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 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
O' to thee this heart belongeth, to thee I layeth down all; exposed, unclothed, in spiritual configuration I'm raw. O' tis with thee I standeth tall, in sainthood hall's, erstwhile ripped and mauled; now reincarnated by thine enchanting call. I'm glorified, in thy eye's I taketh a dive; and splash. Inside thine dusky vision's I've found riches, wealth, a stash. A hideaway, wherein I'm faraway on cumuli of better day's, wherein ourn bodies sway, until were old and gray, and we reawake into eternal life. Husband and wife, to where all is right, and we art protected in the almighty author's finger's. A poetess Reyna as thee, and me as thine poet, and singer. Amour' bringer's, jotting dimple's as minstrel's atop holy church steeple's. Welcomed in by conglomerate people's; as we hold eachother's hand's, locking finger's to starlit showers. Tis we hold the key's to intimate and infinite hour's. We passeth the time by rhyme's of divine flower's that canst shimmer on a dime's notice. Unbound as a lotus; opening up ourn feather's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose ) dedication
erstwhile means aforetime also means - before or in the past.
Cumuli means many clouds...
Wherein means - in which...
A minstrel is-
a medieval singer or musician, especially one who sang or recited lyric or heroic poetry to a musical accompaniment for the nobility.
( except we aren't singing for no nobility. Me and her love is nobility. We don't need to sing for nobility lol..
conglomerate means- distinct mixture of things ..... All distinct and different from another yet all together at same time other words..
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

From the soot
I shalt awake;
In mine arm's
Love do take,
Queen, mine
Home, mine
Night and day;
Mine trove of
Treasure, to
Thee I stay.


In the aqua
Dip mine head;
Living nomad's
Oriental home-
Stead. Taking
Breath's, blowing
Out heat, touching
Toe's, united feet.
From below, thence
The deep, in thy tress,
I wrap around, once unheard,
Now thou hath heard mine sound's.
From the crypt, where I was buried, I cried out loud,
In painful worries; mine ghost scurried, to and fro, then I saweth
Thee; mine Jane, mine own. Thus then was saved, from the foul devil's, I was rescued, brought to thine refined level.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
I'm the blood
Inside her vein's;
In love, O' love,
Madly insane.
Pouring down
Like sensual rain;
I'm the blood
Inside her vein's.
I feedeth her heart
Into her soul,
I enter in silver
She cometh out
Gold; I'm the blood
Inside her vein's,
Inside her mouth
I swirl again, tis
I'm the love inside
Her head, I enter
On in, angelic
sentient; tis
I'm the spirit
Inside her chalice,
She drinketh me, over-
Taketh me by her
Asian palace: im the
Blood inside her vein's,
I'm vital, I'm living,
Once again; I'm the king
Inside her dream's, inside her chamber, tis do I sleep.
I'm the blood inside her vein's, and O' how sweet doth her plasma taste. Tis I'm the blood inside her vein's........

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Sacred art ourn vow's, forever I wilt be thine cloud,
To soak the rainstorm's up when they cometh;
I wilt forevermore be thine hari,
We shalt maketh a distant story,
On the patience we do hath.


We shalt showeth ourn children
The merriment of ourn smile's;
Being parent's of better style;
Freedom paint's us as the wild,
Godly carved into the rock's.


Husband and wife
Connecting bones,
Ourn abode, just
One stone's throw;
A castle of kingdom's,
With a yellow rose;
Laughter echoes, ourn
Warming nose, touching
As primal kitten's.


History remembered,
Amour' notes written;
Jewel's around thine neck,
Tenderness, with full respects,
Thanksgiving given,
Alive, once dead
Blossom's risen,
From ourn tomb's,
We serenade in-
tranquil invention,
Didst I mention?
This troth is infinite;
Surely soon, mine queen
Of soothe, we shalt meet-
In a Heavensent.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose dedicated)
Hari means king in Filipino
troth - archaicformal
faith or loyalty when pledged in a solemn agreement or undertaking.
Also means archaic for truth!!!
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Thou alway's
Thou art not enough;


Thou alway's sayest
Thou doth
Not do much;


Thou alway's
I couldst do better.


