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 Mar 2017
Max Vale
I'm going on a break,
Somewhere far away.
Where the day never ends,
And the sun never sleeps.
Until then you'll have to let me go,
This is not the end, but a new hello.
Bye guys, i'm going on a hiatus.....
 Mar 2017
the lost girl
It's not important,
what I'm feeling
mind's full of sirens
but I'm healing
a bell still ringing
but I am leaving
to sail inside blues
as my raft's sinking
I'm looking for truce
for every piece of truth
but light's so far away
cause I murdered
my dreams today
without light
without hope
I'm going
through this road
in the eye of the storm...
 Mar 2017
Christopher Black
Every time I close my eyes
Memories like to **** me
My slumber is so dark
Nothing can awake me

Shadows fill the void..
A deep and empty well
And somewhere at the bottom
Rolling is Adele.
 Mar 2017
Gregory Dun Aer
There has been rain clouds
these past few days,
I've been allowed
to love for a long time,
Maybe i should drown
the problems alone,
maybe it's enough,
I have loved enough.
You clouded my trust
And now I know
that I have loved enough.

I hope you find all that you're looking for.
 Mar 2017
Alyssa De Marzo


Forcefully brave?

Since birth.


Beyond repair.
 Mar 2017
It is absolutely breath-taking..

how each of his exquisite poems sing..
a distinctive melody,
*how his mind works like magic...

sculpting the most incredible forms no one could.
Brilliance just shines through his woven pieces...
no words could really define how awe-inspiring his work is.
His meticulous sublime words...
uniquely create ingenious and flawless stanzas,

making each and every one of his craft...
out of this universe.

That is truly..
how gifted he is.
 Mar 2017
Lorraine Colon
The night watchman lights his lantern
From his balcony in the sky,
Shining his light on lovers each night,
And when they kiss, you'll hear him sigh

But tonight the moon is worried,
Frantic calls of anguish arise,
And as his light spills on darkened hills,
He starts searching with anxious eyes

The moon scatters beams north and south,
Fearing for the troubled lovers,
Feeling distressed, he looks east and west,
Then weeps for what he discovers

In the dark, a heart-wrenching scene ....
A woman,  alone with her tears,
And while she cries, the moon denies
The sad truth that her heart most fears

Her dearest love has gone missing,
He has not been heard from in weeks,
No word from him, her hope grows dim,
To her heart a fearful voice speaks

O, careless moon, what have you done,
She lost him when you looked away,
Slowly she dies, pain blurs her eyes,
What fate befell him, can you say?

Can you shed no light on her woe?
Please try, send her spirits flying!
He must be found soon, please, dear moon,
Little by little .....  she is dying
 Mar 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
Someone please take my pen
Teach me to become numb
I wouldn't need my ink
If I could stop caring for everyone

I don't want to want to write
I hate relying on cheap lined paper
Pain should be ugly
I was told life's a lady and
I should love her

Burn each of my notebooks
Rip out every page
Numb my every feeling
Put my heart back in his cage

I'll stay off the poetry sites
I'll be lost with not in words
Love will be beautiful again
And crows will be nothing but birds
Always be the reader
 Mar 2017
Eric W
Listen to the rain fall,
and, carefully,
unwrap the words that
sit in the air like
raindrops frozen in time,
move slowly,
move slowly into this,
there is no rush
greater than what can come
and, already,
what is.
The sparks of the worlds
in the words shared
the neurons
but slowly,
the lightening of the night sky,
and hours late
turns the mind aflame
with just a few
The thunderous clap of a
sharp wit and the ocean
blue that pours from
the sky
and into the
different subjects as
it is time, again,
to grow.
Upon re-reading this, I see that it seems to revolve around a topic that was only in the back of my mind when writing. I was actually writing about something else (it's up to you to figure out what) and only intended to interweave the (seemingly) primary subject intermittently, but that's not how it turned out. I suppose that's how it happens sometimes. In any case, thank you for reading!
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