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 Oct 2016
dancing on the sands of agony
to the saddest song of apathy
standing behind tactical amnesty
with no chance because we lack capacity

we can't advance in fantasy
in rampant mankind's laxity
this land is ****** by strategy
a lack of sanity and demanded voracity

a stance of disbanding amity
we enhance the mass audacity
with plans deteriorating rapidly
we only last for a chance at catastrophe
i worked with the short "a" vowel sound
 Oct 2016
brandon nagley
Avaunt, avaunt, I want to be,
Betwixt thy kiss, where
Ocean's roar; as
Studded door's
Open to the
Love I need.

An aye from thou
An aye from me;
I needeth mine
Filipino queen.

Thro the sorrow Jane
I'll be waiting, thro
The morrow; this
Heart will be racing.

Pumping each second,
Awaiting thy touch;
Craving thy face,
O' the yearning
Is much.

Time is so slow
When we art
Many sea's

But I'll get
To thee
The morrow----------if not the morrow;

I'll try again another day.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( agapi mou) dedicated
Avaunt- away.
Aye- yes.
Thou, also thee- means(you).
Mine- my.
Needeth- need.
Thro- means (through )archaic wise.
Morrow- next day, tomorrow.
Betwixt- between.
 Oct 2016
If this tree
should ever come to fall

Let its gnarly limbs
point up to heaven

If its heart
should ever come to a stall

Let it die
with errors pardoned
and sins forgiven
 Oct 2016
South by Southwest
Where once the rows of corn grew
Now grow rows of fast food joints
Minimum wage factories
were underprivileged kids line up in
rows with no other ability

I used to go to the river
to row my worries away
Now I get up on plane
and set down
before I can change my mind .

The county went bankrupt
They stole billions of the people's money
Now they line up at the
unemployment line
row after row

Section C , row 24
Right behind the concrete column
Waited for this concert
But hey
It's just the way it goes

Day after day
row upon row
 Oct 2016
Tanisha Jackland
I wear my skin as a test,
that god is my witness to
how you treat me.

I wear it like a cross.
my crucifixion though
I could save the world.

I am the secret
of the night come
risen from its womb.

Ordained by the Sun,
My skin is a test and
I am warm inside like you.
 Oct 2016
William Shakespeare
Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul
Of the wide world, dreaming on things to come
Can yet the lease of my true love control,
Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom.
The mortal moon hath her eclipse endured,
And the sad augurs mock their own presage;
Incertainties now crown themselves assured,
And peace proclaims olives of endless age.
Now with the drops of this most balmy time
My love looks fresh, and Death to me subscribes,
Since spite of him I’ll live in this poor rhyme,
While he insults o’er dull and speechless tribes;
    And thou in this shalt find thy monument,
    When tyrants’ crests and tombs of brass are spent.
 Oct 2016
solely engrossed, slow to emotions
prone to be a soul that is broken
lowly focus, frozen devotion
vocal notions erode when unspoken

(doing fine, i lie with a smile
while i fight my own quiet trial
i clear my head, i'm alright for a while
a mind that is clear is a mind in denial)

goal, avoidance of a throat opened
my vocal notions will go unspoken
choking on the voices stolen
prone to be a soul that is broken
I was ready to quit this site, but all the support that I have received while I wasn't even active has changed my mind. Thanks to all who have read my writing. Hugs to you all!
 Oct 2016
Eve Griffin
A crazy feeling,
Comes with pain,
Beautiful In its own way,
Never thought I'd experience it,
Till I found you.
 Oct 2016
The melody of the strings of life*
a substitution for the institution
take my arm, let it reach a far
in creativity and sensitivity
beats bouncing the zombies
from the graves of impotency
created by mundane manipulation
mutilations of the happiness we long
as we capture the tides of everyday

The harmony of the universal love
screaming with a tantalizing mission
a remission from the decay of the society
sugar coated with lengthy dices of lies
then iced with laces of illusionary secretions
tis' me who embrace the skin you wear
as we seek a new phase of revolution
solutions that are delusional and waking
*rising through ever dense curved valley
For HP Dystopia .... my utopia. Thanks for reaching to me, you lifted my soul and spirit intensively. You have seriously mused me in a deep way ;-)

My utopia is very talented.... check out the lovely pen on

Thanks for the new mantra my utopia
" I never going to kneel no way.......I got my own to truth to swallow,  I have got my own path to follow,I won't be manipulated, mind controlled and inundated, I will seek the revelation, make my life a celebration,  I will be the change I am seeking, manifest the word I am speaking, I  refuse to be imprisoned, I will make my own decisions.... I will never be a pawn... I will never slave away"
 Oct 2016
Emily Dickinson

A Shade upon the mind there passes
As when on Noon
A Cloud the mighty Sun encloses

That some there be too numb to notice
Oh God
Why give if Thou must take away
The Loved?
 Oct 2016
Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense—
To a discerning Eye—
Much Sense—the starkest Madness—
’Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail—
Assent—and you are sane—
Demur—you’re straightway dangerous—
And handled with a Chain—
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