Hush mine love
Thou art good enough;
To thee, mine queen,
This is thy love letter.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Gyrating on the foam of love,
Ancient aisle's of white;
Passageway's, of midday
Blaze, mine queen and I
Art high in flight; we shalt
Maketh amour', in unknown
Door's, we entereth on inside;
We connect, on glory's speck,
In chariot's we blossom, on
Twilight rise;


Dancing gypsies, united eye's,
Cloud's with sun, rainbow shine.
Perfect harmony, O' wondrous
Heaven, she's the half of me, the
All of me, the number of God's
Daughter, the number seven;


Fulfilled I am, pleased the more-
With mine Reyna, O' Jane, O' Jane,
Mi-amour', I'll taketh that journey,
To thine Asian shore's, with a bed
Of silk, with gate's as door's; with
Pearl's that shineth, and rubies
the more- friendship, soulmateism,
On prism's that evince, who careth
Of the world mine lass, or whether
Their convinced; we shalt leaveth
Print's, of ourn hand's and feet,
They shalt discover ourn love,
In a treasure map keep. And
Whilst the globe sleepeth, we
Shalt be making amare; as newborn's
In a thunderstorm, the rain of passion
Strokes ourn hair.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Gyrating means like swirling around- like when dancing...
soulmateism - really isn't a word lol though seen on Google some use it as like a hash tag thing, im making it mine own word. As meaning soulmateism meaning two soulmates uniting in their relationship (:::
evince means- reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling).
Or also be evident of, or to indicate...
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Atop her head, she weareth a crown
Tis, once was dead;
Though now alive, I've been found.


I was buried,
Verily; in the


I mourned
For age's;
In a coffin compound.


Though by the grace,
The mercy of mine


I was restored
Inside mine
Amour; once
a cadaver, now
I've entered a
Door, a door that
Bringeth life, love
and reflection. In
An upward flight;
I've been saved, by
Queen Jane's invitation.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Soaring, exploring,
Holding onto her


Glory O' glory
I'm inside her


On the third story
Inside of her

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Nov 2015
Earl Jane

♥                                       ........ooooooo........                                       ♥
oh                                     .......oooo.o.oooo.......                                    my
l­ove                               ......ooooo.O.ooooo......                               king
soulmate                       .......oooo.o.oooo.......                        husband
life is wonder-              ........ooooooo........                  ful with you
saccharine are your.             lips.bewitching are
your eyes. oh your face        ..oo..          are a heavenly .visage
in the amidst of my excru-     oo   ciation I have crowned you
with my love you are my chosen king that I have.enthroned
in my kingdom, my love shines all throughout like a gleami
-ng crown in a king's head, your silk cape falls down with glo-
ry, your glimmering presence fill the vicinity with peace and
exuberance, your smile an ornament in my heavenly realm, oh
how blissful I am to have you and yes you're my king and I am
..your queen and we will be together with God in everlasting..

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you a lot my king,, hope you like this ****** one,, i really don't know how to make it,, i just tried my best....

sorry for this... LOOOlll,,, really soo ******.. :/ that's my first concrete poem ever, loolll took so long to make and not even worth reading,,,, :/ gumenasai minna-san... (I have a poem with same title as this,, the thoughts are the same but the other one is just short,, :D still, this is ****** :/ no good )
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
This is a quick little quote I thought I should post by mine queen earl Jane..  Lol it's a funny thing she said I would like to post.. She make's me laugh hard with her comments sometimes. A very funny queen and always gives me the giggles...  This quote from her comes from s
he keeps telling me she wants to work out for me to quote " look good" though in actuality I told her to hush lol because she is already very beautiful, elegant, and **** beyond mine thought process and beyond mine comprehension.. She's completely perfect to me as is. Though she keeps insisting she works out to flatten her belly to look good for me!!!! Lol she is already a doll... I told her not to work out for me since she already look's godly stunning. I told her if she want's to work out to do it for her to feel good about herself and for her to be happy doing what she wants to do..  Here's her quote. And our convo.... Enjoy lol. Sunday night fun!!! (::

Jane-I better make my tummy smaller than making my voice bigger. Loolll.... I wasnt able to do the work out this morning. Am gonna do it tonight

Me- LOL, Queen u look wonderful. Just work out to be healthy and to feel good about yourself. Don't need to for me. U are already amazing looking to me. Duhhhh....

