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i  fell on love today .

the dress all ripped and ******.

some hedges are higher than others. i wrote so.

a thing so private, so intense .

simple , complex. no one will see it.

bed gown .

 Oct 2016
Bertoli sang, embodied us
together, propped on melodrama wall
our bodies pressed in blissful score
exchanged in staring eyes
draws lips to ever closer pitch
as music walked on air
that carried us away
into world no one exist
emotions at full play
To say that love was present there
falls short of what we felt
as ever fiber of our being
left word and meaning melt

 Oct 2016
Jude kyrie
If ever I had a daughter.
I would take her to see a
Wonder woman movie.
And after we watched her
Fly from saving one person
after the other and right all wtongs.

I would tell her that is
not who you are.
You are a Woman that wonders.
Not the saving angel of all lost causes.
You can outstretch your upturned palms.
And catch the sun rays if love
And the bitter rains of loss in your hands.
And you can weep
And it's ok to carry on.
To forgive and forget

To live with what is left
It's called resilience
Its what a spring
from the hardware store does.
When you pull it until
It almost snaps .
but when you let go of it.
It goes back to its original shape.

Life's going to stretch you too honey.
So much at times you too will feel
I am going to snap.
But take a step back my sweetie
And let go of it.
You too will return
to your original shape.

And if love comes calling
You can grasp it with both hands.
And embrace it until it cries out.
It's ok you can do that.

And if it moves on
and leaves you devastated
It's ok to cry at its loss.
To be sad at its leaving you.

But you will go back
to who you are honey.
Return to your own shape.
I know this
and I promise you.

Except you will have
seen something
Something extraordinary
you will know
When you see it again .
For sure you will.

You have seen love
At its very best.
And you will recognise it
right away when you find it again.
you will grasp it with
your beautiful heart.
And say I know you
Your beautiful
You are love.
I had two sons who I love dearly
But a daughter would have been nice as well
fell in love in your sleep?

the man wanted to work.

elijah & the widow, £9.99 each.

 Oct 2016
Mysidian Bard
And though she was blind
Her eyes shined with inner light
And love beyond words
I met a blind woman today and when she looked into my eyes I saw something incredibly profound that I still cannot explain. This haiku is my best attempt to put that feeling into words.
 Oct 2016
Mysidian Bard
I've seen the people
They have tombstones in their eyes
Dying to get high
 Oct 2016
Of all the places
she sought to hide
She only found one
safe place inside
in dancing images
where the poetry
 Oct 2016
Ryder McEntyre
Two hearts
In chains


The audacity of a love
To enchain in servitude
Hapless abandon, simple
Bonds, release me once,
Retain me twice, forgo
Familiar and seek only
What you cannot keep
Under flashlight blankets.
You'll be happy now.


My reluctance for woe
In a broken beat aligned
With shared malevolence
Above a degree of interest
Served under heat lamp
And wrapped inside my
Own lack of ****** security
While youthful lies quintessence
Burn as match stroke. Meanwhile

In chains,
Two hearts

Relent to a subtraction
Of fear for fear of fearing
Again. While you grabbed
My hands and I left stale,
My crackling skin reflects
A danger you can't hold,
Curses you never asked
For, beliefs beyond years,
But before us both boldly
Belies a simple question:


Does a closeness make?

This time I'll keep an eye out
For lessons learned, with the
Worst things I ever felt.
And now it's been so long,
I wish could think clearly,
But I messed things up.

And I broke my heart.
I have almost
given up
so many times,
as I always
put everything else
above my own.

this time,
when I took my pen out
from its resting place,
I made it a promise:
Never again will I leave it alone!

~ I Promise, till death do us part!

By Lady R.F ©2016
oh no, do not worry.

they do not cremate



they are dead.

it belongs to three people i think,

or is that imagination.

anyway she says sometimes they have

birds of prey at the cathedral which

escape and **** the pigeons on their

roof. that is why although it is all

now exposed due to damp, it will be


blood drips.

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