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 Mar 2017
Nishu Mathur
Within a poem I found little things -
The scent of earth, the summer of youth
Within it I found the comfort of words
A restful haven of solitude.
I found, too, the thorns that bleed
The world and life when the heart breaks
I saw the beast of wasted lands
And heard the fire of the cannonade.
And within a poem, I found art and soul
I felt the core and the residue
And with every thought shared
Each word written -
Within a poem, I found you.
 Mar 2017
I will always feel your presence
Through these quantum
Ethereal waves
These strings they bind
Through our time lines
Beyond the conscious states

Countless questions
Reasoning why
Staggeringly suspect
Those subtle lies

It seems quite complicated
Yet it's as simplistic as can be
Along came a wind of change
And blew two spirits free
Traveler Tim
Hay folks thanks for stopping by
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 Mar 2017
Samuel Fox
I can taste the kiss of last night’s rain,
its touch so gentle, as if my body
were a pond rippling from drizzle.

We humans have a language
we choose not to speak,
a brimming tower of gestures meaning

nothing, at least, until we say them.
Hands that float like foreign syllables,
twitching legs that jitter in time

to the anxiety of others’ conversations.
Posture can hold an argument of its own
the way it makes us sturdy as bronze.

In this darkness, I shake my silence
like a bad dream. I want to be honest.
I want to be a silver thread sown

into this patchwork quilt world. The rain
whispers yes. It says let me kiss you
so that your lips feel like they’re dancing.
 Mar 2017
One of the greatest gift
Bestowed upon us
Is emotional pain
To embrace it
Is to finally live again

Sweet pretty Sandy Brown
She introduced me
To my first heartache
It felt as if I would die
To numb the pain
Was my first mistake

One cold day
I embraced the pain within
Only then did the pain dull
Enough to move on
To live, love
And even lose again

Life can be a painful experience
There's no avoiding it
There's no other road to take
Only cliffs

No matter how safe
You think you are
It's pain that makes us
Who we really are
Traveler Tim

Life is pain
You just get use to it
 Mar 2017
Abigail Sedgwick
To throw someone a rope
inscribed with the words
time heals all wounds
is the cruelest of jokes.

The words wrap around us
like a time glass noose
strangling the chance of healing
as it pushes complacency
into our throats the same as
misplaced sentiments of sorrow
lodge under ours tears where
they cannot escape.

Time most certainly does not
heal all wounds.

On the contrary,
time is the biggest advocate
of learning to live
with the pain.
 Mar 2017
Dream as if you will live forever;
endeavor to rise from the ashes.

Live as if you'll die tomorrow;
devise a plan because there will be
an invariable end.

Tomorrow might rise...
and hell, the world will still be turning,
but tomorrow might not come...
and today was all I had.

I knew I tried my best
and dreamed as if I'd live forever.
and lived as if I'd die tomorrow.
 Mar 2017
William Cowper
My former hopes are fled,
My terror now begins;
I feel, alas! that I am dead
In trespasses and sins.

Ah, whither shall I fly?
I hear the thunder roar;
The Law proclaims Destruction nigh,
And Vengeance at the door.

When I review my ways,
I dread impending doom:
But sure a friendly whisper says,
"Flee from the wrath to come."

I see, or think I see,
A glimmering from afar;
A beam of day, that shines for me,
To save me from despair.

Forerunner of the sun,
It marks the pilgrim's way;
I'll gaze upon it while I run,
And watch the rising day.
 Mar 2017
Kurt Philip Behm
I want to die
in the winter,
—when it’s cold

With the reality
of being alive, stronger,
—than all fantasy of being

Where branches
break crisply,
—like a soul in decision

And the wind carrying away
on its distance,
—all strength and pain

I want to die
in the winter,
—when its cold

(Chicago Illinois: July, 1977)
 Mar 2017
Kurt Philip Behm
I’ve written now a thousand Poems,
  in search of just that one

Each word to slay the demon time,
  each phrase my soul undone

I’ve come so close a hundred nights,
   to see but not to touch

Then left to limp between the lines,
 —their failure now my crutch

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
 Mar 2017
This Empty Space
look at me.
i am afraid to see,
if i am me.
two worlds,
i see.
two minds,
in me.
yet none of them,
are true to me.
i am afraid of me.
am i  me?
only time will tell.
i'll be free.
my twisted mind
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