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 Nov 2015
Brooklynn Nights
butterflies and moths display their dust proudly and without apology
each speck of the stuff adds new facets of light and color
new dimensions of growth and repose
unlike the snail, these creatures do not carry their homes on their backs,
but rather their stories
a tear in the left wing in memory of rebirthing,
a blur of deep red for all the times that they bled,
and a streak of blue for each time they stayed true
such a short lifespan for a creature that reminds us humans
of the fragility, beauty, and fleeting nature of the life we are given
wearing scars like blue ribbons
and silently departing before we ever get the chance
to appreciate them and their elegant dance
 Nov 2015
I'm alone on an island in the middle of the sea.
I am under the impression that I can leave -
But to do so I must be able to see
And make another see me, to get across by boat
Or by plane, however it may.
A monster lurks in the shadowy depths.
It watches me, step by step,
All the while I plan along the shore,
Waiting for my chance to scream for help
Or hope there comes nothing more,
For I'm not sure I can stand my own company,
In my lonely, stranded, state,
I hold out hope that someone, maybe,
Can find a way to reach across,
Stretch through the fog,
And save me from my fate.
 Nov 2015
Dreams of Sepia
***** faced angels in leather
swinging off neon signs
inside my head
I wanna get on that highway
& drive to
the motel of lost hopes
retrieve my teenage dreams
with a broken bottle
get me to the USA
Californian beaches
Louisiana swamps
Beatnik bums
all the things
that have called to me
in my head
not like other little girls
I never played with dolls
always dreaming of playing with fire
on the long dusty road
spitting out ghost shrapnel of Iron curtain
barbed wire
& I got lost in a Berlin subway once
& dreamed
I was in New York
It's when you lose the possibility of fulfilling your dreams that you cling to them the most.
 Nov 2015
Charles Bukowski
I met a genius on the train
about 6 years old,
he sat beside me
and as the train
ran down along the coast
we came to the ocean
and then he looked at me
and said,
it's not pretty.

it was the first time I'd
 Oct 2015
A glint of midnight’s light catches a dagger
In crimson, he etched tales of wicked horror
Undertones of his usual demented swagger
Admissions, not of guilt, but rather of passion
Crimes rendered reality in gory fashion
Frantic strokes punctuate sobs of rage
Guilt sealed with blood from the blade
So that those evening massacres would never fade
 Oct 2015
Sally A Bayan
An empty coffee mug.....
Could evoke impending sadness
between you and the empty vessel,
are some private, reflective moments

It could mean,
it is time for you to stand up,    
away from the coffee table
and start your daily grind
face another day in your life...

An empty coffee mug
could lead to
the end of a long exhausting day
the end of a conversation
the end of a relationship :(

Coffee is gone,
lots of things have to be done
maybe, It is time to leave an old life
old beliefs, give away old clothes, old books
some goodbyes have to be said
to old friends gone...old self, and
to old pricking, stabbing pain...
move to another house, for a new life
new opportunities, new friends
new surroundings, await

Each season segues to the next
yellow-green, brown, fuschia pink
red-orange, purple, even aqua-blue
slowly, but surely, they all turn to gray
the lovely colors of Spring,
Summer and  Autumn,
become ashen...and die
but... after a while, they surely give way,
a springing of new life
could never be held at bay
out of the coffee shop
or maybe, outside your room...just stop,
it could be a stretch from your scope of view
you are faced with the birthing of everything new
there is sun shining
for sure.....a moon rising

An empty coffee mug
could mean,
the end of your break time
stop wallowing
quit postponing
focus back on work and
things to be prioritized
now is the to move on.....


Copyright September 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(inspired by a post on facebook...)
 Sep 2015


blue grey clouds
of crushed



embers of
delicate peach
ignite flames
of fuchsia

the orb of
sun burns colors
away to ashes

blown into floes
of white


tiny bird
settles restless
on the



the weathered stones
cries then whispers

the children
who lie within our ribs
to break free
and sing


wears her

sings to
her babes


(C) 9/13/2015
beautiful day rises up
out of the ashes
of a flaming


To a special friend...
... thank you!
 Sep 2015
Jacob Cuadro
Thank you for making this world confused,
Thought that badge was supposed to be a symbol to protect and serve,
Now I don’t even know what the hell to call you,
Justice is coming vengeance will happen for they will get what they deserve.

We got to stop this somehow of this police brutality,
How can we depend on the government and the law for any emergency?
Cause cops and government doesn’t have any humanity,
They just make thing worse and make a bigger tragedy.

They have a license to ****,
Doesn’t matter if your black, white, brown in the eyes of a cop,
To them it just all fun and thrills,
Seems to me like what's right or wrong we do we're all going to get shot.

Let the saliva goo stick and feel ashamed when I spit in your face,
There is proof of videos and stories that they don’t really care no matter how angry we get or just feel blue,
I always will be against them in my eyes they're a disgrace,
You can ignore it or hate the fact that this is mostly true.

**By Jacob Cuadro
 Sep 2015
Rhet Toombs
Make my heart stir once more

Furthering a silicon sickness

Unreachable this time

Sworn from these graces so long ago

An immense melody scarring reflections

This too will haunt our past

Speaking with bruised wrists

All roads home are now erased

Mountains yielding permanence

Emerging with gorgeous anticipation

Shed their fallen attempts

For your eyes are not green

They were born from the most ancient of moss

Wrapped in a dripping globular of starlit jade
 Sep 2015
kelvin mungai
full and half empty bottles of beer;
scattered broken glasses,
deranges the cracked brown hued floor
music gales from an old c.d changer
inebriated guzzler mumbles in incoherent murmur
denuded nubile cavorts merrily
their sleek oiled frame shimmering in the fuzzy light
ghoulish **** silhouette walks in fluid and sinuous manner
fog like smoke chokes the room
marijuana and cigarette smoke amalgamates
swirling up merged into an eternal marriage
heels clad trollops clatters in the room
swaying their assets provocatively
boozers gapes intently with hazy eyes
raising their neck in unison
they ogle at the lure with entranced lust
two vague humanoid shapes lurks in a corner
moans escaping in raspy staccato
musk,*****,drugs defines this room
besotted species lie on filthy squalid floor
vocalizing dirge melodies
lost in muddled blur
dancers prances up and down
crushing cans and glasses in spirited tempo
yelling their lungs out
as the music drown their voices and worries
deep in the gist of the city
irrational rants emanates from every angle
sundry light floods the clear night
as merry goers sip cheap and expensive liquor
sloven hookers milks cash from patrons
the night conceal this cresent of sins
everyone is on a business
the party continues
the music get more stentorian
[{chronicles of the dumb speaker}]
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