Jane-I will feel good if tummy is smaller and if i am beautiful. Loolll... Lool so i better do it. Haha.. Its exercise too. Duuuhhhhh......

Me- lol your funny you already look amazing woman!!! Hush! Or I'll ****!!!

Jane- I am not amazing looking... Since we will meet til i become engineer, i wanna look good those times.. Coz u might RUNAWAY if i dont do anything for myself. :( :(

Me- Jane, you already look good so hush! You are the most beautiful woman I've seen in mine life, And ONLY beautiful elegant apple of mine eye queen ever!

Jane- Thank you, but i wanna be better. Its not wrong to be better right??? Am not doing any lypo suction or adding silicone in my **** and *******!!! Looolll. I will just work out,be fit, toned, be better and be beautiful...Lool. Nothings wrong with that right?? Hahaha!

Me- lol silicone to **** LOL.... U are already amazingly looking! But if you wanna work out , go for it hahah!! Will make you happier hahaha!!!

Jane- Loooll am laughing alone here. Looll ....
Its better than putting CRAPS in my body right??!!! Dont wanna be a walking plastic. Looll

Me- LOL craps? should make a poem about that, called walking plastic... I should post that in HP seriously, quoted by you. Lolll!!!

Jane- Yeah you copy our conversation and paste there. Haha. It will be trending. Looll...

Chat goes on. Lol just gives me a laugh her line saying... Quote
(Its better than putting CRAPS in my body right??!!! Dont wanna be a walking plastic)
Also her quote: ( Am not doing any lypo suction or adding silicone in my **** and *******)

LOL I love you so much Jane Nagley!! You make me laugh so hard baby!!! I love you more...
Don't care if anyone reads this you said to post it so I did lol oh well... I love you moreeeeeeeee queen!!! Me more!!!

©Brandon Nagley \Earl Jane conversation on November 22nd,2015.....
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Coming out of the state of anabiosis, mine form was ripped and torn, mine adorn was battered and burned, I went through Hades whilst the pit of death's kiss shattered me in agowilt;


I was dying, in Hell's kilt; once a shape, now ***** in a pit of unsatisfactory demon's; roped, doped, bleeding.


The scaled creature's bit me, the ceiling's muck dripped me, whilst at mine ending breath's, a light shined forthward, a Filipino empress.


I was nothingness: a mess, molested, infected, by the realm of raven's nest's. That's when she thundered in, in Baro’t saya wonder; twas me who on the sea, on her lip's i swirled up-with Satan down under, mine tears hadst fluttered by like butterfly's; mine ghost awoke with Jane;


Twas, she was
Heaven on
Mine side;
She took me
For a ride,
Back to

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
agowilt- is sudden fear.. Fear!!! An archaic word now gone. .
anabiosis is- life after death. Or coming back to life from death.
Forthward- means forward in archaic form...
Baro’t saya means- the main dress for Filipino women. Or traditional...
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Daughter of God
Apple of heaven;
How saccharine
Thou art; mine
Rose of leaven.


Hallow, thou art;
Glistering child.
Thine strand's
Art dark; an
Onyx stone


Haunt mine mind,
Cometh on in; forget
Past time's, soulmate;
Best friend. Anew we
Hath become: where
brook's of spirit arriveth
By the sun.


None needing, nor want's
None falsehood here;
Or clown-like stunt's,
Just the purity
Of thine tender kiss.


So wish thine wish,
And dream thy dream's;
When thou shalt wakest
Up: thou shalt be staring
Into the eye's of thy king.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
Verily, she's heaven
Verily, she's earth;
Verily I was born
In her aloe and myrrh.

Verily, she's mine
Verily, I'm her's;
Verily, O' verily
She's mine amour'.

Verily, she's love
Verily, she's life
Verily, I telleth thee
She's mine Jane
Mine wife;

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated - Filipino rose
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