is groping
This is my first conscious attempt at a senryu after being inspired by several skilled writers on HP! I researched the format - it must be 5-7-5, 17 syllables, dark humor with a punch line at mankind! :) Always appreciate the feedback to improve.
 Feb 2016
Julie Langlais
Don't tell someone
"Time heals all wounds"
Instead, tell them
"Time gives you strength to live with your wounds"

© Jl 2016
Some wounds will always remain, accepting that gives you strength to move forward with your existing lacerations.
 Feb 2016
You are like a spider.
Hide in small places.
I got stuck in your web.
Leaves no traces.
As I try to escape.
I feel myself getting weaker.
Don't want to give in.
Into your poison of sin.
Secuded on soft satin.
Crawling under my skin.
The world feels
so much better.
As I'm writing you
this letter.
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