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 Jun 2016
Keith Wilson
Saw  a  obituary  in  the  newspaper
of  a  long  lost  friend.

I,t  hit  me  off  the  page.
Like  an  arrow  through  my  heart.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK  2016.
Serendipitously there she was
Peeking just around the corner,
From behind the moon;
Breathing softly, but


But softly breathing;
The moon behind, from
The corner around just peeking;
Was she there serendipitously?

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward.
It was coined by the English playwright Ben Johnson in the 17th century from the Greek roots palin ("again") and dromos
("way, direction")
A few months I haven't called him

At the beck and call at any hour
And the shortest notice
A dial to him has saved many an emergency

Last night a broken female voice
On the other side of the wire
Mumbled he died on May 13

Left her with three daughters
At forty at short notice

The plumber is dead

Now who would clear
My choked wash basin

The plumber is dead
And I've no other number to call

I couldn't see her face
Gauge the faceless sorrow
At the other side of the wire

The plumber is dead

I must find another
And then rejoice
Forgetting the widow's choked voice
I had the best
The very best of everything
Everything I ever dreamt of
Not until there came a day
A day when clouds of hate
Like a thief in the silent night
Sailed athwart my wild blue yonder
Obliterated my beauteous rainbow
A rainbow which never ceased to stun
And in a blink of an eye
Scudded away with her
By Kikodinho Alexandros
17th June 2016
 Jun 2016
Persephone Springs
If I could go back and relive any moment
It would be the one where
We both thought that you loved me
It would be the one where you called me beautiful
It would be before the scars on my arms

If I could go back
I would go back to that empty house
The one on Bishop
I would go back to that garden where we made love for the first time
I would go back to when we both believed
That there was love to make

If I could go back
I would go back
I would fix the broken windows of our relationship
I would love you until you learned to love me

We should go back.
 Jun 2016
David Ehrgott
Carolyn Sara Echo Bonnie
Helena Su'ze and Faridi
All my babies cry and tease me
All you had to do, drop them then please me
Who knew that hawks could fly at night
Fell off my bike, retired for life
Greenbriar boys will try to tell ya
"I ain't tryin' to gaslight no one fella"
Hey all my girlfriends round and rounder
I'm so glad I grabbed and found her
Here we go, here we go, Big Blue Diamond
Telling everybody I'm one loose cannon
Choo-Choo  Choo-Choo  long train running
Look at that ******, he's still gunning
Rich man, Rich man, overpaid me
******* off ****** going to save me?
Carolyn Sara Echo Bonnie
Helena Suze and Faridi
 Jun 2016
Denel Kessler
the devil does not roam
these blackened rooms
his is not the voice
that booms
and screams
from stage
to wall
in joyous tongues
recounts the fall
then rise to grace
the pulse
of life
that loves
not hates
music flows
from heart to mouth
letting all the demons out
here acceptance
blooms again
and we remember
we are kin
My daughter and I go often to a small club called El Corazón (the heart) to watch the alternative post-******* metal bands she loves. It's a beautiful thing to witness how these young bands and their fans treat each other with such love and respect.  After the attacks on venues in Paris and Orlando, it's not hard to imagine evil walking through the doors of this place.  From my heart to those who have lost loved ones to violence.
 Jun 2016
Forget me not
when my soul will go to sleep,
when my lungs will stop breathing
and my ashes will disappear in the wind,
when my eyes will shut,
my colours will fade to grey
and my words will quietly remain
behind my cold lips,
forget me not
when my time will come to go to the unknown world
when my legs will stop walking
and my heart will stop pumping
when my arms won't have the power
to hold you closely,
when I will be living only in the past tense,
in lost whispers
and fading memories
forget me not
forget me not
I'll still be here
I'll still be here
to kiss your heart.
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