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 Dec 2015
I wonder
If under different circumstances
Am I gonna feel
A little different too
Or am I really just destined to constantly feel this way?
Eternally sad and isolated?
 Dec 2015
Maybe I just don't have the power to extract loneliness from my being

Maybe loneliness is part of my soul

*Maybe loneliness is me
 Dec 2015
Victoria Jennings
She felt the tears slide down her cheek
She has lost so much
She has felt too much
She is not beautiful
She is crying because of you
Because somehow she let herself repeat her mistakes
Because each day she hopes
For so much more
Because she is greedy in wanting you
In wanting to love you
In loving you
She gathers these feelings
But sometimes
When you say something
Ridiculous or silly
She laughs
And whispers how she loves you
How did the sun ever shine
Before she met you
How did she ever smile
Because now they feel more genuine than ever
She hates herself for loving you
But she loves you
Maybe you know
Maybe you don't
But she can never say it to you
She can never risk losing you.
She has already lost too much
 Dec 2015
dear dan
you gave up.
i don't know if words can bring you back.
probably not.
i don't even know if you're really gone.
i miss you.
i'm sorry i couldn't stop you
i'm sorry i couldn't save you
i'm sorry i couldn't show you
how much you mean to us.

i can't bring you back.
it's like you stood on the edge and
my rope just wasn't long enough.

i'm so so sorry.
and i won't forget you.
 Dec 2015
I’ve got cracks on the inside
From heartbreak
That shook me like an earthquake.
Every freckle you’ve kissed
Burns in the sunlight.
Sometimes storm clouds
Roll into the horizons of my eyes
And pour.
You planted flowers in my skull
And they used to bloom
When I thought of you,
But they must have been annuals
Because they died this fall.
And despite my best efforts,
They won’t come back.
 Dec 2015
you were always so inconsistent:
one moment, a rock to cling to -
the next, a crumbling cliff.
I sought a sturdy grip
but my fingers slipped all over you.
you never did have a stable foundation,
perhaps that is why you fell apart on me.
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